Approve a timesheet

You can approve any timesheets that have been submitted where you have been designated as an approver. When a timesheet is submitted for approval, the timesheet is listed in the My Approvals widget in your Home area. For more information, see Approving work.

If the following notification settings are in place, the user who submits the timesheet for approval receives an email after a timesheet is approved:

  • The Workfront administrator has enabled the Timesheet Approval to User and the Timesheet Rejection to User event handlers. For information about enabling event notifications, see Event notification types.
  • The My timesheet is approved personal notification is enabled on the user’s profile page. For more information, see Modify your own email notifications.

Approve a timesheet from the Timesheets area

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Timesheets.

    The Timesheets area opens.

  2. (Conditional) If the last time you accessed opens, click Back to timesheets in the upper-left corner of the screen.

  3. Select the My Timesheet Approvals in the upper-right corner of the page to view only timesheets that you approve


    Select the My Timesheet Approvals filter at the top of the timesheet list.

    The My Timesheet Approvals option does not display at the top of the timesheet list or in the list of filters if your Workfront administrator or a group administrator removed the My Timesheet Approvals filter from either the List Controls in the Setup area or from your Layout Template.
  4. (Optional) Click the search icon at the top of the timesheet list and type a keyword to locate a specific timesheet. You can search for a time frame, or an owner or approver’s name.

  5. Click the time frame for the timesheet you want to approve. The timesheet opens.

    Timesheets awaiting approval have a status of Submitted.
  6. Click Approve


    If you want to reject the timesheet, click Reject in the lower-left corner of the timesheet.

    If approved, the timesheet status changes to Closed.

    If rejected, the timesheet status changes to Rejected.

Approve a Timesheets from the Home area

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Home.

    The Home area opens.

  2. Ensure you have the My Approvals widget added to your Home area. For more information, see Add, edit, or remove widgets in New Home.

  3. Find a timesheet approval in your My Approvals widget.

  4. (Optional) Expand the drop-down menu to the right of the Approve or Reject buttons to add a comment about your decision, then click Add.

  5. Click one of the following buttons to make your approval decision:

    • Approve
    • Reject

    The approval is removed from the My Approvals widget.

Previous pageSubmit a timesheet for approval
Next pageView total hours on the timesheet
