Adobe Workfront Proof 23.3 release activity: Week of May 8, 2023

This page describes all enhancements made with the 23.3 release for Adobe Workfront Proof to the Preview environment on May 8, 2023.

These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment with the 23.3 release, unless otherwise specified.

Desktop Proofing Viewer update

The Desktop Proofing Viewer has been updated to version 2.1.24! This update includes Chrome v100 support for reviewing interactive proofs, as well as the following issue fixes:

  • The proof version can now be changed again after initially changing the version.
  • Links in interactive proofs now work as expected.
  • Websites built with CSS @layer now correctly display in the desktop viewer.
  • Markups connected to comments now correctly display when being selected.
  • The drop-downs for Proof Role and Email Alert now work as expected.

For information on downloading the update, see Update the Desktop Proofing Viewer.
