Updated Document version icon in Document Details

We’ve updated the look-and-feel of the Document version icon. The icon now displays a red dot noting when you’re on a past version as well as a hover that says “Past version.”

New experience when copying one or multiple template tasks

Preview release: February 16, 2023; Planned Production release: March 2, 2023

To make your use of Adobe Workfront consistent everywhere in the application, we have redesigned the interface when copying or moving a template task. This is currently available when copying a template task at the task level or copying a task or multiple tasks in a list.

Some of the improvements include:

  • All information that you must update before you copy or move the template task displays on one continuous page.
  • Workfront checks whether you have access to the destination template immediately after choosing the template. Prior to this enhancement, a warning message indicating that you don’t have the correct access showed after you confirmed the copy or the move, which resulted in extra steps and the action not being allowed.
  • Ability to request access for a template where you want to copy or move the template task without leaving the Copy or Move Template Task box.

For more information, see Copy and move template tasks.

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