Share a folder

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, then click Documents.


    With a Workfront object open, click Documents in the left panel.

  2. Select the folder, then click the Share icon in the toolbar.

    The folder must be in the top five levels of a folder hierarchy on an object, and cannot be a smart folder.

  3. In the box that displays, under Give folder access to, start typing the name of the user, team, job role, group, or company you want to share the folder with, then press Enter when the name displays.

  4. To adjust access for the user, team, job role, group, or company you just added, click the drop-down menu to the right of the name, then configure one of the following available options and any of its advanced settings:

    View it

    Ability to view the folder and its contents.

    Click Advanced Settings to specify whether you want to allow the following:

    • Download: Ability to download the folder and its contents as a ZIP file

    • Share: Ability to share the folder with others in the system

    Manage it

    Ability to view and edit the folder and its contents

    Click Advanced Settings to specify whether you want to allow users to do the following:

    • Delete: Delete the folder and its contents from the system
    • Download: Download the folder and its contents as a ZIP file
    • Share: Share the folder and its contents with other users in the system
  5. (Optional) Repeat Steps 3-4 to add other names to the list and configure their options.

  6. (Optional) If you want everyone in the system to be able to view the folder and its contents, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the sharing box, then click Make this visible system-wide.

    If you change your mind, you can, click Remove system-wide access (the default option).

How users access the contents of a folder shared with them

Currently, when you share a folder, your recipients don’t see the folder in their Documents area. However, they can access its documents by running a document report.

For information about running a report, see the section Report on objects in the article Understand objects in Adobe Workfront. Also see Create a custom report.

Inherited permissions when you share an object containing a folder

When you share an object that has a document folder, your recipients also get access to the folder:

  • If you grant your recipients View access to the parent object, they have View access to the folder.

  • If you grant your recipients Contribute or Manage access to the parent object, they have Manage access to the folder.

  • If you grant one type of access (View, Contribute, or Manage) to the parent object, and another type to the folder, your recipients have the highest of those two types of access to documents within the folder

    For example, if you share the parent object with View access, and the folder with Manage access, your recipients have Manage to the documents in the folder.

    An attached document inherits permissions only from the object where it was attached. If you create a folder on the object and move the document into the folder, it inherits the folder’s permissions. But, if you create a folder on a parent or grandparent object and move the document into that folder, it does not inherit that folder’s permissions.
  • If the option “Never inherit document access from projects, tasks, issues, etc” is enabled in the recipient’s access level, they will not inherit permissions to documents in a folder that you share with them. To give them access to a document in the folder, you must share the document.

    For information about the “Never inherit” option, see Configure access to Adobe Workfront.

    For information about sharing a document, see Share a document.

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