Manage your tasks from Slack

  1. Log in to your Slack instance and log in to Workfront from Slack.
    For information about logging in to Workfront from Slack, see the “Logging In to Workfront from Slack” section in Access Adobe Workfront from Slack.

  2. From any channel, start typing either of the following commands in the message field:

    /workfront home, then click Tasks


    /workfront tasks

    • Commands are case sensitive.
    • You can start your command with /wf instead of /workfront.

    The first 20 tasks on your list display.

  3. Click +<remaining number> more to display additional tasks.

  4. Consider reviewing the following information about your work items:

    • Name

    • Project Name or Parent Object Name

    • Planned Completion Date of the work item.

    • Assigned By Name: this is the name of the user who assigned the task to you.

    • Status

  5. (Optional) Click the name of an item to open it in Workfront in a separate browser tab.

  6. (Optional) In the Status field, select a new Status.

  7. (Optional) Click Log Time, then select an Hour Type and an hour amount to log time on the item.

    • You can only log hours in increments of a full or half hour, up to 12 hours and 30 minutes.
    • The hours you log have an Entry Date of today. You cannot log time for a past or future date from Slack.

    You receive a confirmation that the time has been logged.

  8. (Optional) Click Work on it to accept to work on a task. The Work on it button disappears.

Manage your issues from Slack

  1. Log in to your Slack instance and log in to Workfront from Slack.
    For more information about logging in to Workfront from Slack, see the Logging In to Workfront from Slack section in Access Adobe Workfront from Slack.

  2. From any channel, start typing either of the following commands in the message field:

    /workfront home, then click Issues


    /workfront issues

    • Commands are case sensitive.
    • You can start your command with /wf instead of /workfront.

    The first 20 issues in your list display.

  3. Click + remaining <number> more to display additional items.

  4. Consider reviewing the following information about your work items:

    • Name
    • Project Name or Parent Object Name
    • Due on Date: This is the Planned Completion Date of the work item.
    • Requested by Name: This is the Primary Contact (for issues) or the user who made the assignment (for tasks).
  5. (Optional) Click the name of the issue to open it in Workfront in a separate browser tab.

  6. (Optional) Click Work on it to start working on issues you have not accepted yet.

    The Work on it button disappears.

Manage your approvals from Slack

  1. Log in to your Slack instance and log in to Workfront from Slack.
    For more information about logging in to Workfront from Slack, see the “Logging In to Workfront from Slack” section in Access Adobe Workfront from Slack.

  2. From any channel, start typing either of the following commands in the message field:

    /workfront home, then click Approvals


    /workfront approvals

    • Commands are case sensitive.
    • You can start your command with /wf instead of /workfront.

    The first 20 items on your Approvals list display. Additional information about the items also displays, like the name of the user who requested it or the name of the project the item belongs to.

  3. Click + remaining <number> more to display additional items.

  4. Consider managing approvals for the following objects:

    • Projects

      Click Approve or Reject to accept or reject the status change of a project.

    • Tasks

      Click Approve or Reject to accept or reject the status change of a task.

    • Issues

      Click Approve or Reject to accept or reject the status change of an issue.

    • Documents

      Click Approve to approve a document, Reject to reject it, or Changes to indicate that you approve it, but that the document needs additional changes.
      (Optional) Mouse over the document thumbnail to click the magnifying glass and preview the document.

    • Proofs ​Click the proof name to open it in Workfront in a separate tab and manage the approval.

    • Access Requests

      Click Grant Access to give enhanced permissions to the requested object, or Ignore to ignore the request for more access.

  5. (Optional) Click the name of the object submitted for approval to open it in Workfront in a new browser tab.

Previous pageAccess your favorites and recent items from Slack
Next pageCreate tasks and issues from Slack


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