Create a Business Case for a project

You can use the Business Case to request a project and define the purpose, the budget, and the potential benefit for the project. The Portfolio Manager or Project Sponsor uses the information from the Business Case to analyze and prioritize the project before they approve it.

Access requirements

You must have the following:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Plan or higher
Access level configurations*

Edit access to Projects, Financial Data, and Resource Management

Note: If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

Manage or higher permissions on the project

For information on requesting additional access, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.


Consider the following when requesting a project through a Business Case:

  • Your Adobe Workfront administrator or group administrator must enable the sections of the Business Case before they appear on your project.
    For information about enabling the sections in the Business Case at the system level, see the article Configure system-wide project preferences.

    For information about the areas of the Business Case, see the article Overview of the Areas of the Business Case.

  • You must complete all areas of the Business Case except for the Goals area if you want your project to receive a Score in the Portfolio Optimizer. Completing the Goals area is optional. The project receives a Score in the Portfolio Optimizer, even if this area is not completed.

    For information about working with Scorecards and with the Portfolio Optimizer, see the article Apply a scorecard to a project and generate an Alignment Score.

Create a Business Case

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu icon , then click  Projects.

  2. Click  New Project and select  Request Project.
    By default, the project is placed in the Idea status.

    note caution
    If the Idea status has been deleted in your Workfront instance, the project is placed in the default status for new projects as defined in the Project Preferences area. For information about setting up project preferences, see Configure system-wide project preferences.
  3. Specify a name for your project, then press Enter.

  4. (Optional) Click the More icon More icon , then Attach Template, to create the Work Breakdown Structure of your project.


    Start adding tasks to the project manually.

  5. (Conditional) If you selected to attach a template, continue attaching the template to the project

  6. Click Business Case in the left panel.

  7. (Optional) Click Edit Project Info.

    For more information about editing the fields in the Project Info section of the Business Case, see the section Project Info in the article Overview of the Areas of the Business Case.

  8. (Optional) Click Edit Goals.

    For more information about editing the Goals section of the Business Case, see the section Goals in the article Overview of the Areas of the Business Case.

  9. (Optional) Click Edit Expenses.

    For more information about editing the Expenses section of the Business Case, see the section Expenses in the article Overview of the Areas of the Business Case.

  10. (Optional) Use the Resource Budgeting area to budget your resources and obtain the Budgeted Labor Cost associated with the job roles on the project. For more information, see Budget resources in the Business Case.

    note tip
    The information displayed here is the same as the information displayed in the system-level resource budgeting tools.
  11. (Optional) Click Edit Risks to add potential risks to this project. For information about adding risks to the Business Case, see the Risks section in the article Overview of the Areas of the Business Case.

  12. (Optional) Select a Scorecard  in the Add a Scorecard****to this Project drop-down menu.

    Scorecards must be created before they can be attached to projects.

    For more information about scorecards, see the article Apply a scorecard to a project and generate an Alignment Score.

  13. (Optional) Select a Custom Form in the Custom Forms drop-down menu.

    Custom Forms must be created before they can be attached to projects.

    For more information about Custom Forms, see the article Create a custom form.

  14. Click  Submit.

    The project status is changed to Requested and it is submitted to have the Business Case approved.

    For more information about approving a Business Case, see the article Approve a Business Case.

  15. (Optional) After completing the Business Case, you can export a copy of it to a .pdf file. For more information about exporting the Business Case to a .pdf file, see the section “Export the Business Case” in the article Overview of the Areas of the Business Case.
