Create an advanced proof with an Automated workflow

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue where you want the proof, then click the Documents tab.

  2. Click Add new > Proof, upload the content, then work through the sections listed below.


    Hover over an existing document, then click the Create Proof > Advanced Proof and work through the sections listed below.

Configure the proof Stages

  1. In the Workflow type section, choose Automated.

  2. (Optional) If you want to use an Automated Workflow template that your Workfront administrator created and shared with you, click Add template, select the template in the box that appears, then click Add template.

    Consider the following when you use an Automated Workflow template:
    • An Automated Workflow template’s settings determine what you can do with the Automated Workflow for a proof. For example, if the Add a stage button disabled in the template, it is not visible as you work with the Automated Workflow settings for the proof.
    • When a person is added to a sage in an Automated Workflow template, but also already present as a reviewer on the proof, applying the template removes the reviewer from the stage. If you don’t add another reviewer to the stage, a message will prompt you to add one.
    • Your ability to modify an Automated Workflow template depends on the template settings configured by the Workfront administrator, as described in . If the ability to modify the template is disabled, only the owner of the template can modify it.
  3. Configure the first stage of the Automated Workflow:

    1. (Optional) If you want to create a name for the first stage, click Stage 1, then type the name.

    2. In the Recipients section for the stage, add reviewers to the stage.

      Consider the following when adding reviewers to a stage:
      • You can add external users to a stage with an email address.
      • After you add a user to a stage, you can configure settings for that user on the proof.
      • You can drag users directly to another stage, or you can drag users to a stage on the Stages diagram. To select multiple users, press Shift+Ctrl (on Windows) or Shift+Command (on Mac).
      • You can add a reviewer to a proof only once, which means that you cannot add the same person to more than one stage on the proof.
      • Reviewers who are not added to a private stage cannot see that stage on the proof or comments made in that stage.
      • By default, adding a user to a stage grants that user access to view the proof from the moment the proof is created. Your Workfront administrator can restrict users from accessing the proof until the workflow enters the stage where the user was added.
    3. Click Stage settings.

    4. Click an Activate stage option to indicate how you want the stage to activate.

      For the first stage, you can select only On proof creation, On a specific date and time, or Manually.

    5. (Conditional) If you selected On a specific date and time in the previous step, select the date and time when you want to activate the stage in the Activate on box that appears.

    6. Use any of the options below to further configure the stage.

      Set stage deadline

      To set a deadline for the stage, click an option in the Deadline options drop-down list. Then, under Deadline, do one of the following:

      • If you chose Set specific date: Select the deadline date and time you want.
      • If you chose Calculate from stage activation date: Select the number of business days you want to add to the stage activation date to determine the deadline.
      Lock stageSpecify when the stage can be locked.
      Transfer primary decision rights toSelect the Primary decision maker on the stage (available only after you add at least one person to the stage who has a Proof role of Approver or higher). If you select a Primary decision maker, the Only one decision required option is disabled on this stage.
      Require only one decision for this stage

      Ends the entire review process when one of the decision makers makes a decision.

      This option is not available if you designated a user in the Primary decision maker drop-down menu.

      Make this stage privateAllows only the following people to view comments and decisions made during this stage: Supervisors, Workfront administrators, and Workfront Proof administrators
  4. To add and configure another stage:

    1. Click New stage.

    2. (Optional) If you want to create a name for the first stage, click Stage 2 (or Stage 3, Stage 4, and so on), then type the name.

    3. Click the Activate stage, then select an option to specify whether the stage is activated automatically or manually.

      In addition to the options On proof creation, On a specific date and time, or Manually, you can select an option that is dependent on what occurred in the previous step:

      Activate stage options

    4. If you selected an Activate stage option that is dependent on what occurred in the previous step, use the options that appear to configure the activation setting.

      For example, if you selected When previous stage status changes, select the Previous stage, then select the status in the Status changed to box.

  5. Repeat the previous step as needed to add more stages.

    As you add stages to the Automated Workflow, a diagram forms on the screen to represent them:

    Stages diagram

  6. Continue with Configure email settings for the proof below.

Configure email settings for the proof

  1. In the Email notification section, select whether to send email notifications and a custom message to the users you selected in Create an advanced proof with an Automated workflow earlier in this article:

    Notify recipients about this proofSelect this option to send an email notification to users. When Basic sharing is selected in the Workflow section, an email notification is sent when the proof is created. When Automated workflow is selected in the Workflow section, an email notification is sent when the proof enters the stage of the Automated Workflow that the user is associated with.
    Add custom messageSelect this option to include a custom message in the notification. You can specify a subject and message body. The message body can include rich text formatting, such as bold, bullets, and hyperlinks.
  2. Continue with Configure proof settings below.

Configure proof settings

  1. In the Proof settings section, select any of the following options:

    Require login - proof can only be shared with other users

    When this option is disabled (default), anyone with the URL is able to view the proof.
    When this option is selected:

    • Only Workfront Proof users are able to view the proof.
    • Users cannot sign in to the proof unless they have been added to the proof.
    • Subscriptions cannot be enabled.
    Only one decision required for this proofWhen this option is selected, the review is completed after one of the decision makers makes their decision.
    This option is disabled by default.
    Require decisions to be electronically signedUsers are required to specify their user name and password at the time that they make a decision on a proof.
    Lock proof when all required decisions are madeWhen this setting is enabled, the proof state is locked after all decisions have been made. The state is automatically changed from unlocked to locked when the final approver makes their decision.
    This option is disabled by default.
    Download original fileWhen this option is selected, reviewers are able to download the original file from which the proof was created.
    When this option is deselected, the Download icon is no longer visible.
    This option is enabled by default.
    Share proof via public URL or embed codeWhen this option is selected, the proof can be shared via a public URL or embed code.
    Subscribe to proof via public URL or embed code

    When this option is selected, people who have not been added explicitly to the proof can subscribe to the proof. The person subscribing to the proof is granted the role and email that you define in the following settings:

    • Subscriber role: The default proof role that is assigned to all reviewers that subscribe to the proof.
    • Email alert settings for subscribers: The default email alert that is assigned to all reviewers that subscribe to the proof.
    • Proof access via email link required for: Configure whether the subscriber receives an email with a link to the proof. You can select No email (email link is not required to access the proof), Proof notification email only (subscriber receives a link to the proof via email without any verification), or Validation and proof notification emails (subscriber receives a link to the proof via email and must click the link to access a proof, the purpose of this option is to ensure that the person has entered a correct email address to which they have access).

    Note: If the proofs have Automated Workflow attached all subscriptions will generate confirmation emails to the proof Owners, so they could decide which stage the person should be added to.

  2. Click Create Proof.

    Workfront begins generating a proof of the selected documents or websites. Depending on the file size and type, the lag time on a document upload can vary. Be patient as bigger files take longer to generate. You can navigate away from the page and Workfront continues to generate your file. The maximum file upload size is 4GB.

  3. After the proof is generated, click Open proof to launch the proofing viewer.

    Open proof

    Users who do not have proofing enabled on their account are still able to view the document and make comments to the proof .

Previous pageCreate an advanced proof with a Basic workflow
Next pageManage proofs within Adobe Workfront: article index


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