Configure visibility to all versions of a shared proof

  1. From Workfront, click the Main Menu icon Main Menu , or (if available), click the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner Main Menu , then click Proofing to access Workfront Proof.

  2. Click Settings > Account settings, then click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Sharing section, to the right of Recipients can view all versions, select Enable or Disable to indicate whether you want to allow recipients to view all versions of a proof within the proofing viewer when the Proof URL is enabled.

Configure proof visibility based on workflow stage activity

You can specify when proofs with an automated workflow are visible to users who are associated with a given stage.

  • This option is available only when using the standalone Workfront Proof application; it is not available when using a Workfront Proof instance that is integrated with Workfront or when proofing within Workfront.
  • Users receive an email notification about the proof only after it enters the stage the user is associated with, regardless of this setting.

To configure when proofs with an automated workflow are visible to users:

  1. From Workfront, click the Main Menu icon Main Menu , or (if available), click the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner Main Menu , then click Proofing to access Workfront Proof.

  2. Click Settings > Account settings, then click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Sharing section, enable or disable Proof visibility based on stage activation.

    Disabled (default)

    Proofs are visible to users at the time the proof is created.

    Any user associated with a stage in the workflow for the proof can see the proof in search results immediately after the proof is created.


    Proofs are visible to users only after the stage they are associated with becomes active.


    • After you enable this option, existing proofs are still visible to users who could view it when it was created.
    • After a user gains access to a version of a proof (because the stage the user is associated with becomes active), the user can see only the version where the stage is activated. If a previous version never reached the stage the user is associated with, the user cannot see that version of the proof.
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