Request a project

You can request for a project to be approved before you start working on it.

When you create a blank project, the status of the project is Idea.

If you need a formal request for the project to be approved, we recommend building a Business Case for a new project so that you can outline some of the key points you want to achieve by completing it, as well as to present to your management your labor and expense budget.

Filling out the Business Case and submitting the project for approval completes the formal request for the project. After submitting the business case for approval the status of the project becomes Requested.

You can request a project when you add a new project in the following areas of Adobe Workfront:

  • In the Projects area
  • In the Projects area of a Portfolio
  • In the Projects area of a Program
  • In the Groups area for the group of the project, when you are a group administrator.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan Any
Adobe Workfront license*

New: Standard


Current: Plan

Access level Edit access to Projects
Object permissions When you create a project request you automatically receive Manage permissions to the project

*For information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Request a project

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Main Menu in the upper-right corner, or the Main Menu in the upper-left corner, if available, click Projects, then expand New Project.
    • Go to a portfolio, then expand New Project.
    • Go to a program, then expand New Project.
    • If you are a group administrator, you can also create a project in the Projects section of a group you manage. For more information, see Create and modify a group’s projects.
  2. Click Request Project.

  3. Do one of the following:

    The project you request has a status of Requested and it displays on the Requested Projects tab of a Portfolio, if you associated it with a Portfolio. A portfolio manager can now review it and either approve it or reject it, in which case the status of the project changes to either Approved or Rejected.
