Scorecards overview

Typically, a project manager completes the scorecard information to produce an alignment value between 0 and 100 for the project. The value produced is later used when the portfolio manager reviews the projects in the portfolio optimizer to compare them.

For more information about portfolio optimization, see Portfolio Optimizer overview.

Apply a scorecard to a project

As a user with a Standard or Plan license and Manage permissions to a project, you can attach a scorecard to the project.

For more information about project permissions, see Share a project in Adobe Workfront.

You can add scorecards to a project as part of building the business case for the project.

For more information about building a business case, see Create a Business Case for a project.

Your Adobe Workfront administrator or group administrator must enable the Scorecard section in the Business Case area of your projects before you can access scorecards from the Business Case. For information about setting up project preferences and enabling areas of the Business Case, see Configure system-wide project preferences.

To apply a scorecard to a project:

  1. Go to a project to which you want to apply a scorecard.

  2. Click Business Case in the left panel.

  3. Find the Scorecard section of the Business Case.
    You must create a scorecard before the Scorecard section displays on the Business Case.

    For information about creating a scorecard, see Create a scorecard.

  4. Select a scorecard from the drop-down menu.

    New scorecard

  5. Enter an answer for all the questions in the scorecard.

    Workfront applies a score to each question answered and calculates an overall project score based on the individual score of every question.

    For more information about generating the project overall alignment score, see Generate an Alignment Score for a project.

  6. Click Save to save the scorecard and score the project.

    The scorecard is now associated with the project and the project is scored.

Generate an Alignment Score

Generate an Alignment Score for a project

The alignment score is the value produced after completing the scorecard.

Scorecards contain questions with answer choices that have been assigned numerical values, called alignment points. These points are used to determine how well the project aligns with your organization. The alignment points for each question contain a number between 0 and 100.

When the scorecard is completed, Workfront calculates the alignment score of the project as a percentage, using the following formula:

Project Alignment Score = The sum of the question points from the scorecard met at a given time / The sum of the possible points on the scorecard

For more information, see Create a scorecard.

Generate an Alignment Score for a portfolio

The alignment score of the portfolio is an average of the alignment scores of all the projects in the portfolio.

When the scorecards of the projects are completed, Workfront uses those values to calculate the alignment score of the portfolio as a percentage, using the following formula:

Portfolio Alignment Score = The sum of the percentages of the project alignment scores / Number of projects in the portfolio

If a project does not have a scorecard associated with it, and therefore it does not have an alignment score, it is considered to have a 0% alignment in the portfolio. The project is taken into account in the number of projects in the portfolio.

View the Alignment Score

You can view the alignment score of a project at the project level, or in the Portfolio Optimizer.

View the Alignment Score on a project

You can view the alignment score of a project at the project level if you have Contribute rights to the project.

  1. Go to the project whose Alignment Score you want to view.

  2. Click Business Case in the left panel.

  3. Go to the Business Case Summary on the right side of your screen.

    The Alignment Score is located in the Business Case Summary, in the Aligned value.

    Alignment score on a project

View the Alignment Scores of the project and of the portfolio in the Portfolio Optimizer

You can view the alignment score of a project or of a portfolio in the Portfolio Optimizer, if you have Manage access to the portfolio.

For more information about the information displayed in the Portfolio Optimizer, see Portfolio Optimizer overview.

Locate the Alignment Score of the project in the Portfolio Optimizer

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Portfolios.

  2. Click the name of a portfolio.

  3. Click Portfolio Optimization in the left panel.

    The Portfolio Optimizer displays.

    The alignment score of a project is displayed as a percentage in the Alignment column of the Portfolio Optimizer.

    This is the alignment score of the project based on the scorecard associated with the project.

Locate the Alignment Score of the portfolio in the Portfolio Optimizer

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Portfolios.

  2. Click the name of a portfolio.

  3. Click Portfolio Optimization in the left panel.

  4. At the top of the Portfolio Optimizer find the Aligned value, as well as the Alignment gauge, which indicate the alignment score of the portfolio.

    This is the alignment score of the portfolio.

    For more information about how the alignment score of a portfolio is generated, see Generate an Alignment Score for a portfolio.

Overview of the Portfolio Optimizer Score

There is a difference between the alignment score and the portfolio optimizer score of a project.

The alignment score of a project is calculated based on the points obtained after completing the scorecard. This score is then used to determine the portfolio alignment score. The alignment score is displayed as a percentage.

The alignment score of a project displays in the Alignment column of the Portfolio Optimizer.

The portfolio optimizer score is a ranking automatically calculated in the Portfolio Optimizer by which projects can be prioritized. The portfolio optimizer score is displayed as an indicator icon accompanied by a number and it displays in the Score column of the Portfolio Optimizer. A Portfolio Optimizer score is generated only when all the sections of the Business Case are completed, except for Goals.

For more information about creating a Business Case for a project, see Create a Business Case for a project.

For more information about calculating the portfolio optimizer score of a project, see Overview of the Portfolio Optimizer Score.
