Update information in the task list Gantt Chart

The task list Gantt Chart shows details about tasks that are on a project or template.

In a template, the task list Gantt Chart reflects updates made in the template’s task list at the task level. You cannot edit the Gantt chart associated with a template.

In a project, you can update task information directly in the task list Gantt Chart.

This article describes the following actions that you can perform directly in the Task List Gantt Chart:

  • Modify Task Duration
  • Create or remove Predecessor relationships
  • Change Task Start and End Dates
  • Update Percent Complete
  • Level Project Resources

Access requirements

You must have the following to follow the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Access level configurations*

Edit access to Projects and Tasks

Note: If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

Manage access to the project and tasks

For information on requesting additional access, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Modify Task Duration

  1. Go to the project you want to modify.

  2. Click Tasks in the left panel.

  3. Click the Gantt chart icon.

    Click the Gantt Chart icon

    All changes are saved automatically when the Autosave option is enabled. It is enabled by default.

  4. (Optional) Click the Plan mode icon and select Manual save Standard or Timeline Planning to save your changes manually.

  5. Hover over the timeline of a task and drag the time line indicator to a different date.

  6. Drop the indicator when you have reached the correct new Completion Date for the task.

  7. (Optional and conditional) If you have selected to manually save your changes, click the Undo or​ Redo icons if you want to cancel or duplicate any of the changes.

    note tip
    You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to undo or redo changes on the Gantt chart:
    • Mac: Use Command + Z to undo and Command + Shift + Z to redo.
    • Windows: Use Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Y to redo.
  8. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the Gantt chart.

Create or remove predecessor relationships

  1. Go to the project you want to modify.

  2. In the Tasks area, click the Gantt chart icon.

    The Autosave option is selected by default, in which case all changes are saved automatically.

    Click the Gantt Chart icon

  3. (Optional) Click the Plan mode icon and select Manual save Standard or Timeline Planning to save your changes manually.

  4. To create a predecessor relationship, click the start point of a task and drag it to the end point of task.

  5. To delete a predecessor relationship, click a predecessor line that connects two tasks to select it, then press Delete on your keyboard.

  6. (Optional and conditional) If you selected to save your changes manually, click the Undo or​ Redo icons if you want to cancel or duplicate any of the changes.

    note tip
    You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to undo or redo changes on the Gantt chart:
    • Mac: Use Command + Z to undo and Command + Shift + Z to redo.
    • Windows: Use Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Y to redo.
  7. Click Save .

Change Task Start and End Dates

  1. Go to the project you want to modify.

  2. In the Tasks area, click the Gantt chart icon.

    All changes are saved automatically when the Autosave option is enabled. It is enabled by default.

    Click the Gantt Chart icon

  3. (Optional) Click the Plan mode icon and select Manual save Standard or Timeline Planning to save your changes manually.

  4. Hover over the center of the task and locate the multi-directional arrow.

  5. Click and drag the task to the desired date.


  6. If you change the task date in a way that affects the task constraint, click Accept to acknowledge the task constraint change.

    note note
    If the task has one of the following constraints, the system updates the Task Constraint to Start No Earlier Than if the project is scheduled from the Start Date or Finish No Later Than if the project is scheduled from the Completion Date:
    • As Soon As Possible
    • As Late As Possible
    • Earliest Available Time
    • Latest Available Time
    In some cases, the predecessor relationships might prevent the tasks from starting earlier, and the task move is not allowed.
  7. (Optional and conditional) If you have selected to save your changes manually, click the Undo or​ Redo icons if you want to cancel or duplicate any of the changes.

    note tip
    You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to undo or redo changes on the Gantt chart:
    • Mac: Use Command + Z to undo and Command + Shift + Z to redo.
    • Windows: Use Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Y to redo.
  8. Click Save.

Update Percent Complete

  1. Go to the project you want to modify.

  2. In the Tasks area, click the Gantt chart icon.

    Click the Gantt Chart icon

    All changes are saved automatically when the Autosave option is enabled. It is enabled by default.

  3. (Optional) Click the Plan mode icon and select Manual save Standard or Timeline Planning to save your changes manually.

  4. Double-click the percent number inside of the task and enter the number.

    note important
    You must have % Complete selected in the Options dialog in order to update percent complete. To do this, click the Options icon and select % Complete.
    update_percent_complete.png >
  5. (Optional and conditional) If you selected to save your changes manually, click the Undo or​ Redo icons if you want to cancel or duplicate any of the changes.

    note tip
    You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to undo or redo changes on the Gantt chart:
    • Mac: Use Command + Z to undo and Command + Shift + Z to redo.
    • Windows: Use Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Y to redo.
  6. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the Gantt chart.

Level project resources

You can use the Task List Gantt Chart to level your resources.

For information on about leveling resources in the Gantt chart, see Level Resources in the Gantt Chart.
