Additional information about groupings

You can further manage report information when using Groupings by aggregating the values in each column on the Grouping row, as well as sort your information by the field of your Grouping. You can also remove a Grouping when it is no longer needed.

Aggregate values in groupings

You can aggregate the data displayed in your report in your grouping line by summarizing the values in each column of the report. For more information about summarizing column data in a grouping, see Views overview in Adobe Workfront.

The following exceptions apply for parent objects (for example, parent tasks) when you are aggregating values for the following fields in groupings:
  • All the number and currency fields except Actual Hours (for example, Planned/ Actual Labor Cost, Planned/ Actual Expense Cost, Planned/ Actual Cost, Planned Hours) aggregate only the values for the children tasks, and standalone tasks. They do not aggregate the values for the parent tasks or parents of parents.
  • Actual Hours aggregate the values for the main parent and the standalone tasks; they do not aggregate the numbers for the parents of parent tasks or the children tasks.
  • Custom data fields for number and currency values aggregate all tasks: parents, children, parents of parents, and standalone tasks.

Sort by a grouping

Groupings cannot be sorted. Views can be sorted. In order to sort a list by the value captured in the grouping, you must include that same value in one of the columns of the view and apply the sorting in the view. This way, the list sorts by the value in the grouping indirectly (it sorts by the value in the view which is also captured in the grouping). For more information about creating views and sorting by values inside the views, see Views overview in Adobe Workfront.

Remove a grouping

How you remove a grouping depends on whether you initially created the grouping, or the grouping was shared with you. You cannot remove a default grouping.

  • If you created the grouping and you remove it, the grouping is removed from the Workfront system. The grouping is no longer available to any users who you previously shared it with.
  • If the grouping was shared with you and you remove it, the grouping is removed only for you. The user who originally created it and any other users it has been shared with still have access to the grouping.

For information about removing a grouping, see the article Remove filters, views, and groupings.

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