Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront planAny
Adobe Workfront license*

New: Standard

Current: Plan

Access level configurationsTo perform these steps at the system level, you need the System Administrator access level. To perform them for a group, you must be a manager of that group.

*For more information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Customize what users see in the Details view

  1. Begin working on a layout template, as described in Create and manage layout templates.

  2. Click the down arrow Down arrow under Customize what users see, then click Project, Task, Issue, Program, or Portfolio.

  3. In the Details section, do any of the following to customize what users see in the Details view:

    • Drag any section headers Move icon to change their order.

    • Enable or disable options under the various areas (such as Overview, Finance, and Custom Forms) to show or hide them.

      If you hide all fields in one of these sections, the entire section is hidden.

      All of the fields are enabled by default. You can select or clear the Select all check box in an area to display or hide all of the fields in that area.

    Details view in layout template

  4. Continue customizing the layout template.


    If you are finished customizing, click Save.

    You can click Save at any time to save your progress, then continue to modify the template later.
Previous pageCustomize the left panel
Next pageCustomize the Summary panel using a layout template
