Supported proofing file types and size limits overview
You can share and review various types of files with your reviewers, even if they do not have the software used to create the files (such as Photoshop or Illustrator) installed on their machines. We support static, video, audio, web capture, and interactive file types up to 4 GB in size.
File size limits
Workfront has the following limits:
- Files must be less than 4 GB per file.
- Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) and PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) files must be less than 512 MB. (This also applies to unarchiving proofs of these file types created before the size limit was implemented.)
- XLS and XLSX files must be less than 100 MB.
- Files attached to comments on proofs must be less than 30 MB.
- PNGs must have a height and width less than 65535px.
- Static combined proofs can support up to 50 files.
- Documents uploaded as proofs must be less than 2,000 pages.
Static files
- DOT - Microsoft Word Document Template
- DOTX - Microsoft Word Document Template
- POT - Microsoft PowerPoint Template
- POTX - Microsoft PowerPoint Template
- PPS - Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow
- PPSX - Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow
- XLT - Microsoft Excel Template
- XLTX - Microsoft Excel Template
- EPS - Encapsulated PostScript
- ABC - LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression
- ABIC - Adaptive Bi-level Image Compression
- AFP - Advanced Function Presentation
- AI - Adobe Illustrator Artwork
- ANI - Windows Animated Cursor
- ANZ - Mayo Clinic Analyze format
- ARW - Sony Raw Format
- AWD - Microsoft Fax
- BMP - Windows and OS/2 Bitmap formats
- CAL - CALS Raster
- CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile
- CIN - Kodak Cineon
- CLP - Windows Clipboard
- CMP - LEAD Compressed
- CMW - LEAD Wavelet Compressed
- CMX - Corel Presentation Exchange
- CR2 - Canon Raw
- CRW - Canon Raw
- CUR - Windows Cursor
- CUT - Dr. Halo
- DGN - Intergraph Design
- DOC - Microsoft Word Document
- DOCX - Microsoft Word Document
- DCR - Kodak Digital Camera
- DCS - Kodak Digital Camera System
- DCX - Paint Brush
- DNG - Adobe Digital Negative
- DOC - Microsoft Word Document
- DOCX - Microsoft Word Document 2007
- DRW - DRaWing
- DWF - AutoDesk Vector
- ECW - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet
- EMF - Windows Metafile
- EXIF - Exchangeable Image File Format
- FAX - LaserView Laser Data
- FITS - Flexible Image Transport System
- FLC - Flic Animation
- FPX - Kodak FlashPix
- GBR - Gerber GIF - CompuServe
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (animated GIF in the new Workfront Proof Viewer only)
- GIF HDP - Windows HD Photo
- ICO - Windows Icon
- IFF - Interchange File Format
- IOCA - Image Object Content Architecture
- IMG - GEM Image
- ITG - Intergraph
- JB2 - JBIG2
- JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
- JPEG-XR - Windows Media Photo / HD Photo (HDP)
- JPEG-LS - JPEG Lossless
- J2K - JPEG 2000
- JP2 - JPEG 2000 Compressed
- JPM - JPEG 2000 Part 6
- JPX - JPEG 2000 Part 2
- KDC - Kodak Digital Camera
- MAC - MacPaint
- MIF - MapInfo Interchange
- MNG - Multiple Network Graphic
- MO:DCA - Mixed Object: Document Content Architecture
- MSP - Microsoft Paint
- MRC - LEAD Mixed Raster Content
- MRC - T.44 Mixed Raster Content
- NAP - North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax (NAPLPS)
- NEF - Nikon Electronic Format
- NITF - National Imagery Transmission Format
- NRW - Nikon Raw Format
- ORF - Olympus Raw Format
- PBM - Portable Bitmap Utilities
- PCD - Kodak Photo CD
- PCL - Printer Command Language
- PCL6 - Printer Command Language
- PCT - Macintosh Pict
- PCX - Paint Brush
- PDF - Adobe Portable Document File
- PGM - Portable Bitmap Utilities
- PLT - HPGL Plotter
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics
- PNM - Portable Bitmap Utilities
- PPM - Portable Bitmap Utilities
- PPT - PowerPoint Presentation
- PPTX - PowerPoint Presentation 2007 PS - PostScript File
- PSD - Photoshop
- PSP - Paint Shop Pro
- RAS - SUN Raster
- RAF - Fujifilm Raw Format
- RAW - Raw Data
- RTF - Rich Text
- RW2 - Panasonic Raw Format
- SCT - Scitex Continuous Tone
- SFF - Structured Fax Format
- SGI - Silicon Graphics Image
- SHP - ESRI Shape
- SMP - Xionics
- SNP - Microsoft Access Report Snapshot
- SR2 - Sony Raw Format
- SRF - Sony Raw Format
- SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
- TDB - Microsoft Windows Thumbnail Cache
- TFX - Internet Fax
- TGA - Truevision TARGA
- TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
- TIFX - Xerox Internet Fax File
- VFF - Sun TAAC Bitmap
- WBMP - Wireless Bitmap
- WFX - WinFax
- WMF - Windows Metafile
- WMZ - Compressed Windows Metafile
- WPG - Vector WordPerfect Graphic
- XBM - XBitMap
- XLS - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
- XLSX - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2007
- XPM - XPicMap
- XPS - XML Paper Specification
- XWD - X WindowDump
Static files - Text tool
- DOT - Microsoft Word Document Template
- DOTX - Microsoft Word Document Template
- POT - Microsoft PowerPoint Template
- POTX - Microsoft PowerPoint Template
- PPS - Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow
- PPSX - Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow
- XLT - Microsoft Excel Template
- XLTX - Microsoft Excel Template
- AI - Adobe Illustrator Artwork
- AIT - Adobe Illustrator Template
- DOC - Microsoft Word Document
- DOCX - Microsoft Word Document
- PDF - Adobe Portable Document File
- PPT- PowerPoint Presentation
- PPTX - PowerPoint Presentation 2007 PS - PostScript File
- PSD - Photoshop
- RTF - Rich Text
- XLS - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
- XLSX - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2007
Video files
All MPEG-4 implementations (Xvid, 3vix, etc.)
Flash (VP6, Sorenson Spark/H.263+, H.264)
VOB (unencrypted VOBs only)
Windows Media/VC-1
Ogg Theora
Input audio codecs (part of video)
- MP3
- Windows Media
- Ogg Vorbis
Audio files
- MP3
Web captures
You can create static web page proofs. For more information, see Create a static proof for a website or other web content and Create a Static Website Proof using Workfront Proof.
Zip files
We do not support or extract files from ZIP files for security reasons. Unzip the files before uploading them. If you do not do this, the upload will not be unsuccessful.
You can submit zip files only if they contain a complete interactive project and your account has interactive features enabled (Premium plans).
For more information, see Interactive content proofs overview.
InDesign and Quark files
We do not support InDesign and Quark Files because they are not self-contained file types and they reference numerous other files such as images and fonts. Output from these file types varies depending on the output settings. We recommend that customers save InDesign and Quark files as a PDF and upload the PDF.