Filter reports by time frames

You can filter a report by the time frame of a date that exists on an object. For example, you can filter an hour report for a particular time frame of when the hours were entered.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan* Any
Adobe Workfront license*


  • Standard


  • Plan
Access level configurations*

Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, Calendars

Edit access to Filters, Views, Groupings

Object permissions Manage permissions to a report

*For information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.


The report must be created before you filter its results.

For more information on creating reports, see Create a report.

Filter a report by the time frame of a date filter-a-report-by-the-time-frame-of-a-date

  1. Click the Main Menu icon , then click  Reporting.

  2. Click New Report, then select the type of report you want.
    For example, select Hour Report.

  3. Select the Filters tab.

  4. Click Add a Filter Rule, then select Hour Entry Date.

  5. In the following drop-down menu, select any of the following options:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Equal (Case Sensitive) After selecting this modifier, specify the date when the hours were entered.
    Not Equal (Case Sensitive) After selecting this modifier, specify the date when the hours were entered, to exclude this date from your report. The report shows hours logged in all dates, expect for the date you specified.
    Null Select this modifier to display only hours where the Entry Date is missing.
    Not Null Select this modifier to display only hours where the Entry Date has a value.
    Between After selecting this modifier, specify a date range when the hours were entered. The report shows hours entered between the specified dates.
    Less Than After selecting this modifier, specify a date before which the hours were entered. The report shows hours entered before the specified date, and not including the specified date.
    Less Than Equal After selecting this modifier, specify a date before which the hours were entered. The report shows hours entered before the specified date, including the specified date.
    Greater Than After selecting this modifier, specify a date after which the hours were entered. The report shows hours entered after the specified date, and not including the specified date.
    Greater Than Equal

    After selecting this modifier, specify a date after which the hours were entered. The report shows hours entered after the specified date, including the specified date.

    Select any of the built-in time frame modifiers, as described in Built-in time frame modifiers.

  6. These modifiers are available for any date field in a filter or a prompt in any report.

  7. Click Save + Close.

Built-in time frame modifiers built-in-time-frame-modifiers

Adobe Workfront has built-in time frame modifiers that you can use without defining a specific date.

These modifiers are available for any date field in a filter or a prompt in any report.

For more information about how to filter a report by a time frame associated with a date, see  Filter a report by the time frame of a date.

For example, if you are building an hour report and would like to display hours entered in a specific time frame, you can choose from the following built-in time frame filter options:

Displays hours where the Entry Date is today.
This Week
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the current week, where the week starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday.
Next Week
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the week following the current week, where the week starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday.
Last Week
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the week prior to the current week, where the week starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday.
This Month
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the current month.
Next Month
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the month following the current month.
Last Month
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the month preceding the current month
This Quarter

Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the current quarter, where quarters are defined as:

  • First Quarter: January 1 - March 30
  • Second Quarter: April 1 - June 30
  • Third Quarter: July 1 - September 30
  • Fourth Quarter: October 1 - December 31
Next Quarter
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the quarter following the current quarter, where quarters are defined above.
Last Quarter

Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the quarter preceding the current quarter, where quarters are defined above.

Note: If your Workfront administrator has enabled and defined custom quarters for your system, the built-in filters for quarters are replaced with your custom quarter information. For more information about enabling custom quarters, see Enable custom quarters for projects.

This Year
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the current year, where the current year starts on January 1 and ends on December 31.
Past Year
Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the past year, where the past year starts 12 months prior to the current date.
Last Year

Displays hours where the Entry Date is a date in the last year, where the last year starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 of the year preceding the current year.

Note: There is no built-in time period for fiscal year. You can create a report and filter the information by date using a custom modifier for the date range of the fiscal year, as it is defined in your organization. If you want to choose a time frame for a fiscal year on the spot, then you should use a prompt instead of a filter.
