
Before you begin, you must ensure that:

  • Your system or group administrator enabled the “Allow users to create projects without using a template” preference in the Setup area.

    For more information, see Configure system-wide project preferences.

New project default settings

When you create a project, Workfront applies a set of default settings to it. For example, the Status, Group, and Schedule Mode are preset when you create a project.

Consider the following:

  • As a Workfront administrator or a group administrator, you can configure the default settings for a new project when configuring Project Preferences for your entire Workfront instance or for a group.

  • Workfront applies the settings of the group, if there are any, before it applies those set by the Workfront administrator.

  • The default status of a new project corresponds with the status defined by your Workfront administrator in the main Project Preferences area or by a group administrator (or Workfront administrator) in the Project Preferences area for a group.

    We recommend that the default status for a new project is Planning. As you are making changes to the new project, this ensures that notifications are not sent to the users assigned to the project.
    For more information about setting up the default status and other default settings for a new project, see Configure system-wide project preferences or Configure project preferences for a group.
  • The following scenarios exist for how Workfront defines the Group and Status of a new project:

    • If you create a project from scratch, the Group of the project is your Home Group.

      The Status of the project is the default status in the Project Preferences of your Home Group, if there is one, or of your Workfront instance. You can change the default status when creating the project to any status available for the Group of the project.

    • If you create a project using a template, the settings from the template take precedence over the settings established by the Workfront or group administrator.

      The Group of the new project is the Group of the template. If the template is not associated with a Group, then the Group of the project is the Home Group of the user who creates the project.

      The default status of a new project created from a template corresponds with the status defined by your Workfront administrator in the main Project Preferences area or by a group administrator (or Workfront administrator) in the Project Preferences area for the group. You can change the default status when creating a project from a template, to any of the statuses of the Group of the project which is either the Group of the template, or the Home Group of the user who creates the project.

    • If you create a project by converting an issue, the group of a new project is the Group of the issue’s existing project. If the user converting the issue does not have access to the issue’s project or if the issue’s project does not have a Group, the Group of the new project is the Home Group of the user converting the issue.

      The new project’s statuses match the group statuses of the group associated with the project, which is either the Group of the original project or the Home Group of the user converting the issue.

      If you are using a template when you’re creating the project by converting the issue, refer to the second scenario above to understand which Group and which Status Workfront applies to the new project.

Create a project from scratch

If you are creating a project using a template, we recommend that you also see the article Create a project using a template.
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner. Click Projects, then expand New Project.
    • Go to a portfolio, then expand New Project.
    • Go to a program, then expand New Project.
    • If you are a group administrator, you can also create a project in the Projects section of a group you manage. For more information, see Create and modify a group’s projects.

    New Project menu

  2. Click New Project in the menu to create a project from scratch.

  3. Type a name for your project. Press Enter to save the name.

    Enter a name for the project

    The header of the project page displays a quick overview of the current health and progress of a project. The information in the project header changes as the project information is updated.

  4. Click Start Adding Tasks.


    Click New Task to add tasks to the project and assign resources to them.

    For more information about adding tasks to a project, see Create tasks in a project.

  5. Edit the project details by clicking the More menu and then Edit next to the name of the project.

    The Edit Project dialog box opens.

    For more information about editing a project, see Edit projects.

  6. (Optional) After configuring the project settings and adding the tasks, you can change the status of the project to Current.

    This indicates that the project is now ready to start and users assigned to the tasks can now start working on them.

    For more information about project statuses, see Access the list of system project statuses.

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