Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for Workfront Planning.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

  • Adobe Workfront

  • Adobe Workfront Planning

Adobe Workfront plan*

Any of the following Workfront plans:

  • Select
  • Prime
  • Ultimate

Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront plans

Adobe Workfront Planning package*


For more information about what is included in each Workfront Planning plan, contact your Workfront account manager.

Adobe Workfront platform

Your organization's instance of Workfront must be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience to be able to access all the capabilities of Workfront Planning.

For more information, see Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront.

Adobe Workfront license*


Workfront Planning is not available for legacy Workfront licenses

Access level configurationThere are no access level controls for Adobe Workfront Planning
Object permissions

Contribute or higher permissions to a workspace

System Administrators have permissions to all workspaces, including the ones they did not create

Layout templateAll users, including Workfront administrators, must be assigned a layout template that includes the Planning area in the Main Menu.

*For more information about Workfront access requirements, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Considerations about editing records

  • You can edit records that you created or records created by others, if you were given permissions to the workspace.

  • You can edit record fields from the following areas:

    • The record’s preview in a record view
    • The record’s details page
    • Inline, in a table view.
  • When a user edits a record in a view, the changes are visible immediately in all views and the record pages to all other users.

  • The following types of fields are automatically updated, and you cannot edit their values manually:

    • Linked fields from other records
    • Formula-type fields
    • System fields (Created by, Created date, Last modified by, Last modified date)
  • If the records you display are linked to other records, the new information of the records that you are editing reflects on the linked records.

  • You cannot edit records in bulk.

  • URLs are recognized as links in single-line text field types only when they start with the following: http://, https://, ftp://, or www. .

  • You can add a cover image to each record. The image is unique for each record, and it does not apply to all records of the same time.

  • You can edit the order of the fields in a record page and add a cover image for a record. For more information, see Manage the record page layout.

Edit records

You can edit a record from the following areas:

Edit a record inline in the table view of a record type

When you edit records from the table view, there is an indication which field is being edited by other users at the time you are viewing the record.

For more information, see Manage record views.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Planning.

    The Workfront Planning landing page opens.

  2. (Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:

    • My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
    • Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.

    For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.

  3. Click the workspace whose records you want to edit

    The workspace opens and the record types display as cards.

  4. Click a record type card.

    The record type page opens.

  5. (Conditional) Click the tab of a table view or click + View to create a table view. The table view should be the default view, unless you viewed the record type in another type of view when you accessed it last.

    The records associated with the selected record type display in the table view.

  6. Click inside the row of a record to start editing information about the record inline.

    You cannot edit information for the following fields, as they are read-only and Workfront updates them automatically:
    • Linked fields that are created by connecting record types. For more information, see Connect record types.
    • Fields of the following types: Created by, Created date, Last modified by, Last Modified date, Formula fields.
  7. (Optional and conditional) When you edit a Paragraph-type field, use the following Rich Text formatting options:

    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Underline
    • Add a link
    • Add a bulleted list
    • Add a numbered list

  8. (Optional) Double-click a connected record field to add connected records or objects to another record. For more information, see Connect records.

  9. Press Enter on your keyboard or click outside of a row to save your changes. The changes are saved automatically. A Saved indicator displays briefly in the upper-right corner of the table view to show that the changes were saved.

  10. (Optional) To copy and paste information from one field to another, do one of the following:

    • Copy one or multiple existing values of one field, then paste them into a field of the same type on another record

    • Click the column header of a column to select it and copy it, then click the column header of another column and paste the contents of the copied column. The columns must contain similar field types.

    • With your Shift key pressed, click to select several rows in a table, copy the information in the selected rows, then click a different row and paste the selected information in the new row and the following rows after that.

    • Copy the information from one cell, then select multiple cells and paste the same information in multiple cells. You can select multiple cells and paste the same information in multiple cells from adjacent rows and columns.

    • Select the lower-right corner of an existing cell that contains the information you want to copy, then drag and drop it across the adjacent cells where you want to paste the same information. All cells must contain the same type of information.

    • Copy one or multiple cells from an external source (for example, an Excel file), then paste them in one of the the following fields types:

      • Workfront Planning connection fields.
      • People fields. Only fields with one value are supported.

      You cannot copy information from an external source and paste it in any other field types, including Workfront or AEM Assets connection fields.

    Consider the following:
    • Use the following keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting information:

    • Copy: CTRL + C (⌘ + C for Mac)

    • Paste: CTRL + V (⌘ + V for Mac)

    • You cannot copy and paste field values in the record page. This functionality is supported only in the table view of a record type.

    • You cannot copy and paste field values for the following field types:

    • Lookup fields that are created when connecting record types. You can copy and paste linked record fields. For more information, see Connect record types.

    • Fields of the following types: Created by, Created date, Last modified by, Last Modified date

  11. (Optional) Use the following keyboard shortcuts to undo or redo editing or copying and pasting record information:

    • CTRL + Z (⌘ + Z for Mac) to undo a change
    • CTRL + Shift + Z (⌘ + Shift + Z for Mac) to redo a change
    You can use the keyboard shortcuts multiple times in a row to undo multiple changes.
  12. (Optional) Add a thumbnail to a record. For information, see Add a thumbnail to a record.

Edit a record from the record’s preview in a view

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Planning.

    The Workfront Planning landing page opens.

  2. (Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:

    • My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
    • Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.

    For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.

  3. Click the workspace whose records you want to edit

    The workspace opens and the record types display as cards.

  4. Click a record type card.

    The record type page opens.

  5. From a view of any type, click the record


    From the table view, click the Open details icon in the first column. The record’s preview opens in the view.

  6. (Optional) Click the More menu to the right of the record’s title, then click Rename. This updates the field that displays as the record’s title.

    The record’s title is the primary field of the record when viewed in a table view. For information, see Primary field overview.

  7. Start editing the field information in the record’s preview.

    You cannot edit information for the following fields, as they are read-only and Workfront updates them automatically:
    • Lookup fields from other records that are created by connecting record types. For more information, see Connect record types.
    • Fields of the following types: Created by, Created date, Last modified by, Last Modified date, Formula fields.
  8. (Optional) Click Add cover to add a cover image to the record. For more information, see Add a cover image to a record.

  9. (Optional) Hover over the thumbnail icon, then click More > Edit thumbnail to add a thumbnail image. For information, see Add a thumbnail to a record.

    Workfront automatically saves your changes.

  10. (Optional) Click thereal-time indicator in the upper-right corner of the record’s preview box, then enable theShow collaboratorssetting to highlight the fields being edited by others in real time.

    The names and avatars of all users accessing the record at the same time display in this area.

    When the setting is disabled, the avatars and names are listed in the real-time indicator area, and the fields that are being edited are not highlighted.

  11. (Optional) Click the Export menu to export the record’s details. For information, see Export a record’s details.

  12. (Optional) Click the Open in new tab icon in the upper-right corner of the record’s preview to open the record’s page in a new tab. Continue editing the record as described in Edit a record from the record’s page section in this article.

Edit a record from the record’s page

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Planning.

    The Workfront Planning landing page opens.

  2. (Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:

    • My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
    • Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.

    For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.

  3. Click the workspace whose records you want to edit

    The workspace opens and the record types display as cards.

  4. Click a record type card.

    The record type page opens.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • From any view, access the record’s preview, as described in the Edit a record from the record’s preview in a view section in this article, then click the Open in new tab icon in the upper-right corner of the record preview to open the record’s page in a new tab.

    • From the Table view, hover over the name of a record, then click the More menu , then click View

      The record page opens.

  6. (Optional) Click the More menu to the right of the record’s title, then click Rename. This updates the field that displays as the record’s title.

    The record’s title is the primary field of the record when viewed in a table view. For information, see Manage the table view.

  7. Click any editable field on the record page to edit it.

    You cannot edit information for the following fields, as they are read-only and Workfront updates them automatically:
    • Linked fields that are created by connecting record types. For more information, see Connect record types.
    • Fields of the following types: Created by, Created date, Last modified by, Last Modified date, Formula fields.
  8. (Optional) Click the information icon to the right of any field that displays it to view the description of a field.

  9. (Optional) Click Add cover to add a cover image to the record


    Hover over the existing cover image, then click the More menu > Upload to add a new cover image for the record.

    For more information, see Add a cover image to a record.

  10. (Optional) Hover over an existing thumbnail, or the thumbnail icon , then click the More menu > Edit thumbnail to add a thumbnail for the record.

    For more information, see Add a thumbnail to a record.

    Workfront automatically saves your changes.

  11. (Optional) Click thereal-time indicator in the upper-right corner of the record’s page, then enable theShow collaboratorssetting to highlight the fields being edited by others in real time.

    The names and avatars of all users accessing the record at the same time display in this area.

    When the setting is disabled, the avatars and names are listed in the real-time indicator area, and the fields that are being edited are not highlighted.

  12. (Optional) Click the Export menu to export the record’s details. For information, see Export a record’s details.

Edit a record from a Workfront object in the Planning section

After you connect records with Workfront objects, you can edit Workfront Planning records in Workfront from the object’s Planning section.

For more information, see Manage records in the Planning section of Adobe Workfront objects.

Previous pageConnect records
Next pageDelete records


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