Connect record types
- A new Workfront package and license. Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront packages or licenses.
- A Workfront Planning package.
- Your organization’s instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience.
You can connect record types to one another or you can connect record types with object types from other applications.
This article describes how you can connect two Workfront Planning record types, or a Workfront Planning record type with an object from another application.
After you establish the connection between records or object types, you can connect individual records to one another, and display fields from the linked record or object types on a Workfront Planning record.
For general information about connection types, see Connected record types overview.
For information about connecting records or records with objects from other applications, see Connect records.
For an example of connecting record types and records, see Example of connecting record types and records.
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
table 0-row-0 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header | |
Products |
Adobe Workfront plan* |
Any of the following Workfront plans:
Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront plans |
Adobe Workfront Planning package* |
Any For more information about what is included in each Workfront Planning plan, contact your Workfront account manager. |
Adobe Workfront platform |
Your organization's instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience to be able to access all the capabilities of Workfront Planning. For more information, see Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront. |
Adobe Workfront license* |
Standard Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront licenses |
Access level configuration | There are no access level controls for Adobe Workfront Planning |
Object permissions |
Manage permissions to a workspace System Administrators have permissions to all workspaces, including the ones they did not create. |
Layout template | All users, including Workfront administrators, must be assigned a layout template that includes the Planning area in the Main Menu |
*For more information about Workfront access requirements, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Connect record types
Click the Main Menu icon
The Workfront Planning landing page opens.
(Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:
- My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
- Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.
For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.
Click the workspace whose record types you want to connect,
From a workspace, expand the downward-pointing arrow to the right of an existing workspace name, search for a workspace, then select it when it displays in the list.
Click the card of a record type to open the record type page.
Click the + icon in the upper-right corner of the table view, then click the New connection tab.
In the Record type field, search for a record type, or select one of the following:
Another record type from the current workspace
note tip TIP If you don’t have other record types in the selected workspace, the workspace section does not display. -
A record type from another workspace that was configured to connect from other workspaces. For information, see Edit record types.
note tip TIP If there are no record types that are configured to connect from other workspaces, the workspace section does not display. -
A Project, Portfolio, Program, Company, or Group from the Workfront Object Types section.
Experience Manager Assets from the Adobe Applications section.
Update the following information:
- Name: The name of connected field, as it will appear in the table view or the record page of the original record type. This creates the linked record column in the table view of the original record type or the linked record field for the original records. By default, the name of the field is the name of the record or object you connect to.
note tip TIP You can have multiple connections to the same record or object type. If you do not edit the connected field name, Workfront adds a numeral after the name of the connected record, to indicate the number of connected record types by the same name. -
Description: Additional information about the connected record field. The description of a field displays when you hover over the field’s column in a table.
Allow multiple records: Select this option to indicate that you allow users to add multiple records when the linked record type field displays on the original records. This is selected by default.
This option is available only when connecting records from two different workspaces or a record and an Adobe Experience Manager asset object.
Connection type: Select one of the following options to indicate how many records they can connect to and from:
- Many to many
- One to many
- Many to one
- One to one
This option is available only when connecting records from the same workspace or a record and a Workfront object type.
For more information about connection types, see Connected record types overview.
note note NOTE If you select One to many or One to one for the Connection type and you later want to connect a record or an object that is already connected elsewhere, you will receive a warning that connecting it again will remove it from the original connection. You can allow the removal or select another record. -
Select lookup fields: Select this option to add fields from the selected record type. The lookup fields are fields associated with the record or object type that you are linking to. Linking them displays information from the record or object you’re linking to on the record you are linking from. This is selected by default.
note tip TIP You cannot add the following field types as lookup fields: - People
- Created by
- Last modified by
- Workfront typeahead fields (including fields like Project Owner, or Project Sponsor)
(Conditional and optional) If you selected to connect a Workfront object, select a Custom form from the Link only objects that match these criteria section. Only objects that have the selected custom forms attached can be linked to the selected record type. You can select more than one form.
note note NOTE You must create custom forms in Workfront for the selected objects before they display in this list. -
(Conditional) If you selected to connect to Experience Manager Assets, select a repository from the Experience Manager repository drop-down menu in the Link assets from the following repository section. This is a required field. Only repositories you have access to in Experience Manager Assets display in this field.
note note NOTE Your Workfront administrator can map Workfront Planning fields to Experience Manager Assets fields through the Metadata mapping in Workfront. For more information, see Configure asset metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets. -
(Conditional) If you selected to connect to Experience Manager Assets or to a Workfront Planning record type, select one of the following options in the Record appearance area:
- Name and image: Both the name and the thumbnail or icon of the connected records will display in the connected record field. This is the default option.
- Name: Only the name of the connected records will display in the connected record field.
- Image: Only the thumbnail or icon of the connected records will display in the connected record field.
Records without a thumbnail image display the record type icon instead. An example of how the connected records will display shows in the Record appearance area.
note note NOTE -
When you allow multiple records to be linked, displaying only the thumbnail might save space in smaller areas, like record views.
The name of a record is the primary field of the record. For more information, see Primary field overview.
Selecting a record appearance is not available when selecting Workfront object types.
What you select in the Record appearance area determines how the records display in connections everywhere in the system, including all the views and details pages.
Click Create.
(Conditional) If you selected the Select lookup field setting, the Add lookup fields box opens.
Click the + icon to add fields from the Unselected fields area.
Click the - icon to remove fields from the Selected fields area
The values for the connected fields populate automatically after you link records or objects.
note important IMPORTANT Everyone with View or higher permissions to the workspace can view the information in the linked fields, regardless of their permissions or access level in the application of the linked object types. -
(Optional) Click Skip to skip adding fields from the linked record or object type. The name or Primary field of the linked record is the only visible field in the table view of the record type you connect from.
(Optional and conditional) If you select to link a number, currency, percentage, or date-type field, also select an aggregator value to summarize multiple values. The values for the linked fields display either separated by commas or as a summarized value according to the aggregator you choose, when users select more than one linked record in the linked record field.
If the lookup field contains multiple values that are not summarized, consider the following when using the field in sorting or grouping in a view:
The sorting is done by the first value
Records are grouped by each unique combination of field values
The timeline view is built based on the first date value
note important IMPORTANT You must select an aggregator value when adding lookup date fields, if you want the fields to be available to add as Start and End Dates for the timeline and calendar views. For example, you can select the MAX or the MIN aggregator for a lookup date field. note note NOTE Aggregators are not available when connecting record types to Experience Manager Assets. Select from the following:
None: Displays the values that come from multiple records separated by commas. This is the default selection.
MAX: Displays the highest value from all the values that come from multiple records selected in the linked record field.
MIN: Displays the lowest value from all the values that come from multiple records selected in the linked record field.
SUM: Displays the total of all the values that come from multiple records selected in the linked record field.
AVG: Displays the average of all the values that come from multiple records selected in the linked record field.
UNIQUE: Removes duplicates from the lookup field values and only shows the unique values. This is not available for the following field types:
- Paragraph
- Checkbox
- People
note note NOTE For example, you can link the Product record (linked record) from the Campaign record (original record) and name it “Product field.” You can also choose to link the Budget field of the Product record from the Campaign record and call it “Product Budget.” If you allowed to select multiple records in the “Product field,” you can select Product 1 with a Budget of $100,000 and Product 2 with a Budget of $110,000, and Product 3 with a Budget of $100,000. You can view the following Budget information in the linked field from the original record, depending on which aggregator you choose: - None: $100,000, $110,000, $100,000
- MAX: $110,000
- MIN: $100,000
- SUM: $310,000
- AVG: $103,000.33
- UNIQUE: $100,000
(Optional) Use the search icon
Click Add fields to save your changes.
The following items are added:
A linked record field on the record type you are linking from. The linked record field will display individual records from the linked record type, after you manually add them. For information about adding records, see Connect records. The name of the linked record field is the name you selected in step 6.
A linked (or lookup) field (or fields) that display information about the linked record or object types after you manually add the records or objects in the linked record field. Lookup fields are created only when the Select lookup fields setting is selected when creating the connection. Lookup fields are automatically named according to this pattern:
<Name of the original field on the linked record> (from <Name of your linked field>)
For example, if you linked a Campaign record type with a Program record type and name the Program linked record field “Program information,” then selected to also display the Program’s Budget field in the Campaign’s table view, the linked field is automatically named
Budget (from Program information)
in the campaign’s table view. -
When you link record types to one another, a linked record field is also added on the record type you are linking to. The name of the linked record field on the linked record type is the name of the record type that you link from.
For example, if you link the “Product” record type from the “Campaign” record type and you named the connected field of the Campaign “Linked Product”, a “Campaign” linked record field is created for the Product record type.
note tip TIP A linked record field is not created for objects from another application to the record type you are linking from in Workfront Planning.
(Optional and conditional) From either the original record type or the linked record type table view, click the downward-pointing arrow in the header of the linked record fields, then click one of the following:
- Edit field: Update the Name and the Description information of the field.
- Edit lookup fields: Add or remove any of the linked record’s fields.
To add or remove lookup fields, follow the directions in steps 16-17 above.
note note NOTE You cannot add lookup fields that belong to record types that you are linking from to object types from another application. For example, you cannot add the lookup field of “Campaign Status” to a Workfront project you are linking to from the campaigns. -
(Optional) Click the downward-pointing arrow in the header of a linked record field or the header of a lookup field from the record type you are linking from, then click Delete.
The record field or the lookup field are deleted. If you delete a record field, any lookup fields associated with the linked record are also deleted.