View the status of a submitted timesheet

You can view the status of a timesheet after you submit it.

If the Workfront administrator has enabled the Timesheet Approval to User and the Timesheet Rejection to User event handlers, you are notified after the timesheet is approved or rejected. For information about enabling event notifications, see Event notification types.

Without these notifications, you can learn about the status of your submitted timesheets in the Timesheet area of Workfront.

To view the status of a timesheet:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Timesheets. The All filter is selected by default.

  3. (Optional) Do one of the following to update the filter in the list of timesheets:

    • Select My Timesheet Approvals in the upper-right corner of the page to view only timesheets that you approve


      Select My Timesheets to view only your timesheets.

      This applies the My Timesheet Approvals or the My Timesheet filters to the list of timesheets.

    • Click the Filter icon to apply a different filter, or create a new one. For information about creating or updating filters, see Create or edit filters in Adobe Workfront.

    The My Timesheet Approvals and My Timesheets options do not display at the top of the timesheet list or in the list of filters if your Workfront administrator or a group administrator removed the My Timesheet Approvals and the My Timesheets filters from either the List Controls in the Setup area or from your Layout Template. For more information see the following articles:
  4. (Conditional) If you selected My Timesheets, ensure that the Standard view is applied and notice the Status column.

    Timesheets may have the following statuses:


    Your timesheet is currently open and you may log time.

    A recalled timesheet displays with a status of Open. For information, see the Recall a timesheet section in this article.

    SubmittedYou submitted your timesheet for approval but it has not been approved yet. You may recall a submitted timesheet to continue editing it. For information, see the Recall a timesheet section in this article.

    The following scenarios exist:

    • If the timesheet has no approver, you saved your time and closed it.

    • If the timesheet has an approver, you have submitted it for approval and it has been approved.

    RejectedYou submitted the timesheet for approval and the approver rejected it.

Recall a timesheet

You can recall a timesheet that has already been submitted for approval. Only timesheets that haven’t been approved can be recalled.

To recall a timesheet:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Timesheets.

  3. Click My Timesheets in the upper-right corner of the screen or select My Timesheets from the Filter drop-down menu.

  4. Click the time frame for a timesheet with a status of Submitted.

  5. Click Recall.

    The timesheet becomes editable again and its status changes to Open.