Submitting a New Version of an Existing Proof via the Dropzone URL

  1. In your browser, go to the unique Dropzone URL, as described in Configure the dropzone in Workfront Proof

  2. Enter your email address.

  3. Select the check box to indicate that you are uploading a new version of an existing proof.
    For information about creating a new version of a proof, see .

  4. Click Select a file or Capture a web page and choose the file or web page you want to upload.

  5. Enter the security code, then click Next.
    A progress bar shows you the progress of your upload.
    Workfront Proof sends you a validation email.

  6. Click the link in the email.
    The email opens the Dropzone window in your browser. The link in the email notification is valid for 24 hours.

  7. Select the previous version of the proof (only proofs that you created/submitted will be shown).
    In the next screen you will be able to add proof details.
    This section appears only if it has been enabled in Dropzone settings.

  8. Type the details, click Next.

    Any reviewers added to the proof will only receive their notification email upon activation of the proof (see below).

    Your proof goes through the following states after you submit it to the Dropzone:

    • When you first upload a file to the Dropzone, the proof shows there as a Draft.
    • Once you complete the submission, the proof shows in your Dropzone as Submitted.
    • Once the proof has been activated and unlocked, it shows in your Dropzone as Active.
    • If the proof is locked, it shows in your Dropzone as Locked.

Emailing a Proof to the Dropzone

Emailing a proof to the dropzone is no longer supported.

Completing Your Submission

Workfront sends you (the submitter) a Complete your submission email asking you to confirm whether the file was a new proof or a new version. The link in the email notification is valid for 24 hours.

  1. Click the link and follow the steps above, depending on whether it is a new proof or a new version of an existing proof.

Activating the Proof

The Dropzone owner receives a notification email to advise that a new proof has been submitted to the Dropzone:

  • The proof appears in the Dropzone page in your account (to access the Dropzone page, click the link in the left navigation sidebar).
  • The proof is accessible by the Dropzone owner (or a user who has at least a Supervisor profile). The owner can be changed within Dropzone settings (only a Billing Administrator or an Administrator can do this).
  • Before the proof can be worked on it must be activated/unlocked by the Dropzone owner (a user with at least a Supervisor profile can also do this). The status of the proof shows as Submitted until it has been activated/unlocked.

To activate the proof:

  1. Go to the drop down menu to the right of the proof and click Activate.

  2. Once the proof has been activated/unlocked:

    • The proof status changes to Active.
    • Any people that were added to the proof will receive a notification email to advise that they have a new proof to review. (No email is sent until the proof has been activated/unlocked.)
    • The proof can be worked on as normal
    • If the submitter also adds themselves explicitly to the proof, they will not receive a New proof email. For more information, see New proof email.

Managing Your Dropzone

The Dropzone page makes it easy to manage the submissions to your Dropzone. Your Dropzone page includes the following options and functionality:

  • Page layout (1)
  • Choose to include/exclude archived proofs in the view (2)
  • Action buttons (3)
  • Sort (4)
  • Filter (5)
  • Proof actions menu (6)
  • Unarchive the proof (7)
  • Expand/collapse proof summary (8)
  • Select a proof (9)

The page layout and sorting and filtering options are the same as in the Views lists. See Manage Items on the Views Page in Workfront Proof for more information.



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