Create a report

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Reports.

  2. Click New Report, then select the object type that you want for the report.

    The report builder loads.

    For specific information about available object reports, see the section Report on objects in the article Understand objects in Adobe Workfront.

    Select new report

    You can also create a report by making a copy of an existing report. For more information, see Create a copy of a report.
  3. (Optional) To edit the title of your new report, enter your desired report title in the text field in the top-left corner of the report builder. We recommend using only UTF-8 characters to avoid compatibility issues.

  4. In the report builder, add the following to your report:

    Columns (View)

    Adding columns to your report determines what information your report contains.

    To learn how to add a column, see Add columns (view) to a report.


    Adding groupings to your report determines how your report is organized.

    To learn how to add a grouping, see Add groupings to a report.


    Adding filter rules to your report determines information you see in your report.

    To learn how to add a filter, see Add filters to a report.


    Adding a chart to your report determines how the information in your report is presented visually.

    To learn how to add a chart, see Add a chart to a report.

  5. At any point during the report creation process, click Apply to save your changes.

  6. After you are finished, click Save + Close.

Add columns (view) to a report

  1. Start creating a report as described in the Create a report section in this article.

  2. In the report builder, select the Columns (View) tab to identify the columns to appear in the report.

  3. (Optional) Click Apply an Existing View and click the name of a view in the drop-down menu to use an existing view.

    For more information about creating a view, see Views overview in Adobe Workfront.

  4. (Optional) To remove an existing column, click the column that you want to remove, then click the x next to the current name in the column header.

  5. To add a new column, click Add Column.


    To change an existing column, click the column, click the Remove icon Remove column icon to the right of the current field in the Show in this column field area in the upper-left corner of the report builder, and start typing a new field, then click it when it displays in the list.

    For more information about the fields you see in the columns, see Glossary of Adobe Workfront terminology.

    Add column typeahead

  6. (Optional) In the Column Settings area, select Sort by this column to sort the values in the column either in ascending on descending alphabetical order, then indicate whether the list should use this column as its first sort.

    You can have multiple levels of sorts in a report view if you want to sort by the value in one column first, the value in a second column secondly, etc.

    If multiple results are identical according to the first sorting criteria, they sort in the order of the second sorting criteria. If multiple results are identical according to the first and second sorting criteria, they sort according to the third sorting, etc.

    If you add a field that references an object that is too far removed from the object that you’re reporting on, you may not be able to sort by this field.
    For example, an issue report cannot sort by the Project Owner field because it references 3 additional objects: Project, Owner, and Name. However, you can still add this field to an issue report and see the information for it.
  7. (Optional) If you are using groupings and you want to summarize (aggregate) the information in a column, click the Summarize this column by drop-down list in the Column Settings area, then select the option you want to use to aggregate the information in the column.

    The aggregated information displays in the column in the grouping rows.

    Aggregate summary on groupings

    For more information about summarizing data in a column, see Views overview in Adobe Workfront.

    The following exceptions apply for parent objects (for example, parent tasks) when you are aggregating values for the following fields in groupings:
    • All the number and currency fields except Actual Hours (for example, Planned or Actual Labor Cost, Planned or Actual Expense Cost, Planned or Actual Cost, Planned Hours) aggregate only the values for the children tasks, and standalone tasks. They do not aggregate the values for the parent tasks or parents of parents.
    • Actual Hours aggregate the values for the main parent and the standalone tasks; they do not aggregate the numbers for the parents of parent tasks or the children tasks.
    • Custom data fields for number and currency values aggregate all tasks: parents, children, parents of parents, and standalone tasks.

    For more information about using groupings in a report, see Groupings overview in Adobe Workfront.

  8. (Optional) Click Advanced Options to specify the following information for the column:

    Custom Column LabelSpecify a custom label for the column. This label replaces the default label.
    Field FormatSelect the format in which you want the values to be displayed for fields in the column.
    Show this column when on a DashboardSelect this option to show this column on a dashboard, when the report is displayed side by side with another report. When this option is unselected, this column is not displayed when viewing the report on a dashboard where reports are displayed side by side.
    Column RulesClick Add a Rule for this Column to add conditional formatting to the column. After you add a rule, you can define field and text styles for how fields that match that rule are displayed. Click Add Rule after you have finished defining the rule. For more information about conditional formatting in a view, see Use conditional formatting in views.
  9. Click Apply to apply your changes so far and continue editing the report with the following options.

    Click Save + Close if you are finished editing the columns in the report and you want to save the report.

Add groupings to a report

  1. Start creating a report as described in the Create a report section in this article.

  2. In the report builder, select the Groupings tab to identify how you want to group items in the report.

  3. Click Add grouping to add a new grouping.


    Choose Apply an Existing Grouping to select an existing grouping when it displays in the list.

    Add grouping

  4. Start typing the field that you want to add as a grouping. If the field is available, it populates for each object where it can be associated. Click the name of the field to add it to that grouping.

  5. (Optional) You can choose to build a grouping in text mode, by clicking Switch to Text Mode. For more information about using text mode, see Text Mode overview.

    For more information about creating new groupings, see Groupings overview in Adobe Workfront.

  6. (Optional) Select Collapse this grouping by default if you want the results in this grouping to display collapsed rather than expanded.

    This setting is disabled by default and the results of the grouping always display in an expanded list.

    • When you manually adjust groupings when viewing a list, Workfront remembers your manual preference until you log out. When you log back in, the list displays according to this setting.
    • The results of a grouping always display expanded after accessing them from a chart element.
  7. (Optional) Click Switch to Matrix Grouping, to build a matrix grouping and display your results in a grid format.

    For more information about building a matrix report, see Create a matrix report.

  8. Click Apply to apply your changes so far and continue editing the report with the following options.

    Click Save + Close if you are finished editing the groupings in the report and you want to save the report.

Add filters to a report

  1. Start creating a report as described in the Create a report section in this article.

  2. In the report builder, select the Filters tab to identify the amount of information that you want the report to include.

  3. Click Add a Filter Rule to add a custom filter.
    Choose Apply an Existing Filter to use an existing filter.

    Add a filter

  4. If you clicked Add a Filter Rule, start typing the field that you want to add as a filter. If the field is available, it populates for each object where it can be associated. Click the name of the field to add it to that filter.
    Use filter modifiers to build your filter. For more information about filter modifiers, see Filter and condition modifiers.

    For more information about creating new filters, see Filters overview.

  5. (Optional) You can choose to build a filter in text mode by clicking Switch to Text Mode.

    For more information about using text mode, see Text Mode overview.

  6. Click Apply when you are finished editing the filters in the report to apply your changes so far and continue editing the report with the following options.

    Click Save + Close if the report and you want to save the report.

Add a chart to a report

  1. Start creating a report as described in the Create a report section in this article.

  2. In the report builder, select the Chart tab, then select the type of chart you want to add.

    Add a chart

    For more information about building a chart in a report, see Add a chart to a report.

  3. Click Apply to apply your changes so far and continue editing the report with the following options.

    Click Save + Close if you are finished editing the report and you want to save the report.

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