Update the Email Address in the User Profile as a Group Administrator

You can now update email addresses for users who belong to a group you administer.

Previously, only Workfront administrators could update email addresses for other users.

For more information, see Group administrators.

View Approvals Delegated to Me in the Home Area

You can now use the Home area to view project, task, and issue approvals that have been delegated to you.

Prior to this change, you could view delegated approvals only in the My Work area.

For more information, see Delegate approval request.

Export Data for a Given Period in the Resource Planner

A new window is now displayed when exporting the information in the Resource Planner that allows you to select a specific timeframe for your exported file.

Prior to this enhancement, you could export only the information displayed on the screen.

For more information about exporting data from the Resource Planner, see Resource Planner navigation overview in the article Resource Planner navigation overview.

Daily Totals Now Display in Red When the User Is Overallocated

The Resource Scheduling tools have been deprecated and removed from Workfront with the 23.1 release. For information about scheduling resources using the Workload Balancer, see Overview of the Workload Balancer.

When a user is overallocated, the daily totals for the days when the user is overallocated now display in red. This option displays only when the option to Show the Totals for Daily Planned Hours is enabled in the scheduling timeline settings. Prior to this enhancement, there was a red bar indicator for the days when the user was overallocated, but the daily totals displayed without a red highlight.

For more information about user allocations, see “Manage user allocations in the Scheduling areas”.

Tasks and Issues Are Hidden on the Scheduling Timeline When Minimized

When you minimize tasks and issues on your scheduling timeline, they are now hidden for users and roles if the Show Totals of Daily Planned Hours option is enabled in your settings. Tasks and issues in the Unassigned area are displayed in a compressed view.

Previously when minimizing tasks and issues, the tasks and issues would remain on the scheduling timeline for users and roles, but would display in a compressed view.

For more information about minimizing tasks and issues in the scheduling timeline, see  “Get started with Resource Scheduling”.

Filter Comments and Replies by User in the proofing viewer

Now you can include replies when you filter comments made by users you specify. This is useful when you want to focus on all feedback made by an important reviewer, such as a client or project manager.

Previously, filtering by user was limited to only the comments authored (started) by the reviewers you specify.

Comment on a Range of Footage in a Video Proof

You can create a comment for a range of footage in a video proof. This is useful, for example, when you need to indicate that a segment of footage needs to be re-shot or removed.

Previously, you could create a comment only for a single point on a video timeline.

New Polyline Tool for Comment Markup in the proofing viewer

Now you can use polyline markup to draw segmented lines and shapes when you are adding a comment to a proof. You can create an open segmented line or a closed shape. This tool is especially useful when working with intricate images, such as technical or architectural images.

Previously, when marking up a proof to add a comment, you could draw a rectangle, a straight line, a freehand line or shape, or an arrow.

Flash Removal for Report, Calendar, and Document Sharing

We have removed Flash from the following Sharing dialog boxes in Workfront:

  • Reports
  • Calendars
  • Documents

You can still share these objects as you did previously, but now the experience no longer relies on Flash.

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