Create a copy of a report

You can create a copy of any report that you have access to. You can either create an exact copy of a custom report or you can save a new version of a default report. After you copy a report, you become the owner of the copied report and it displays in the My Reports section.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Access level configurations*

Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, Calendars

Edit access to Filters, Views, Groupings

Note: If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

View permissions to a report

For information on requesting additional access, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Create an exact copy of a report

If you want to make a copy of a report that you are the owner of, do the following:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Reports, then All Reports.

  3. Open a report.

  4. Click Report Actions, then Copy.

    note tip
    If the report is a default report, the Copy option does not appear in the Report Actions menu.
    For information on how to create a copy of a default report, see Create a new version of a report.

    Copy report

    A copy of the original report is created with the default name of Copy of [Name of the original report]. For example, the report “Q4 Completed Tasks” would have “Copy of Q4 Completed Tasks” as the name.

  5. (Optional) To rename the report, start typing a new name.

    note tip
    If you deselect the title before typing the new name, select the report title, delete the name, then enter the new name.
  6. (Optional) To share the new version of the report with other users, click Report Actions, then Sharing.

    note note
    The sharing information does not transfer to the copied report from the original version.
    For information on how to see who the previous report was shared with, see Create a report on reporting activities.
  7. (Optional) If you have Manage permissions to the original report and the original report is no longer needed, you can delete it to remove unnecessary duplicated reports in Workfront.

    To delete the original report, do the following:

    1. Navigate to the report.

    2. Click Report Actions, then Delete.

    3. Click Yes, Delete It to confirm that you want to delete the report.

Create a new version of a report create-a-new-version-of-a-report

If you want to create a copy of a default report, do the following:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Reports, then All Reports.

  3. Click the name of a default report to open it.

  4. Click Report Actions, then Edit.

    Edit report

  5. Make any modifications you need to in the following tabs of the report:

  6. In the upper-right corner, click Report Settings.

  7. In the Report Title field, give the report a new name.

  8. Click Done.

  9. Click Save as New Report.

  10. (Optional) To share the new version of the report with other users, click Report Actions, then Sharing.
