User 1

First NameChris
Last NameManning
AccessTeam Member
Company<Your Company>
Home GroupMarketing
Job RoleBusiness Analyst

User 2

First NameJennifer
Last NameCampbell
AccessProject Manager
Company<Your Company>
Home GroupMarketing
Job RoleProject Manager

User 3

First NameJill
Last NameSullivan
AccessHelp Desk
Company<Your Company>
Home GroupSales
Job RoleSales Rep

User 4

First NameMarc
Last NameLewis
AccessPortfolio Manager
Company<Your Company>
Home GroupFinance
Job RoleController

User 5

First NamePam
Last NameReynolds
AccessProject Manager
CompanyYour Company>
Home GroupMarketing
Job RoleIT

User 6

First NameRay
Last NameAndrews
CompanyYour Company>
Home GroupResource Manager
Job Rolenone

Download a Kick-Start Template

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Click System > Kick-Starts > Import Data.

  3. Click More Options to see the full list of import options.

  4. Select the Access Level, Company, Group, Job Role, and User objects that you want to import.

Input company information

  1. Open the Workfront.xlsx file you just downloaded.

    When working with very wide data sheets, you may want to use your spreadsheet editor’s Freeze Pane (or equivalent) tool to make the spreadsheet easier to work with.
  2. Go to the ‘CMPY Company’ sheet.

    It should be empty unless companies are already in the system. Company sheet

    Company ID

  3. Specify TRUE into the isNew column.

  4. Repeat this action for each company being added. (In this example, complete this action for rows 3-6, because four companies are being added.)

    Company is new

  5. Specify a unique ID.

    This must be done for each row for the ID column. Integers starting at 1 work well when creating new records.

    Company is new

  6. Set a Name.

    Specify the names of each customer in the setName column.

    Company ID

  7. Go to the GROUP Group sheet.

    Unless you have already created groups in Workfront, this sheet should display only the Default Group provisioned with every account of Workfront.

    Group sheet Empty group sheet

  8. Set the isNew column.According to the scenario, 4 groups will be imported, so specify TRUE into rows 4 through 7 for the ‘isNew’ column.

  9. Specify a unique ID.

    This must be done for each row for the ID column. Integers starting at 1 work well when creating new records.

    Group IDs

  10. Set a Name.

    Specify the names of each department in the setName column.

    Group names

    Specify role information. Go to the ROLE Role sheet.

  11. Unless you have already created or deleted roles in your account, this sheet should display 8 roles that are provisioned with every account of Workfront.

    Group names

  12. Set True statement.

    Seven Job Roles are importing, input TRUE into rows 12 through 18 for the ‘isNew’ column.

    Role is new

  13. Specify a unique ID.

    This must be done for each row for the ID column. Integers starting at 1 work well when creating new records.

    User sheet

    Role is new

  14. Provide a names for each role by typing it in the setName column.

    Role is new

  15. Provide additional details as needed.

    Include billing rates, cost rates, and descriptions for the Roles you are creating, as needed.

  16. Go to the USER User sheet to input User Information.

    Unless you have already created users in your account, this sheet should display only the Admin User that is provisioned with every account of Workfront.

    Role names Empty user sheet

  17. Set True value by specifying TRUE into rows 4 through 9 for the ‘isNew’ column, since 6 users are being imported.

    User is new

  18. Set a unique ID by specifying a unique ID in each row for the ID column. Typically integers starting at 1 work well for new records.

    User is new

  19. Input the names of each user into the ‘setFirstName’ and ‘setLastName’ columns.


  20. Set detail values by specifying values into the ‘setEmail,’ ‘setPassword,’ and ‘setUsername’ columns.

    User credentials

  21. Specify Access Level values.

    For example, Chris Manning, who is a Team Member, look up the ID on the ACSLVL Access Level sheet for the Team Member access level. Copy the ID into your clipboard, and on the USER User sheet paste it in the setAccessLevelID column on Chris’ row.

    Repeat this step for each user and access level.

    Copy access level ID Paste access elevel ID

  22. Specify Home Group details.

    According to the scenario, Chris Manning belongs to the Marketing group. On the GROUP Group sheet, locate the ID for the Marketing group, copy it into the clipboard, and on the USER User sheet paste it in the setHomeGroupID column on Chris’ row. ​Repeat this step for each user and group assignment.

    Copy group ID Paste group ID

  23. Specify Company details.

    All the users in this scenario belong to the same company. On the CMPY Company sheet, locate the ID for the *Your Own Company *company, copy the ID into the clipboard, and on the USER User tab, paste this value into each row of the ‘setCompanyID’ column.​

    Repeat this step for each user and group assignment.

    Company ID

    Paste company ID

  24. Specify Job Role details.

    According to the scenario, Chris Manning will have the Business Analyst role. On the ROLE Role sheet, locate the ID for the Business Analyst role, copy it into the clipboard, and on the USER User sheet paste it in the ‘setRoleID’ column on Chris’ row. ​Repeat this step for each user and group assignment.

    Copy role ID

    Paste role ID

  25. Fill in other user details, as needed, then save the file.

  26. Import the Excel File.

    Follow the directions provided in Import data into Adobe Workfront using a Kick-Start template.
