Configure proof decisions

Users can use proof decisions to indicate the status of the proof after review.

The logic behind proof decisions is used to calculate the overall status of a proof workflow if there are multiple decisions of various levels. The decisions “Approved” and “Approved with changes” trigger the next stage in an automatic workflow.

To configure proof decisions:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. In the left panel, click Proofs > Proof settings.

  3. In the Decisions section, you can

    1. Rename the decision: Click on the text inside the decision box, and begin typing the new decision label.

      Retain the logic for a decision when you rename it. For example, the default decision Rejected could be changed to New version required, but it should not be changed to Send to Printers.

      Rename decision

    2. Rearrange the decision order: Drag the decision boxes in the order you want them to appear in the proofing viewer.

      Move decision

    3. Hide a decision: Hover over the decision box, and click the Hide icon in the upper-right corner.

      Hide decision

  4. (Optional) To go back to the Workfront defaults, click Restore defaults.

  5. Click Save.

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