Requests I have made

See also Notifications: Requests I have made.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
DocumentDocument Approval Status ChangeRequestor

A document approval request is completed.

The Document Requestor receives an email notification when the document approval request is completed.

Active (Instant only)
DocumentDocument Request CompleteRequestor

A document upload request is fulfilled.

The Document Requestor receives an email notification when a request to upload a document is fulfilled.

Active (Instant only)
IssueIssue AddIssue Primary Contact

I add an issue to a project.

The primary contact on an issue receives a notification when they add an issue in a project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

IssueIssue AssignmentIssue Primary Contact

Someone is assigned to an issue for which I'm the primary contact.

The primary contact on an issue receives a notification when the issue is assigned to a user.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

IssueIssue CompletionIssue Primary Contact

An issue for which I'm the primary contact is completed.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

ProjectProject Status ChangeUser that created project (Entered By)

The status changes on a project I created.

The user who created the project receives an email notification when the project status changes.

IssueRequest AddIssue Primary Contact

I submit a request (confirmation).

The Primary Contact on the issue receives an email notification when they submit an issue.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and if the project is using a "Is Help Desk" View.

IssueRequest AssignmentIssue Primary Contact

Someone is assigned to my request.

The primary contact of the issue receives an email notification when a user is assigned to the issue, unless the primary contact and the assigned user are the same user.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and if the project is using a "Is Help Desk" View.

Active (Daily only)
IssueRequest ClosedIssue Primary Contact

My request is closed (confirmation).

The issue's primary contact receives an email notification when the request is closed.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and if the project is using a "Is Help Desk" View.

If the notifications for "issue completion" are enabled, they will always trigger instead of the "Request closed to Issue Primary Contact." If you want this notification to trigger, you must deactivate the "issue completion" notifications.

Active (Instant only)
DocumentRequest Document AddIssue Primary Contact

A document is changed or uploaded on an issue for which I am the primary contact.

The issue's primary contact receives an email notification when a document is uploaded or changed on the issue, unless the user who uploaded or changed the document is also the primary contact.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and if the project has the "Publish as Help Request Queue" enabled on the Queue Setup tab.

Active (Daily only)
IssueRequest Status ChangeIssue Primary Contact

The status changes on my request.

The primary contact of the issue receives an email notification when the issue status changes, unless the user who changed the status is also the primary contact.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and the project is using a "Is Help Desk" View.

Active (Daily only)


See also Notifications: Communication.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
DocumentComment on DocumentDocument Owner

A comment is added on my document.

The owner of a document in Workfront receives an email notification when a comment is posted on the document, unless the user who posted the comment is also the document owner.

Any users who are directly included in the comment also receive an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

The subject of the instant notification email is: Comment on <Request Name> on <Project Name> (ref# <Request Reference Number>)

The subject of the daily digest notification is: Digest of Communication <Date of daily digest>

NoteRequest Note AddIssue Primary Contact

When a comment is posted on a request, email the issue primary contact.

The primary contact for an issue receives an email notification when a comment is posted on a request, unless the user who posted the comment is also the primary contact for the issue.

Any users who are directly included on the comment also receive an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

UserDirected UpdateUser

Someone includes me on a directed update.

A directed update is when a user specifically includes another user in an update, as described in Tag others on updates.

In this case, the user who is included in the directed update receives an email notification about the update.

The email notification is sent only if the user has access rights to the object and if they keep it enabled in their profile.

This event notification is activated by default and cannot be deactivated.

TeamDirected UpdateTeam members

Someone includes my team on a directed update.

A directed update is when a user specifically includes another user in an update, as described in Tag others on updates.

In this case, any member of the team that is included in the directed update receives an email notification about the update.

The email notification is sent only to users who have access rights to the object of the update.

If the user sending the directed update is a member of the team being included, the user sending the update does not receive an email notification.

Active (Daily only)
NoteWork Item CommentThread Participants

Someone comments on a thread I'm in.

Participants in the thread and users who are included in a direct message receive an email notification when a user makes a comment in the thread.

Users must have View access to receive a notification.

The following users do not receive a notification:

  • Teams that are included in a direct message

  • The owner of the Note

  • The Primary Contact

Active (Daily only)
NoteWork Item CommentWork Item Assignee

Someone comments on one of my work items.

The assignee of the work item receives an email notification any time a user adds an update to a work item, unless the user who adds the update is also the assignee.

Active (Daily only)
NoteWork Request ReplyWork Requestor

Someone replies to my request.

After a user submits a request and another user replies to that request, the user who submitted the request receives an email notification.

An email notification is not sent if:

  • The user who replies is the same user who made the request

  • The user does not have access to see the note

Active (Daily only)

Approval information

See also Notifications: Approval information.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
UserApproval DelegationUserI'm delegated as an approver.Active (Instant only)
IssueDelegated Issue Approval Status ChangeUser that delegated the approval

A delegated issue approval request is completed.

When you delegate an issue approval to someone else, you receive an email notification when they finish that approval (whether they approve or reject the issue approval).

Active (Daily only)
ProjectDelegated Project Approval Status ChangeUser that delegated the approval

A delegated project approval request is completed.

When you delegate a project approval to someone else, you receive an email notification when they finish that approval (whether they approve or reject the project approval).

Active (Daily only)
TaskDelegated Task Approval Status ChangeUser that delegated the approval

A delegated task approval status is completed.

When you delegate a task approval to someone else, you receive an email notification when they finish that approval (whether they approve or reject the task approval).

Active (Daily only)
DocumentDocument Approval Cancel to ApproverUser that delegated the approval

A document approval request is canceled.

The Document Approver of the document receives an email notification when the document approval request is canceled.

Active (Instant only)
TimesheetTimesheet ApprovalUser that timesheet belongs toMy timesheet is approved.Inactive

Information about work assigned to me

See also Notifications: Information about work assigned to me.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
TaskAll Predecessor Task CompletionMembers of the team assigned to dependent tasks

All predecessors of the team's tasks are completed.

The task assignees (all members of the team) receive an email notification.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

TaskAll Predecessor Task CompletionUser assigned to dependent tasks

All predecessors of my tasks are completed.

The task assignee receives an email notification.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

IssueApproval decisionUser that the issue is assigned to

An issue I resolve is approved or rejected.

The assignee of an issue receives an email notification when an approval decision is made (approved or rejected).

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

TaskApproval decisionUser that the task is assigned to

A task I complete is approved or rejected.

The task assignee receives an email notification when the task is approved or rejected.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

IssueIssue CompletionUser that the issue is assigned to

An issue I'm assigned to is completed.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

IssueIssue Planned Completion Date changedUser that the issue is assigned to

The due date changes on an issue I'm assigned to.

The issue assignee receives an email notification when the Planned Completion Date changes, unless the user who changed the Planned Completion Date is also the assignee.

A notification is sent only if the project status is anything other than Planning.

IssueIssue Status ChangeUser that the issue is assigned to

The status changes on one of my work items.

The assignee of the issue receives an email notification when the status changes, unless the user who changed the status is also the assignee.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

Active (Daily only)
DocumentRequest Document AddUser that the issue is assigned to

Documents are uploaded or changed on requests I'm assigned to.

The issue assignee receives an email notification when documents are uploaded or changed on an issue they added.

An email notification is not sent if the user who entered the issue is the issue assignee.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and if the project has the "Publish as Help Request Queue" enabled on the Queue Setup tab.

Active (Daily only)
TaskTask CompletionUser that the task is assigned to

A task I'm assigned to is completed.

The Task Assignee receives an email notification when the task is completed. Notifications are not sent when a personal task is completed.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

Users with a Light, Contributor, Review, or Requestor license do not receive a notification.

TaskTask CompletionUser assigned to dependent task

A predecessor of one of my tasks is completed.

The task assignee receives an email notification when one of their task's predecessors has been completed.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

TaskTask Planned Completion Date ChangedUser that the task is assigned to

The due date changes on a task I'm assigned to.

The Task Assignee receives an email notification when the Planned Completion Date of the task changes, unless the user who changed the Planned Completion Date is also the Task Assignee.

A notification is sent only if the project status is anything other than Planning.

No notification is sent regarding personal tasks.

TaskTask Status ChangeUser that the task is assigned to

The status changes on a task I'm assigned to.

The Task Assignee receives an email notification when the status of the task changes, unless the user who changed the status is also the assignee.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.


Information about projects I’m on

See also Notifications: Information about projects I’m on.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
ProjectCurrent Project StatusMembers of project team

A project I'm on becomes active.

Users on the project receive an email notification when the project becomes active.

DocumentDocument AddMembers of project team

A document is added to a project I'm on.

Users on the project team receive an email notification when a document is added to the project, except for the user who added the document.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and the document is not Private.

IssueIssue AddMembers of project team

An issue is added to a project I'm on.

Users in a project receive an email notification when an issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

IssueIssue CompletionMembers of project team

An issue is completed on a project I'm on.

Any user on the project receives a notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

TaskMilestone Task CompletionMembers of project team

A milestone task is completed on a project I'm on.

All users on the Project Team receive a notification when a milestone task is completed.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

ProjectProject CompletionMembers of project team

A project I'm on is completed.

Users on a project team receive an email notification when the project status is Complete.

Tip: If projects are completed regularly, enabling this option can create a lot of email for users who have a limited number of tasks on many projects.

ProjectProject Status ChangeMembers of project team

The status changes on a project I'm on.

Users on the Project Team receive an email notification when the status of the project changes.

Project UserProject User AddMembers of project team

I'm added to a project.

The user who was added to the project receives an email notification when they are added, unless the user was self-added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

TaskTask CompletionMembers of project team

A task is completed on a project I'm on.

Members of the project team receive an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

IssueUnassigned Issue AddedMembers of project team

An unassigned issue is added to a project I'm on.

Users on a project receive an email notification when an unassigned issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.


Information about projects I own

See also Notifications: Information about projects I own.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
DocumentDocument AddProject Owner

A document is added to a project I own.

The Project Owner receives an email notification when a document is added to the project, unless the user who added the document is also the Project Owner.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and the document is not Private.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

IssueIssue AddProject Owner

An issue is added to a project I own.

The Project Owner receives an email notification when an issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

IssueIssue Commit Date ChangeProject Owner

The commit date changes for an issue on one of my projects.

The Project Owner receives an email notification when the Commit Date changes for an issue on the project, unless the user who changes the Commit Date is the same user as the Project Owner.

IssueIssue CompletionProject Owner

An issue is completed on a project I own.

The project owner receives an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

TaskMilestone Task CompletionProject Owner

A milestone task is completed on a project I own.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

ProjectProject Owner AssignmentProject Owner

I'm set as the owner of a new project.

When a user is assigned as the owner of a project, that user receives an email notification.

If the project owner is the same user who made the assignment, an email notification is not sent

ProjectProject Progress ChangeProject Owner

A project I own gets behind.

The project owner receives an email notification when the project is behind schedule.

TaskTask Commit Date ChangeProject Owner

The commit date changes for a task on one of my projects.

The Project Owner receives an email notification when the Commit Date changes for a task on the project, unless the user who changed the Commit Date is also the Project Owner.

TaskTask CompletionProject Owner

A task is completed on a project I own.

The project owner receives a notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

TaskTask Progress ChangeProject Owner

A task on a project I own gets behind.

The Project Owner receives an email notification when a task on the project gets behind schedule.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

IssueUnassigned Issue AddProject Owner

An unassigned issue is added to a project I own.

The Project Owner receives an email notification when an unassigned issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.


Information about projects I sponsor

See also Notifications: Information about projects I sponsor.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
DocumentDocument AddProject Sponsor

A document is added to a project I sponsor.

The Project Sponsor receives an email notification when a document is added to the project, unless the document is added by the Project Sponsor.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current and if the document is not Private.

IssueIssue AddProject Sponsor

An issue is added to a project I sponsor.

The Project Sponsor receives an email notification when an issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

IssueIssue CompletionProject Sponsor

An issue is completed on a project I sponsor.

The project sponsor receives an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

TaskMilestone Task CompletionProject Sponsor

A milestone task is completed on a project I sponsor.

The Project Sponsor receives an email notification when a milestone task is completed on a project they sponsor.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

ProjectProject Progress ChangeProject Sponsor

A project I sponsor gets behind.

The Project Sponsor receives an email notification when the project gets behind schedule.

ProjectProject Sponsor AssignmentProject Sponsor

I'm set as the sponsor of a project.

The project sponsor receives an email notification when they are set as the sponsor of a project.

TaskTask CompletionProject Sponsor

A task is completed on a project I sponsor.

The project sponsor receives an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

TaskTask Progress ChangeProject Sponsor

A task on a project I sponsor gets behind.

The Project Sponsor receives an email notification when a task on the project gets behind schedule.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

IssueUnassigned Issue AddProject Sponsor

An unassigned issue is added to a project I sponsor.

The Project Sponsor receives an email notification when an unassigned issue is added to the project.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.


Miscellaneous information

See also Notifications: Miscellaneous information.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
AnnouncementAnnouncement was addedA message is sent to the Announcement Center.Active (Instant only)
DocumentDocument Request CancelUser that document is requested from

Cancel a document upload request from me.

The Document Requestee receives an email notification when a document request is canceled.

Active (Instant only)
Error Notification

An error was found that needs your attention.

An email notification is generated after Workfront tries and fails to connect to a POP account. After 25 tries, Workfront disables the connection to the POP account in order to preserve resources and it sends out a notification.

The email notification is sent to the Project Owner, if the POP email is associated with a request queue, or to the Workfront administrators, if the POP account is associated with the "Incoming Mail" feature in Email Setup.

Active (Instant only)
IssueIssue AssignmentResource Owner

An issue assignment change affects one of my people.

The Issue Assignee Manager receives an email notification when a change affects a user they manage.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current or Planning.

UserNew UserUser

When a new user is created in Workfront, email the user.

After the new user is created, the user receives an email invitation, notifying them that a Workfront account has been created and prompting them to set their password.

When creating a new user, users can select the option "Send an invite email to this person" (as described in Add users). However, when the "New User to User" option is enabled globally, all new users receive the email invitation regardless of whether the "Send an invite email to this person" option is selected.

TeamObject ShareMembers of team that object was shared withSomeone shares an object with my team.Inactive
UserObject ShareUser that object was shared withSomeone shares an object with me.Active (Instant only)
Project UserProject User AddResource Owner

One of my people is added to a project.

A manager receives an email notification when one of his or her direct reports is added to a project.

Users with a Light or Review license do not receive a notification.

ProjectProject added to a portfolio or programPortfolio or Program OwnerSomeone adds a project to a portfolio or program I own.Active (Instant only)
TaskTask AssignmentResource Owner

A task assignment change affects one of my people.

The Task Assignee's Manager receives an email notification.

A notification is sent only if the project status is Current.

New UpdateSubscriberAn email is sent when an update is made to a task, issue, or project that I am subscribed to.Active (Instant only)


See also Notifications: Delegation.

Object TypeEventRecipientDescriptionDefault state
Tasks and issuesTask and issue delegationAssigneeI delegate my tasks and issues (confirmation)Active (Instant only)
Tasks and issuesStop task and issue delegationAssigneeI stop the delegation of my tasks and issues (confirmation)Active (Instant only)
Tasks and issuesTask and issue delegationDelegateSomeone delegates their tasks and issues to meActive (Instant only)
Tasks and issuesStop tasks and issue delegationDelegateSomeone stops the delegation of their tasks and issues to meActive (Instant only)
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