Overview of built-in reports

You can create a copy a built-in report and save it as a new report. For more information about creating copies of built-in reports, see Create a new version of a report in the article Create a copy of a report.

The following reports come with the Workfront package. The reports are available to all users who have at least View rights to built-in reports in their access level.

Report NameReport Description
Actual Portfolio Cost by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and the Actual Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by Program Name, prompted by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Actual Portfolio Cost by ProjectA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and the Actual Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by Project Name, prompted by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Actual Portfolio Revenue by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Revenue and the Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by Program Name, prompted by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Actual Portfolio Revenue by ProjectA Project report that displays the Planned Revenue and the Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by Project Name, prompted by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Actual Revenue by CompanyA Project report that displays the Actual Revenue and the Company of the projects. The report is grouped by Company Name, and it includes a chart.
Actual Revenue by GroupA Project report that displays the Actual Revenue and Group of the projects. The report is grouped by Group Name, and it includes a chart.
All Open TimesheetsA Timesheet report that displays Open Timesheets. The report displays the following fields: the Date Range, Owner Name, Total Hours, Overtime, Approver Name, and Status of the timesheets.
Approval Timesheets(Prompted)A Timesheet report that displays Submitted or Rejected Timesheets with approvers. The report displays the following fields: the Date Range, Owner, Total Hours, Overtime, Approver Name, and Status of the timesheets. The report is prompted by: Timesheet Start Date, Timesheet End Date, Timesheet Approver Name, and User Name.
At Risk ProjectsA Project report that displays Current and Planning projects that have a Condition of At Risk or In Trouble. The report displays the following fields: the Description, Planned Completion Date, Projected Completion Date, Percent Complete, Status, and Priority of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name.
Billing Revenue by CompanyA Project report that displays the Company and Billing Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by Company Name, and it includes a chart.
Billing Revenue by GroupA Project report that displays the Billing Revenue and Group of the projects. The report is grouped by Group Name, and it includes a chart.
Billing Revenue by MonthA Billing Record report that displays the Project Name, Project Billing Revenue and the Bill Date of the billing records. The report is grouped by the month of the Billing Date of the billing records, and it includes a chart.
Completed Issues By WeekAn Issue report that displays the Actual Completion Date of the issues. The report is grouped by the week of the Actual Completion Date of the issues and it includes a chart.
Completed Issues By Week By UserAn Issue report that displays the Actual Completion Date and Assignments of the issues. The report is grouped by the primary assignee and by the week of the Actual Completion Date of the issues, and it includes a chart.
Current ProjectsA Project report that displays all Current projects. The report displays the following fields: the Description, Planned Completion Date, Projected Completion Date, Percent Complete, Status, and Priority of the projects.
Hour Costs by User by MonthA matrix Hour report that displays the number of logged Hours and their Actual Cost. The report is grouped by Owner Name and the month of the Entry Date of the hours.
Hours By UserAn Hour report that displays the number of logged hours. The report is grouped by Owner Name and includes a chart.
Hours by User by WeekA matrix Hour report that displays the number of logged hours in the past four weeks and the Entry Date of the hours. The report is prompted by the Entry Date of the hours and is grouped by Owner Name and the month of the Entry Date of the hours.
Issues By StatusAn Issue report that displays the Status of issues. The report is grouped by Status of the issues, and it includes a chart.
Issues by Status and ProjectA matrix Issue report that displays the Status of issues in Current projects and the Project Name. The report is grouped by Project Name and Status of the issues.
Labor vs. Expense Costs by PortfolioA Project report that displays the Planned Labor Cost, Actual Labor Cost, Planned Expense Cost, and Actual Expense Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Labor vs. Expense Costs by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Labor Cost, Actual Labor Cost, Planned Expense Cost, and Actual Expense Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name and Program Name, and it includes a chart.
Monthly Portfolio Planned Cost vs Actual by ProjectA matrix Project (Financial Data) report that displays the Allocation Date, Total Planned Cost, Total Actual Cost and Total Cost Variance of the projects. The report is grouped by Project Name, the quarter and the month of the Allocation Date.
Monthly Portfolio Planned Revenue vs Actual by ProjectA matrix Project (Financial Data) report that displays the Allocation Date, Total Planned Revenue, Total Actual Revenue and Total Revenue Variance of the projects. The report is grouped by Project Name, the quarter and the month of the Allocation Date.
Monthly Project Planned Costs vs ActualA matrix Project (Financial Data) report that displays the Allocation Date, Total Planned Cost, Total Actual Cost and Total Cost Variance of the projects. The report is grouped by Project Name, the quarter and the month of the Allocation Date and is prompted by Project Name.
Monthly Project Planned Revenue vs ActualA matrix Project (Financial Data) report that displays the Allocation Date, Total Planned Revenue, Total Actual Revenue and Total Revenue Variance of the projects. The report is grouped by Project Name, the quarter and the month of the Allocation Date and is prompted by Project Name.
My DocumentsA Document report that displays documents uploaded by the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Owner Name, Modified Date, Size, Version Count, Source, and Type of the documents.
My FavoritesA Favorites report that displays a list of objects marked as favorites by the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Object Type and the Name of the favorites.
My IssuesAn Issue report that displays incomplete Issues assigned to the user who is logged in. The report displays the following fields: Source Name, Issue Type, primary assignee, Entry Date, Status, and Priority of the issues.
My PortfoliosA Portfolio report that displays active Portfolios where the logged in user is the Portfolio Manager.
My ProgramsA Program report that displays Programs and their Description, where the logged in user is the Program Manager.
My Project Open IssuesAn Issue report that displays incomplete issues in projects whose Project Team includes the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: Source Name, Issue Type, primary assignee, Entry Date, Status, and Priority of the issues.
My ProjectsA Project report that displays Current projects whose Project Team includes the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Description, Planned Completion Date, Projected Completion Date, Percent Complete, Status, and Priority of the projects.
My Submitted IssuesAn Issue report that displays issues submitted by the logged in user, which have been closed in the past three months or are currently open. The report displays the following fields: Source Name, Issue Type, Entry Date, Status, and Priority of the issues.
My TasksA Task report that displays incomplete tasks in Current Projects that are assigned to the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Planned Duration, Project Name, primary assignee, Planned Start, Planned Completion, Percent Complete, and Priority of the tasks.
My TimesheetsA Timesheet report that displays all timesheets of the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Date Range, Owner Name, Total Hours, Overtime, Approver Name, and Status of the timesheets.
My Unassigned IssuesAn Issue report that displays open issues assigned to any one of the job roles of the logged in user and which are not assigned to the user. The report displays the following fields: Source Name, Issue Type, Entry Date, Status, and Priority of the issues.
My Unassigned TasksA Task report that displays incomplete tasks assigned to any one of the job roles of the logged in user and are not assigned to the user. The report displays the following fields: the Planned Duration, Project Name, primary assignee, Planned Start Date, Planned Completion Date, Percent Complete, and Priority of the tasks.
My Upcoming TasksA Task report that displays incomplete tasks that should start in the next two weeks, are on Current projects, and are assigned to the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Project Name, Planned Completion Date, Projected Completion Date, Percent Complete, and Status of the tasks.
Open Timesheets(Prompted)A Timesheet report that displays Open Timesheets. The report displays the following fields: the Date Range, Owner, Total Hours, Overtime, Approver Name, Status of the timesheets. The report is prompted by: Timesheet Start Date, Timesheet End Date, Timesheet Approver Name, and User Name.
Over Budget Projects by PortfolioA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and Actual Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name.
Planned Portfolio Cost by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and Actual Cost of the projects. The report is prompted by Portfolio Name, grouped by Program Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned Portfolio Cost by ProjectA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and Actual Cost of the projects. The report is prompted by Portfolio Name, grouped by Project Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned Portfolio Revenue by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Revenue and Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is prompted by Portfolio Name, grouped by Program Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned Portfolio Revenue by ProjectA Project report that displays the Planned Revenue and Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is prompted by Portfolio Name, grouped by Project Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned vs. Actual Costs by PortfolioA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and Actual Cost of the projects by Portfolio. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned vs. Actual Costs by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Cost and Actual Cost of the projects by Program. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned vs. Actual Revenue by PortfolioA Project report that displays the Planned Revenue and the Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Planned vs. Actual Revenue by ProgramA Project report that displays the Planned Revenue and the Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by Program Name, and it includes a chart.
Portfolio Costs grouped by Program and by MonthA matrix Project report that displays the Planned Cost, Budgeted Cost, and Actual Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name, Program Name and the month of the Planned Start Date of the projects.
Portfolio Projects by Status grouped by ProgramA Project report that displays the Status of the projects. The report is grouped by Program Name and Project Status, and it includes a chart.
Portfolio Projects grouped by Status and PortfolioA Project report that displays the Portfolio Name and the Status of the projects. The report is grouped by the Portfolio Name and the Status of the projects, and it includes a chart.
Portfolio Revenue by ProgramA Project report that displays the Portfolio Name, Program Name, Planned Revenue and Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by the Portfolio Name and the Program Name, and it includes a chart.
Portfolio Revenue grouped by Program and by MonthA matrix Project report that displays Planned Revenue, Actual Revenue, Portfolio Name and Program Name. The report is grouped by the Portfolio Name, Program Name and the month of the Planned Start Date of the projects.
Project Costs and Revenue by Task StatusA matrix Task report that displays the Planned Cost, Actual Cost, Planned Revenue, Actual Revenue, and Project Name of the tasks. The report is grouped by Project Name and Status of the tasks.
Project Costs vs. Revenues by PortfolioA Project report that displays the Portfolio Name, Actual Cost and Actual Revenue of the projects. The report is grouped by Portfolio Name, and it includes a chart.
Project Expenses by Month and QuarterA matrix Expense report that displays the Entry Date, the Planned Amount, the Actual Amount and the Project of the expenses. The report is grouped by the Project Name, the quarter and the month of the Entry Date of the expenses.
Project Hourly Costs by Hour Type by MonthA matrix Hour report that displays the following fields: Hours, Entry Date, Actual Cost of the projects, Hour Type, Project Name. The report is grouped by Project Name, month of the Entry Date of the hours, and Hour Type.
Project Labor and Expense Costs by Month and QuarterA matrix Project report that displays the Planned Labor Cost, Actual Labor Cost, Planned Expense Cost and Actual Expense Cost of the projects. The report is grouped by the Project Name and the quarter and the month of the Actual Start Date of the projects.
Project PerformanceA Project report that displays the following fields of Current projects: the Due Date, CPI, SPI, CSI, Planned Cost, Budget, EAC and Expenses of the projects.
Project RequestsA Project report that displays Requested projects. The report displays the following fields: the Description, Planned Completion Date, Projected Completion Date, Percent Complete, Status, and Priority of the projects.
Projects By ConditionA Project report that displays the Condition of the projects. The report is grouped by Condition, and it includes a chart.
Projects By Condition By GroupA Project report that displays the Progress Status and Group of the projects. The report is grouped by Group Name and Progress Status, and it includes a chart.
Projects By PriorityA Project report that displays the Priority of projects. The report is grouped by Priority, and it includes a chart.
Projects By Progress StatusA Project report that displays the Progress Status of the projects. The report is grouped by the Progress Status, and it includes a chart.
Tasks By Progress StatusA Task report that displays the Progress Status of all Tasks in Current Projects. The report is grouped by Progress Status, and it includes a chart.
Tasks By StatusA Task report that displays the Status of all tasks. The report is grouped by Status, and it includes a chart.
Timesheets to ReviewA Timesheet report that displays Submitted and Rejected timesheets whose approver is the logged in user. The report displays the following fields: the Date Range, Owner, Total Hours, Overtime, Approver Name and Status of the timesheets.
Trouble TasksA Task report that displays incomplete tasks with a Progress Status of Late or Behind, a Handoff Date earlier than tomorrow and where the logged in user is part of the Project Team of the project the tasks are on. The report displays the following fields: Planned Duration, Project Name, primary assignee, Planned Start, Planned Completion, Percent Complete, and Priority of the tasks.
User LoginsA User report that displays the following fields: the unique ID, Login Count (the number of times the user logged in since starting with Workfront), Last Login Date of the users. The report is grouped by the Access Level of the users.

Access built-in reports

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. Click All Reports.

  4. Expand the Filter drop-down menu, and select New Filter.

  5. Click Add a Filter Rule.

  6. In the Start typing field name field, start typing Global ID.

  7. Under the Report object, select Global ID.

  8. In the filter modifier drop-down menu, select Is Not Blank.
    Global ID filter for system reports

  9. Click Save Filter.
    The reports list displays only built-in reports.
    For more information about what built-in reports are available, see the section Overview of built-in reports in this article.

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Next pageOverview of the Resource Utilization report
