Add or rename an action

  1. From Workfront, click the Main Menu icon Main Menu , or (if available), click the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner Main Menu , then click Proofing to access Workfront Proof.

  2. Click Settings > Account settings in the upper-right corner of the Workfront Proof interface, then click the Settings tab.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • To create a new action, in the Actions section, click New action.

      There is no limit to the number of actions you can set up in your account.

    • To rename an existing action, click Setup next to the action.

  4. Type a name for the action, then click Save.

  5. Click Save.

Deactivate or reactivate an action

  1. From Workfront, click the Main Menu icon Main Menu , or (if available), click the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner Main Menu , then click Proofing to access Workfront Proof.

  2. Click Settings > Account settings in the upper-right corner of the Workfront Proof interface, then click the Settings tab.

  3. Click Setup next to the action you want to deactivate or reactivate.

  4. Select Activate or Deactivate, then click Save.

Reorder actions

  1. From Workfront, click the Main Menu icon Main Menu , or (if available), click the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner Main Menu , then click Proofing to access Workfront Proof.

  2. Click Settings > Account settings in the upper-right corner of the Workfront Proof interface, then click the Settings tab.

  3. Click the blue up and down arrows next to Setup to reorder the actions.


Configure custom devices for proofs

You can add any custom devices to your system, allowing users to review interactive content and simulate how the content appears on a specific device.

For information about how users can select devices when reviewing interactive content, see Change interactive proof resolution in the proofing viewer

To add a custom device:

  1. From Workfront, click the Main Menu icon Main Menu , or (if available), click the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner Main Menu , then click Proofing to access Workfront Proof.

  2. Click Settings > Account settings in the upper-right corner of the Workfront Proof interface, then click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Custom Devices for proofs section, click Add new device.

  4. In the Add new device box that appears, specify the following information:

    NameThe name users see when selecting the device in the Desktop Proofing Viewer, as described in Change interactive proof resolution in the proofing viewer.
    DimensionsSpecify the dimensions to use for this device. Users see the dimensions displayed below the device name.
    RatioSpecify the ratio for the device.
    TypeSelect whether the device is a Mobile, Tablet, or Desktop.
    User agent string

    Enter the user agent for the device to provide information that makes our software run and display as designed for the device.

    You can obtain the user agent by going to from the device.

    DisabledIf this option is selected, the device is not available for users to select when reviewing interactive proofs.
  5. Click Create.

Configure pop-up messages for proofs

You can configure pop-up messages on proofs to communicate general information to all reviewers in your organization.

You can configure messages to appear in the following situations:

  • On load message: Displays when the proof first opens. Useful for explaining to users how to review a proof or to provide a disclaimer or other legal text.

  • On decision message: Displays when a user selects a decision on a proof. Useful for giving your users checklists for things such as brand or regulatory compliance. For information about decisions, see Make a decision on a proof in the proofing viewer.

  • Confirm button text: The label that displays on the button in the On load pop-up message explained above.

To create pop-up messages for proofs:

  1. Click Edit to the right of the message you want to customize.
  2. Specify a message and include the appropriate formatting, then click Save.
  3. (Optional) If you customized the On load message and you want to also customize the confirmation button label, click Edit to the right of Confirm button text, specify a label, then click Save.

Configure proof defaults

For information about configuring proof defaults for your organization, see Configure default proof settings.

Configure sharing defaults

You can specify who your organization’s proofs can be shared with, what versions are available for reviewers, and when proofs with an Automated Workflow are visible to users who are associated with a given stage.

For more detailed information about sharing settings within Workfront Proof, see Configure sharing settings for your users.

Brand the Workfront Proof site

If you are using Workfront Proof, you can set up branding for the following areas of the site:

  • The splash page that displays when the proof loads
  • Log in and Log out screens
  • Email notifications

For detailed information about how to brand the Workfront Proof site, see Brand the Workfront Proof site.

Configure advanced password settings

This option is available only for Legacy Workfront plans. If you are on a Pro, Business or Enterprise Workfront plan, you can no longer configure advanced password settings.

Under Advanced password settings, you can enhance password security for your users.

  1. Click Setup to the right of the setting you want to configure:

    Minimum password lengthThe default Workfront Proof password length is six characters. You may want to increase the number, depending on your organization's policies.
    Character mixYou can force the users to use a mix of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols in their passwords. You decide how many characters the password should contain.
    Maximum characters repetitionYou can specify how many characters can repeat in each user's password.
    Automatic password agingForces users to regularly change their password. You decide how often they will do so.
    Number of password repetitions not allowedConfigure the number of password repetitions not allowed in your account.
    Profile lockoutLocks your users out of the account after a number of unsuccessful login attempts that you specify. You also specify how long they should wait before they can access their account again.
    Lock user if password not reset after 30 days

    If your user doesn't change their initial password within 30 days from their profile activation, they are locked out of the account.

    Account Administrators can unlock (reactivate) users who get automatically locked by the system. This will give them additional seven days to change their password.

    Lock user account if inactive for 120 daysIf your user doesn't log into Workfront Proof or a Login-required proof for 120 days, they are locked out of the account.
    Change password after first login

    Requires users to change their temporary password after their first login.

    Account Administrators can unlock (reactivate) users who are automatically locked out by the system.

    or more password information, see Logging in and changing your password and email for Workfront Proof.

Previous pageConfigure proofing
Next pageUser sync between Workfront and Workfront Proof


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