View: submission path for issues

You can display the path through which an issue has been submitted in the view of an issue report. The path indicates the Queue, Topic Group, and Queue Topic where the issue was submitted originally.


Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*

Request to modify a view

Plan to modify a report

Access level configurations*

Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, Calendars to modify a report

Edit access to Filters, Views, Groupings to modify a view


If you still don’t have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

Manage permissions to a report

For information on requesting additional access, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

View the submission path for issues

  1. Go to a list of issues.

  2. From the  View  drop-down menu, select  New View.

  3. In the Column Preview  area, click Add Column.

  4. Click the header of the new column, then click Switch to Text Mode.

  5. Mouse over the text mode area, and click  Click to edit text.

  6. Remove the text you find in the Text Mode box, and replace it with the following code:

    displayname= Issue Path
  7. Click Save View.
