Private stages

By default, comments left by reviewers in all stages are visible to everyone who is reviewing the content and receiving email notifications and comment summaries about the review process.

If you want to prevent certain groups of reviewers from seeing other reviewer’s comments, you can create private stages.

Private stages are only visible to reviewers added to those stages. They are also visible to users who have edit rights on the proof or edit rights on all items created in your organization’s Adobe Workfront account (Supervisor and above, or users with custom profiles for whom editing of other people’s information is enabled).

Comments added by private stage participants are not included in email notifications and proof comment summaries requested by anyone who doesn’t have the rights to view them.

Workflow diagram

The Workflow diagram is a visual representation of your proof’s review process. It shows you the order of stages and any dependencies between stages as you create or view the details of a proof. Any private stages display with a key symbol.


In live proofs, stage dependencies display with a dashed grey line for inactive stages or a solid black line for active stages. Stages display in green if the approval process was completed within their specified deadline. Stages approaching their deadlines display in orange and stages past their deadlines display in red.


Automated Workflow templates

If your organization uses the same review process for multiple proofs, your Workfront administrator can create Automated Workflow templates to make proof creation a lot easier. You can choose an Automated Workflow template while you are configuring a proof to add the stages and reviewers in that template to the proof. You can modify the template applied to the proof as needed before and after you create the proof.

Your Workfront administrator can create an unlimited number of templates according to your company’s needs.

To find out more about creating, using, and managing templates, see your Workfront administrator.

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Next pageAutomated Workflow Stages overview
