Create records
- A new Workfront package and license. Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront packages or licenses.
- A Workfront Planning package.
- Your organization’s instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience.
In Adobe Workfront Planning, a record is an instance of a record type.
You can create records by doing one of the following:
- Add records from the record type page in the table view
- Copy and paste a list of records from an external list
- Duplicate records from a table view
- Create records as you connect them from other records
- Create them by submitting a request form to a record type
- Create records when importing record types from a CSV or Excel file
For information about managing records in the table or timeline views, see the following articles:
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
table 0-row-0 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header | |
Products |
Adobe Workfront plan* |
Any of the following Workfront plans:
Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront plans |
Adobe Workfront Planning package* |
Any For more information about what is included in each Workfront Planning plan, contact your Workfront account manager. |
Adobe Workfront platform |
Your organization's instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience to be able to access all the capabilities of Workfront Planning. For more information, see Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront. |
Adobe Workfront license* |
Standard Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront licenses |
Access level configuration |
There are no access level controls for Adobe Workfront Planning Edit access in Workfront for the object types that you want to create (projects and portfolios) as you connect the records to them. |
Object permissions |
Manage permissions to the workspace you want to add records to. System Administrators have permissions to all workspaces, including the ones they did not create Manage permissions to Workfront objects (portfolios) to add children objects (projects). |
Layout template | All users, including Workfront administrators, must be assigned a layout template that includes the Planning area in the Main Menu |
*For more information about Workfront access requirements, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Create records by adding them to a record type in a record type table
You can create records in the table view of a record type page.
For information about editing record information, see Edit records.
Click the Main Menu icon
The Workfront Planning landing page opens.
(Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:
- My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
- Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.
For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.
Click the workspace where you want to add records.
The workspace opens and the record types display as cards.
Click a record type card. For information about creating a record type, see Create record types.
The record type page opens in the view that you last accessed. By default, a record type page opens in the table view.
All the records of the selected type display in the view. -
(Conditional) Depending on which view you display, do one of the following:
From the table view:
Click New record in the last row of the table
Click Shift + Enter on your keyboard from any column or row of the table. This adds an empty row under the record you start from.
Hover over a record’s primary field, click the More menu
From any view:
- Click New record in the upper-right corner of the page. The record preview box opens.
Workfront automatically uploads a thumbnail and a cover image to each new record. You can later modify these images. For information, see the following articles:
Start typing information about the new record in the fields you see in the preview box.
note note NOTE -
There are no mandatory fields for records. However, we recommend that you add information for the primary field of a record, as it is helpful to identify records when linking records to one another. For more information about primary fields, see Manage the table view and Primary field overview.
Fields that refer to other record types or calculated fields are read-only fields.
(Conditional) When adding records in the table, continue adding information on each row, then click Enter on your keyboard to save your changes.
Click the new record’s name or the Open details icon
note tip TIP You can access the Open Details icon only from the name field of the record when the Name field is a primary field. -
Start editing the record’s information in the record’s preview. Workfront automatically saves your changes.
(Optional) Click the Open in new tab icon
(Optional) Use the following keyboard shortcuts to undo or redo adding new records or their information, when adding them in the table view:
- CTRL + Z (⌘ + Z for Mac) to undo a change
- CTRL + Shift + Z (⌘ + Shift + Z for Mac) to redo a change
Create records by copying and pasting them from an external list
Start creating records in the Table view, as described in the section Create records by manually adding them to a record type in this article.
Ensure that the table view has the columns (or the fields) that you want to populate with the new record information.
Click New < Record type name > in the last row of the table to add as many new rows to the table as you want your new records to be.
For example, add 10 rows to the table view if you want to paste the information for 10 new records from another application.
In another application, create a list of records that you want to import.
For example, you can use an Excel spreadsheet to create your list.
The list should contain information in a tabular format.
note tip TIP The columns of the list should contain information for the existing fields you have in Workfront. Ensure you have the desired fields already created in Workfront and that the information in your sheet displays in the correct format that matches that of each field in Workfront. -
From another application, select several rows and columns, then paste the information in the record type table view, starting with the first new record.
The following information is imported in the Workfront Planning area:
- The rows contain the new records
- The columns populate information for the fields of the records.
Create records by duplicating them
For information about duplicating records, see Duplicate records.
Create records as you connect them
You can create the following object types as you connect them from other records:
- Workfront Planning records
- Workfront objects
This section describes how you can create Workfront Planning records as you connect them from other records.
You must have the following before you can add new records by connecting them from existing records:
- Connected record types. For information, see Connect record types.
- Records.
- The correct access and permissions in Workfront Planning and Workfront, as described in the section Access requirements in this article.
To create records as you are connecting them from other records:
Start connecting Workfront Planning records, as described in the article Connect records. You can connect records from a connection field in following areas of Workfront Planning:
- The table view
- The details page or preview box of a record
(Conditional) If you cannot find a record when trying to add it from the connected record field of another record, search for a record, then click + Add. The + Add button is followed by the name of the record type you are connecting to. For example, “Add brands” when adding a brand to an existing campaign. The name you typed also follows the Add button.
The record is created and added to the connected record field.
(Optional) Go to the table view of the record type whose record you created. A new record displays in the last row of the view.
(Optional) Start adding information for the new record in the table view
Click its name to open the details page and add information there.
Create records by submitting a request form to a record type
After someone creates a request form for a record type and shares a link to it with you, you can submit a request which creates a record for that record type.
For information, see Create and manage a request form in Adobe Workfront Planning.
Both Workfront users and users external to your organization can submit requests to Planning record types and create records, if they have a link to the request form.
For information, see Submit Adobe Workfront Planning requests to create records.
Create records when importing record types from a CSV or Excel file
You can import records when you import record types using a CSV or Excel file.
For information, see Create record types.