Overview of the Finance area
Consider the following when viewing or editing information in the Finance area:
- The financial information you can find on the Finance area of Project Detailsrepresents values that roll up to the project level from tasks, as well as information entered directly on the project. Some financial information can be managed at the project as well as the task level.
- You must have View permissions on the project as well as access to Financial Data from your access level in order to be able to view the Finance area on a project.
- You must have Manage permissions on the project as well as access to Financial Data from your access level in order to be able to edit the information on the Finance area . However, we recommend that only the Project Owner should edit the information on this area .
View Finance information on a project
Go to a project.
Click Project Details in the left panel.
Click the Edit icon
Depending on how your Workfront administrator configured your Layout Template, the Overview section might not be listed first, in which case it is collapsed. For information, see Customize the Details view using a layout template. -
View the following fields in the Finance area of the project:
Edit financial information on a project
As a Project Owner, you can edit the information on the Finance subtab of a project.
To edit information on the Project Finance subtab:
Go to a project which you are the owner of.
You need Manage permissions to the project to perform the following steps. We also recommend that only the Project Owner should make changes to the Finance subtab of the project. -
Click Project Details in the left panel.
Click the Edit icon
Edit any field that is available for editing, by single-clicking the field or click +Add to add information to an empty field.
Fields are not available for editing if they are automatically calculated by Workfront or if you don’t have editing permissions on them. -
Update any of the fields below.
Depending on how your Workfront administrator sets up our Layout Template, the fields in the Project Details section might be different in your environment. For information, see Customize the Details view using a layout template. -
Click Save Changes.