Save an email header file

Occasionally, Adobe Workfront support may request an email Header file. Each email application has its own way of getting this file. Here are a few different email application instructions to locate and save the Header.


  1. Open the email message.

  2. Click View, and select Message Options.

  3. Click Internet Headers.

  4. Save the complete header file.

Outlook for Mac

  1. Right-click on the email message.
  2. Select View Source.
  3. Save the complete header file.


  1. Open the email message.
  2. Click on the Reply drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down, and select Show Original.
  4. Save the complete header file.


  1. Open the email message.

  2. Click View and select Manage Source.

  3. Save the complete header file.

Yahoo Mail

  1. Open the message.

  2. Click Actions, and select View Full Header.

  3. Save the complete header file.


  1. Go to the message list.
  2. Right-click on the message, and select View Message Source.
  3. Save the complete header file.