Notifications: Information about projects I’m on

The following notifications alert you about activities happening in projects you’re working on.

For information about configuring which notifications you receive, see Modify your own email notifications.

See also Event notifications.


Fields included

*Daily digest fields only

Default status

A document is added to a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive an email notification when a document is added to the project, except for the user who added the document.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and the document is not Private.

The subject of the instant notification email is Document added to <Project Name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Document Reference Number
Name of the user who added the document
Document Name
Added On Date
Document Details (format, size, Version Number)
Document thumbnail
Preview and Download buttons
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Total number of documents added
*Document Name
*Name of the user who uploaded the document
*Date of daily digest

A milestone task is completed on a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive a notification when a milestone task on the project is completed. Notifications are not sent when a personal task is completed.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

The subject line is Complete: <Task Name> on <Project Name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Task Name
Project Name
Task Reference Number
Name of the user who completed the task
Task Status
Date and Time when the task was completed
Previous Task Status
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Total number of tasks completed
*Task Name
*Name of the user who completed the task
*Date of the daily digest

A project I'm on becomes active

Members of a project team receive an email notification when the project status is set to Current.

Note: Users must be listed on the Staffing tab of a project to receive notification when a project status is set to Current. For information on adding users to a project team, see Manage the Project Team.

The subject of the instant notification email is <Project Name> is Current - Go to your project and see your tasks!

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Project Reference Number
Project Status
Project Planned Completion Date
Project Owner
A list of tasks assigned to you, to one of your job roles, or to one of your teams
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Project Status
*Date of daily digest

A project my team is on becomes active

Members of a team receive an email notification when a project becomes active. The team must be assigned to at least one task to receive the notification.

If an individual user and a team are both assigned to a task on the project. the team will not receive a notification.

The subject of the instant notification email is <Project Name> is Active - Go to your project and see your tasks!

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Project Reference Number
Project Status
Project Planned Completion Date
Project Owner
A list of tasks assigned to your team
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Project Status
*Date of daily digest

A project I'm on is completed

Members of a project team receive an email notification when the project status is Complete.

Tip: If projects are completed regularly, enabling this option can create a lot of email for users who have a limited number of tasks on many projects.

The subject of the instant notification email is Project Status Change: <Project Name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Project Reference Number
Name of the user who completed the project
Project Status
Date and Time when the project was completed
Previous Project Status
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Project Status
*Date of the daily digest

A task is completed on a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive an email notification when a task is completed on their project.
For more information on the project team, see Project Team overview.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

The subject of the instant notification email is Complete: <Task Name> on <Project Name>

Note: If the task is changed to a status that equates with Complete, the subject of the email still displays "Complete".

The subject of the daily digest notification is: Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Task Name
Project Name
Task Reference Number
Name of the user who completed the task
Task Status
Date and Time when the status of the task was changed
Previous Task Status
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Total number of tasks completed
*Task Name
*Name of the user who completed the task
*Date of the daily digest

An issue is added to a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive an email notification when an issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

The subject of the instant notification email is Issue added to <Project Name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Issue Reference Number
Name of the user who added the issue
Issue Type
Issue Name
Date Entered
Issue Priority
Assigned To Name
Issue Status
Primary Contact
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Total number of issues added to the project
*Issue Name
*Name of the user assigned to issue
*Date of daily digest


and Daily

An issue is completed on a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive an email notification when an issue is completed on their project.
For more information on the project team, see Project Team overview.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

The subject of the instant notification email is Complete: <Issue Name> on <Project name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Issue Name
Project Name
Name of the user who completed the issue
Issue Status
Date and Time when the issue was completed
Previous Issue Status
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Total number of issues completed
*Issue Name
*Name of the user assigned to issue
*Date of daily digest

An unassigned issue is added to a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive an email notification when an unassigned issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

The subject of the instant notification email is Who should be assigned to this new issue on <Project Name>?

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Issue Reference Number
Name of the user who added the issue
Issue Name
Issue Type
Date Entered
Issue Priority
Assigned To Name (empty)
Issue Status
Primary Contact
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Total number of issues added
*Issue Name
*Name of the user who added the issue
*Date of the daily digest


and Daily

I'm added to a project

The user who was added to the project receives an email notification when he or she is added unless the user added himself or herself to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

The subject of the instant notification email is You've been added to the project <Project Name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Project Reference Number
Name of the user who added you to the project
Project Planned Start Date
Project Planned Completion Date
Project Percent Complete
Names of Others on Project
Project Owner
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Date of daily digest

The status changes on a project I'm on

Members of a project team receive an email notification when the status of the project changes.
For more information on the project team, see Project Team overview.

The subject of the instant notification email is Project Status Change: <Project Name>

The subject of the daily digest notification is Digest of Projects You're On <Date of daily digest>

Project Name
Portfolio Name
Project Reference Number
Name of the user who changed the status of the project
New Project Status
Date and Time when the status of the project changed
Previous Project Status
See More Details button
*Project Name
*Project Reference Number
*Project Status
*Date of daily digest