Add users

If your organization has been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console, you must create system administrators through the Adobe Admin Console.
For instructions on creating system administrators in the Adobe Admin Console, see Manage users in the Adobe Admin Console.
Group administrators in organizations that have been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console can use this procedure to create users and submit the user for admin approval.
For a list of procedures that differ based on whether your organization has been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console, see Platform-based administration differences (Adobe Workfront/Adobe Business Platform).

You can add users in Adobe Workfront by creating individual users from scratch or by copy existing users.

For information about how to import multiple users simultaneously, see Import users.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan Any
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Plan

Access level configurations

You must have one of the following:

  • The System Administrator access level.

  • Users setting in your access level configured to Edit access, with Create and at least one of the two User Admin options enabled under Fine-tune your settings .

    Of these two options, if User Admin (Group Users) is enabled, you must be a group administrator of a group where the user is a member.

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.


Before you add a user, gather the information about the user listed below and determine which information you want to associate with that user:

  • What is the user’s personal information? At a minimum you need the following:

    • Full name
    • A user name
    • Default password
    • Email address
    note note
    You can determine whether users can view other users’ contact information by fine-tuning the Users View setting when specifying access levels for Workfront objects. For more information, see Create or modify custom access levels.
  • What is the position of the new user within the company? Does this person have any direct reports? Who does this person report to?

  • What job role does the person fill? Does this job role exist in Workfront? Is there a limit to the number of people who can fill this job role? For information about creating job roles, see Create and manage job roles.

  • What access level should the user have? Does it already exist or do you need to create a new one? For more information, see Create or modify custom access levels.

  • What home group should this user be in? Should the person be in more than one group? For information about groups, see Groups overview.

  • What home team should this user be in? Should the person be on more than one team? For information about teams, see Teams overview.

  • What custom information do you need to associate with this user?

    If information about users is captured in custom fields that you created, you must have a custom form ready when creating a user. For information about custom forms, see Create a custom form.

Create a user from scratch

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Users Users icon .

  2. Click New User > New User to add a user who has not yet been added to Workfront.


    Click New User > Import Users to add users by uploading a spreadsheet import file.

    If you are importing users, you don’t need to continue these steps. For more information, see Import users.

  3. In the New User box that appears, click Show Advanced Options, then configure the available options to enter the person’s information.

    For information about these options, see Edit a user’s profile.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Leave Send an invite email to this person enabled. If you do this, the user receives an email where they can follow a link to create their own password for Workfront. Users who do not accept the email invitation and create a Workfront password are listed as Unregistered in Workfront.
    • Disable Send an invite email to this person, then type a Password for the person and confirm it in the Confirm Password box. You will need to share this password with the user outside of Workfront.
    note note
    • If your Workfront administrator enabled an SSO integration with Workfront, then the Only Allow <SSO Configuration> Authentication field is hidden if you disable the email invitation. The Federation ID or <SSO Configuration> Username field remains visible.

    • If your organization has been onboarded to the Admin Console and you add a user through Workfront, you do not have the option to send an email invitation.

    For existing Adobe users, the user may or may not receive an email about Workfront being available. This is a preference controlled by the Adobe administrator for the product.
  5. Click Add This Person.


    Click Add Person & Start Another to save the new user and add another one.

    note note
    If you are a group administrator adding a user to an organization that has been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console, the options for this step are Submit user for Admin Approval and Submit for Approval & Start Another. The user is created in a Deactivated and Pending Approval status. A Workfront administrator must approve the user, which activates the user in Workfront and adds them to the Adobe Admin Console.

Copy a user to create a new one

You can create a user by copying an existing user.

When you create a user this way, all information is copied from the original user to the newly created user except for the following:
  • The information in the Personal Info section.
  • When I log in, show: The default landing tab for the access level is selected in this box.
  • Direct Reports

To create new user by copying an existing one:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Users Users icon .

  2. Select the user that you want to copy, then click the Copy icon Copy icon .

  3. In the Copy User box that displays, edit the fields available for the new user.

    For information about all fields associated with a user, see Edit a user’s profile.

  4. Click Add This Person.


    Click Add Person & Start Another to save the new user and add another one.

This creates a new account in Workfront for the user.

If you selected the option to send an invitation to the user, they should receive an email where they can follow a link to create their Workfront password.

If your organization has been onboarded to the Admin Console and you add a user through Workfront, you do not have the option to send an email invitation.
For existing Adobe users, the user may or may not receive an email about Workfront being available. This is a preference controlled by the Adobe administrator for the product.