Logging Out

  1. Click Logout in the upper-right corner of Workfront Proof.
    A message appears to confirm that you are logged out. You can click Back to login page to log in again if you want.
    The Workfront Proof administrator can set up personalized branding for this message. See Brand the Workfront Proof site. Or, if and you are using an Enterprise or Unlimited edition plan, see Brand the Workfront Proof site - advanced.

When You Forget Your Password

If you forget your password, you can have Workfront Proof email you a reset email message.

  1. Go to the login page.

  2. Click Forgot password?

  3. In the box that appears, type your email address, then click Get Link.

Changing Your Password

  1. On the Dashboard, click Change password.
    If your Workfront Proof administrator has set up any specific password requirements, they are listed at the top of the reset page.

About Advanced Password Settings

If you use a Select or Premium plan, your Workfront Proof administrator can set specific password requirements to comply with IT and security policies in your organization and enhance the security of your data. For more information, see “Advanced Password Settings” in the article .

Adding an Email Address to Your Account

You can add multiple email addresses to your Workfront Proof account. Your primary email address is the email to which Workfront Proof sends proof notifications. You also use it to log in to Workfront Proof. You can change your primary email address.

  1. Click Settings > Personal settings.

  2. Under User email aliases, click New email address.

  3. In the Email alias box that appears, type the email address you want to add, then press Enter.
    Workfront Proof sends a validation email to the new email address.

  4. In the validation email you receive, click the confirmation link.
    The email change is saved in your profile. You may need to refresh the browser where you are viewing Workfront Proof Personal settings page to see that it is confirmed as an alias email.

  5. (Optional) To make the new email address your primary email address in Workfront Proof, click the More (three dot) button to the far-right of the address, then click Make primary email in the menu that appears.

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