How Workfront calculates SPI
Workfront calculates SPI by the following formula:
SPI = (Total Planned Hours x % Complete) / Planned Hours Scheduled to Date*
*If Planned Hours Scheduled to Date = 0, SPI = 1.
Planned Hours Schedule to Date are calculated at the minute when you perform the calculations. It shows the number of Planned Hours planned to the current date. It can be recalculated automatically when you change your finance data to be accurate. There is no field in Workfront that indicates this value.
For example, if you have a project with 1 task and the task has 10 planned hours and a 10-day Duration, the Planned Hours Schedule to Date on the 5th day are 5.
Locate SPI in a project or task
Go to the project or task where you want to view SPI.
Depending on whether you want to view SPI on a project or a task, do one of the following:
Click Project Details in the left panel, then view the Finance area.
Click Task Details in the left panel, then view the Finance area.
Find the CPI/ SPI/ CSI field.