Manage the timeline view

The information in this article refers to Adobe Workfront Planning, a new offering from Adobe Workfront.
You must have the following to access Workfront Planning:
  • A new Workfront plan and license. Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront plans or licenses.
  • An additional license for Workfront Planning.
  • Your organization’s instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience.
For a complete list of requirements to access Workfront Planning, see Access overview.
For more information about Workfront Planning, see Adobe Workfront Planning overview.

You can display records in a timeline view, when accessing the record type page in Adobe Workfront Planning.

For information about record views, see Manage record views.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for Workfront Planning.

You must have the following to be able to access Workfront Planning:

table 0-row-0 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
  • Adobe Workfront

  • Adobe Workfront Planning

Adobe Workfront plan*

Any of the following Workfront plans:

  • Select
  • Prime
  • Ultimate

Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront plans

Adobe Workfront Planning plan*


For more information about what is included in each Workfront Planning plan, contact your Workfront account manager.

Adobe Workfront platform

Your organization's instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience to be able to access all the capabilities of Workfront Planning.

For more information, see Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront.

Adobe Workfront license*


Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront licenses

Access level configuration There are no access level controls for Adobe Workfront Planning
Object permissions

Manage permissions to a view

View permissions to a view to temporarily change the view settings

Layout template All users, including Workfront administrators, must be assigned a layout template that includes the Planning area in the Main Menu.

*For more information about Workfront access requirements, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Manage a timeline view manage-a-timeline-view

When creating a timeline view, all records of the selected record type display in a chronological timeline.

Consider the following:

  • You can create a Timeline view only when you have at least two date fields associated with a record type. When you have one or no date fields associated with a record type, the Timeline view option is dimmed.

    You can select from the following date fields when building a timeline view:

    • Record dates
    • Record system-generated fields: Created date, Last modified date
    • Lookup dates from connected record or object types.
  • Depending on the dates associates with the records, some records might not display in the timeline view in the following scenarios:

    • When the Start and End dates have no values
    • When the Start or the End dates have no value
    • When the Start date is after the End date

To manage a timeline view:

  1. Go to the record type page for which you want to view the timeline.

  2. Create a timeline view, as described in the article Manage record views.

    The records associated with the record type you selected display as bars in a timeline and are sorted in chronological order of their Start Date, by default.

    note tip
    The sorting of the records in the timeline is not visible in the Compact view.
  3. (Optional and conditional) When the record name is truncated, hover over a record bar to display the full name of the record and additional information.

  4. Do one of the following to navigate through the timeline:

    • Click the left and right icons or use the horizontal scroll to move backwards and forwards in the timeline. Refreshing the page preserves the selected time frame.

    • Click Today to center the timeline to today’s date.

    • Select one of the following options from the time frame drop-down menu to update the time increments:

      • Year
      • Quarter
      • Month
  5. Click Switch to Standard view to display records in separate lines


    Click Switch to Compact view to display the records whose dates don’t intersect on the same line.

    Records display in the Compact view by default.

  6. Do the following to quickly find records that match a keyword:

    1. Click the Search icon and start typing a keyword associated with any field of a record that displays on the screen. The number of correct matches displays next to the search item and the record with the correct match is highlighted.

      You can use any word or special character that is visible on the screen.

      You cannot use keywords that are associated with fields that do not display in the timeline view.

    2. Press Enter on your keyboard to go to the next found field.

    3. (Optional) If there is more than one match, click the up and down arrows to the right of the search keyword to find all the matches in the table.

    4. Click the x icon in the search box to clear the search keyword.

  7. Update the following view elements as described in the subsections below:

  8. (Optional) Click Breakdown to display connected records on the timeline.

    For information, see the section Use the Breakdown feature to display connected records in the timeline view

Add filters

You can reduce the amount of information displayed on the screen by using filters.

Consider the following when working with filters in the timeline view:

  • The filters you create for a timeline view work independently from the filters in any other view applied to the same record type.

  • The filters are unique to the view that you select. Two timeline views of the same record type can have different filters applied to them.

  • Two users looking at the same timeline view see the same filter that is currently applied.

  • You cannot name the filters you build for a timeline view.

  • Removing filters removes them from anyone accessing the same record type as you and who displays the same view as you do.

  • Adding filters in the timeline view is identical to adding filters in the table view.

    For more information, see the “Add filters” section in the article Manage the table view.

  • You can filter by connected record fields or lookup fields.

  • You can filter by lookup fields that display multiple values.

Add grouping

You can group records by similar information when applying a grouping to a view.

Adding groupings in the timeline view is similar to adding groupings to the table view.

Consider the following when working with groupings in the timeline view:

  • You can apply groupings both in the table and timeline views. The groupings of the table view are independent from those in the timeline view of the same record type.
  • You can apply 3 levels of grouping in a view. The records are grouped in the order of groupings that you select.
  • The groupings are unique to the view that you select. Two table views of the same record type can have different groupings applied to them. Two users looking at the same table view see the same grouping that is currently applied.
  • You cannot name the groupings you build for a table view.
  • Removing groupings removes them from anyone accessing the same record type as you and who displays the same view as you do.
  • You can edit records listed under a grouping.
  • You can group by connected record fields or lookup fields.
  • When you group by lookup fields with multiple values (that have not been summarized by an aggregator), records are grouped by each unique combination of field values.
  • You can reference a field that is up to 4 levels away from the current record type. For example, if you are creating a grouping for an Activity record type, and the Activity is connected to the Product record type which is connected to the Campaign record type which is connected to a Workfront Project, you can reference the project’s Status in the grouping you are creating for the Activity record type.

To add a grouping in the timeline view:

  1. Create a timeline view for a record type, as described in the article Manage record views.

  2. Click Grouping in the upper-right corner of the timeline view.

  3. Click one of the suggested fields, or click Choose a different field, search for a different field, then click it when it displays in the list.

    The grouping is applied automatically to the timeline and records display inside the grouping box.

  4. (Optional) Repeat the above steps to add up to 3 groupings.

    The number of fields selected for the grouping displays next to the Grouping icon.

  5. (Optional) Inside the Group records by box, click the x icon to the right of a field selected for the grouping to remove the grouping


    Click Clear all to remove all fields.

  6. Click outside the Group records by box to close it.

  7. (Optional) Click Settings, then Color to color-code groupings. For more information, see the Edit the timeline view settings section in this article.

Edit the timeline view settings edit-the-timeline-view-settings

Update the timeline view settings to indicate what and how information displays in the timeline section of the view.

  1. Create a timeline view for a record type, as described in the article Manage record views.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click Date and time in the left panel, then select a Start date and an End date to display on the timeline. You can choose the default Start and End dates, or you can choose any date field available. The bars representing the records start on the date that you indicate for the Start date and end on the date corresponding with the End date.

    note note
    Records that have no values for the Start or the End dates or have a Start date later than the End date do not display in the timeline view.
  4. Click Bar style in the left panel, to indicate what fields you want to display on the record bars.

    The primary field (or title) of the record, as defined in the record’s table view, is selected by default.

  5. (Optional and conditional) If you added thumbnails to records, select the Thumbnail option to display the image associated with records in their record bar.

    note note
    You must first add thumbnails in the table view before you can display them in the timeline view. For more information, see Add a thumbnail to a record.
  6. Click Add field to add up to 4 fields to the record bars.

  7. Click inside the Search fields box, and click the field you want to add.

    note tip
    • You must create the fields before you can add them to the record bars.

    • You must have at least one field selected. Name is selected by default.

    A preview of what the bars will look like on the timeline displays on the right.

  8. Click Color in the left panel, to customize the colors of the records and groupings in the timeline.

  9. (Conditional and optional) If you added a grouping to the timeline view, select from the following options to set a color for the grouping in the Set grouping color section:

    • Default (gray): The color of the groupings is set to gray. This is the default.

    • Field values: The color of the groupings matches the color of the field you group by.

      note note
      • You can match the color only to fields with color-coded options. For example, you can match the color to Status fields, or fields with options associated with colors.

      • You cannot match the color to lookup fields from linked record or object types.

    For example, multi-select or single-select fields can have color-coded options.

    If you group by fields without color-coded options, the grouping color remains gray.

    note tip
    If you did not add groupings to the timeline view, this section does not display.
  10. In the Set record color section, select from the following options to set a color for the records:

    • Record type: The color of the records match the color of the record type you selected. This is the default option.
    • Field values: The color of the records matches the color of a field that you specify. Continue with step 10.
    • Grouping: The color of the records matches the color that you indicated for the groupings. This option is dimmed when you have no groupings applied to the timeline view.
    • None: Records displays in a white bar.
  11. (Conditional) If you selected Field values for the record colors, select a field from the Match the record color to drop-down menu.

    Only fields with color-coded options display in the drop-down menu.

    For example, multi-select or single-select fields can have color-coded options.

    If you do not have a field with color-coded options for the selected record type, this option is dimmed.

  12. Click Save.

    The records display in the timeline view with the specifications that you selected.

Use the Breakdown feature to display connected records in the timeline view

You can display connected records in a record’s timeline view by using the Breakdown feature. Breaking down records by their connections allows you to view the timelines of other connected records and understand how they might affect the performance and deadlines of your records.

Considerations when using the Breakdown feature

  • You can display connected records or objects under the records of the selected record type in the timeline view.

  • You can display the following in the timeline view, using the Breakdown feature:

    • Workfront Planning records connected to the selected record type.

    • Workfront object types or Experience Manager assets connected to the selected record type.

    • Workfront Planning records or objects from other application that are connected to records connected to the selected record type.

      For example, you might connect campaigns to portfolios. In addition, you might connect another record type, products, with projects, as well as with campaigns. When you build the campaign timeline view, you can break down the campaigns by portfolios, products, and projects.

  • You cannot display object types that are connected only to Workfront objects in Workfront, but are not connected to a Workfront Planning record type. You can only display object or record types that are connected in Workfront Planning.

    For example, tasks, are connected to projects in Workfront. Using the Breakdown feature, you can display projects that are connected to campaigns in Planning, but not tasks connected to projects in Workfront.

    If you want to display both portfolios and projects in the timeline view of a Workfront Planning record type, both the portfolios and the projects must be connected to the Planning record or to a record connected to the Planning record whose timeline view you are managing.

  • You can only display record types that are associated with at least two date fields.

  • The date fields for the record types you want to display in the timeline view must be visible in the table view of the selected record type, as lookup fields.

  • The Start and End dates of the record types you want to display in the timeline view must by in chronological order. For example, if a record has a Start date of January 31 and an End date of January 1, it does not display in the timeline view. For more information, see the section Manage a timeline view in this article.

  • There is a limit of 5 record types that you can include in a record’s breakdown.

Break down connected records in the timeline view

  1. Create a timeline view for a record type, as described in the article Manage record views.

  2. (Conditional) If you are viewing the timeline view in the Standard mode, click Breakdown.

  3. Expand the Select a linked record type box and select a connected record type.

    note tip
    If you do not have any connected records, or if the connected records do not have at least two date fields, the Select a linked record type box is not available.
  4. Choose a Start date and an End date field.

    note tip
    The Start and End dates must be sequential. If the End date is before the Start date, no records will display in the timeline.

    A right-pointing arrow displays on the selected record’s bar in the timeline, if they they are connected with other records.

  5. Click the right-pointing arrow to expand a record type and display is connections.

  6. (Optional) Repeat the steps above to add more connected records.
