Enabling Branding on Proofs

To add your own branding image to the proof loading page of every proof created in your account:

  1. Log in to Workfront Proof as the Workfront Proof administrator.

  2. Click Account Settings in the upper-right corner of the Workfront Proof interface.

    For more information about the various account settings you can configure, see Account settings.

  3. Click the Settings tab.

  4. In the Branding section, click Setup next to Proof branding. (1)


  5. From the drop-down menu select Branding image.
    If you select Disable, the Workfront Proof logo appears on the proof loading page

  6. Click Save. (3)


  7. Click Edit to select the branding image (4).

    You can use JPGs, GIFs, or PNGs. Transparency is supported. The recommended image size is 150x300px. Your image on the login and logout pages will be resized to these dimensions.


  8. Select the image you want to upload. (5)

  9. Click Save.

    Your branding image now shows on the proof loading page of every proof created in your account.


Branding Email Notifications

You can configure your branding image to be included on email notifications sent to reviewers. This image is resized to the maximum size of 90x550px.

To set up email branding:

  1. Log in to Workfront Proof as the Workfront Proof administrator.

  2. Click Account Settings in the upper-right corner of the Workfront Proof interface.

    For more information about the various account settings you can configure, see Account settings.

  3. Click the Settings tab.

  4. In the Branding section, click Edit next to the Email application image (1).

  5. Select the image you want to use for branding the emails. (2)

    If you have an email branding already configured and you want to disable it, click Clear. (4)


  6. Click Save.

    The image now appears on all proof notifications emails. (3)


If you create a proof via the Workfront Proof API, you can suppress buttons and links and create your own custom links.

See Workfront Proof API for more information.

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