Create a static proof for a website or other web content

To create a static proof, the website needs to be publicly accessible (not behind a firewall), or your organization’s allowlist must include the Workfront domain. Workfront cannot capture a password-protected website as a static proof.

We recommend interactive proofing rather than static proofing for internal pages requiring authorization and password-protected pages. For more information, see Interactive content proofs overview.
  1. Go to the project, task, or issue where you want to create a new website proof or a new version of an existing one.

  2. Click Documents  in the left panel .

  3. (Conditional) If you are creating a new proof, click  Add New, then click Proof in the menu that appears.

  4. (Conditional) If you are creating a new version of an existing proof:

    1. Mouse over the URL proof for which you want to create a new version, then select it by clicking in the light blue background surrounding it.


    2. Click Add new > Version > Proof.

  5. Type the URL of the website you want to proof in the Add Files area, then press Enter.

    The URL must be less than 2,000 characters.
  6. Click the URL you have added.

    Options for configuring the website proof appear.

    Interactive proof

  7. (Optional) If you want to change the name of the proof from the website URL to something else, type a  Proof name.

  8. Make sure  Capture screenshot  is selected and use any of the following options:

    Screenshot resolution

    Adjust the resolution of your content when reviewers view the proof, allowing them to see how it appears on devices of varying sizes, such as phones, tablets, and monitors.

    If you select multiple resolutions, a separate proof is created for each resolution you select.

    Note: When a reviewer comments on the proof, the comment includes the resolution showing when the comment was made so that other reviewers know which resolution is associated with the comment.

    Look for subpagesCapture the website's subpages as well as its main pages. You can click Select all to include all the pages, or you can click only certain pages you want to be included. The plus and minus buttons let you expand and close the subpage areas in the website.
    You cannot change the Capture screenshot setting for any subsequent versions of the proof that you create.
  9. Click Done.

    If you selected multiple screenshot resolutions in step 8, the list includes a set of screenshots for each resolution. You can generate these screenshots as separate proofs or combine them into a single proof (see  in .). We recommend that you combine them, especially if you are creating a static website proof.

    If you are adding a new version to an existing URL proof, any options that were configured on the original proof or previous version are maintained in this version.
  10. Click Create proof to create a simple proof with no review process.
    Continue by configuring an advanced proof:

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