Access the Overview section

  1. Go to the project whose Overview section you want to view.

  2. Click Project Details in the left panel.

  3. The Overview section should display first as part of the Project Details and should be expanded by default


    Click the Edit icon in the upper-right corner of the Details section, then click Overview. This opens the Overview area for editing.

    Depending on how your Workfront administrator configured your Layout Template, the Overview section might not be listed first, in which case it is collapsed. For information, see Customize the Details view using a layout template.
  4. (Conditional) If there is a specific field that needs to be updated on a project but is not displayed in this section, click the More menu next to the project name, then Edit to view more project fields.

    For more information about editing projects, see Edit projects.

  5. Edit or review the fields in the table below that display in the Overview section.
    To edit any field that is available for editing, click the field or click +Add to add information to an empty field.

    Depending on how your Workfront administrator configured your Layout Template, all fields might not display. For information, see Customize the Details view using a layout template.
    DescriptionDescribe the purpose of this project.
    URLInsert any URL in this field. It can be a Workfront URL or any other.
    PriorityServes as the designated priority or importance of the project.

    The project Status.

    Tip: You cannot complete a project unless all tasks and issues have also completed. If the Completion Mode of the Project is set to Automatic, you cannot manually complete a project.

    Condition TypeDetermines if the manager sets the Condition of the project or if Workfront does. For information about Project Condition, see the article Overview of Project Condition and Condition Type.
    Schedule ModeSets how the project is scheduled. For example, whether the project is scheduled from Start Date or from the Completion Date.
    Planned Start Date and TimeWhen the project is planned to start. This is manually set by the project manager when the project is scheduled from Start Date. Workfront automatically sets this date when the project is scheduled from Completion Date, based on the duration of the tasks in the project.
    Planned Completion Date and TimeWhen the project is planned to complete. This is manually set by the project manager when the project is scheduled from Completion Date. Workfront automatically sets this date when the project is scheduled from Start Date, based on the duration of the tasks in the project.
    PortfolioThe portfolio associated with the project. You must create the portfolio before you can add it to a project.
    ProgramThe program associated with the portfolio of the project. You must create the program before you can add it to a project.

    The Group associated with the project.

    You can make sure you are selecting the right group by hovering over it and clicking the information icon that displays next to it. This displays a tooltip listing information about the group, such as the hierarchy of groups above it and its administrators.

    By default, one of the following groups is automatically associated with a project when it is created, unless you specify a different group:

    • When the project is created from the Projects area, project creator's Home Group is associated with the project.

    • When the project is created from a group's main page in the Setup area, that group is automatically associated with the project.

    CompanyThe Company associated with the project.
    Project OwnerThis is the owner of the project.
    Project SponsorThis is the primary stakeholder for the project. This is usually an executive overseeing and championing the project, or it is the person with budgetary responsibility.
    Resource Manager

    This is the person who can manage user resources in the project.

    For information about Resource Managers, see the article Designate Resource Managers for a project or template.

    When updating the Project Owner, Project Sponsor, and Resource Manager fields, notice the avatar, the user’s Primary Role, or their email address to distinguish between users with identical names.
    Users must be associated with at least one job role to view it as you add them.
    You must have the View Contact Info setting enabled in your access level for Users to view users’ emails. For information, see Grant access to users.
  6. Review the following fields in the Overview section. You cannot edit the following fields:

    Reference NumberThis is an automatically generated field and it always has a unique value for each project.
    Projected Start DateThis is a ‘real time’ date of when work is going to start based on completed work and remaining work.
    Projected Completion DateThis is a ‘real time’ date of when the project is going to be completed based on the progress of completed tasks and based on the progress updates on the tasks that are either New or In Progress status.
    Planned HoursHours planned on the project. These hours are a total of Planned Hours for each task.
    Actual HoursHours logged on the project. These hours are a total of the logged hours on the project, the tasks, or the issues of the project.
    Planned DurationAmount of time the project will span, based on the time frame between the earliest Planned Start Date of a task and the latest Planned Completion Date of a task on the project.
    Actual DurationAmount of time the project will actually span, based on the timeframe between the earliest Actual Start Date of a task and the latest Actual Completion Date of a task on the project.
    Entry DateThe date and time when the project is created.
    Entered ByThe name of the user who created the project.
    Last Update DateThe date and time when the project was last updated.
    Last Updated ByThe name of the user who last updated the project.
  7. If your company has purchased an additional license for the Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner, and the project has information published from a linked initiative, review the following initiative information in the Scenario Planner area:

    Initiative DurationThe duration of the corresponding initiative when the project is linked to an initiative. This field is not editable.
    Last Published DateThe date when the project was last published from a corresponding initiative.
    Initiative Start DateThe first day of the start month of the initiative, when the project is linked to an initiative.
    Initiative End DateThe last day of the end month of the initiative, when the project is linked to an initiative.
    Initiative Job Roles in FTEs and Hours

    Information about the associated job roles and their time allocations for the initiative. This includes:

    • Job Role name

    • Number of FTEs

    • Number of Hours for all FTEs

      You can estimate the amount of job roles needed for your plan or initiative using hours or FTEs.

      For more information, see Create and edit plans in the Scenario Planner.

    Tip: If the number of job role is different for each month in the initiative, this field displays the maximum amount of roles needed for the initiative. For example, if you need 1 Consultant for January and 2 for February, the column displays 2FTE and the corresponding amount of hours for 2 FTEs for all months.

    For information about linking projects with initiatives, see Update or create projects by publishing initiatives in the Scenario Planner.

  8. Click Save Changes.

Previous pageRequire time to be approved for a project
Next pageOverview of Project Condition and Condition Type


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