Administrator enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Map Workfront field values to tags in Experience Manager Assets

Now, you can categorize and quickly find assets based on data from Workfront. You can map this data as part of your metadata configuration in the Workfront for Experience Manager Assets integration.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: March 30, 2023

Create custom forms with the new form designer beta

The new form designer has a new canvas-style workspace that allows you to view the fields, canvas, and field settings all at the same time.

With the new form designer, we've added the ability to

  • Copy a field: You can now copy existing fields by clicking on the Copy icon on the fields directly from the canvas.
  • Use a Default section: If the form creator has not added a section at the top of the form, a Default section is now visible in the canvas, so that users can adjust the permissions for fields that have no custom section assigned.
  • Change the size for Descriptive text: You can now assign small, medium, or large sizes to Descriptive text fields. You can also use them on the same row with other fields. Changing the size for the descriptive text has been delayed temporarily but is coming soon.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 9, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release
    The form designer beta was temporarily disabled in Preview and Production from May 24 to July 21, 2023.

Rename pins in layout template

You can now rename pins in a layout template to be more meaningful to your users, instead of using the default name for the pinned page. Pins that administrators create are displayed for all users assigned to the layout template, and users can't rename those pins.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 9, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Agile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Add tasks and issues from object details to a Workfront board or workstream

You can now add existing tasks or issues to a Workfront board or workstream card list directly from the object details. Any items you add to a board will become connected cards, and any items added to a workstream are added to the card list as unplanned cards.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 23, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Iteration functionality available in Adobe Workfront Boards

Several new features available in Workfront Boards make it possible to use agile Scrum functionality. These features include:

  • Workstreams for grouping boards related to the same team, and collaborating on work
  • A list of cards, or backlog of work, with the option to use sources to connect cards to Workfront tasks and issues
  • Iteration planning and iteration process boards

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 17, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Add tasks and issues from lists and reports to a workstream card list

You can now add existing tasks or issues to a workstream in Workfront Boards directly from a list or report view. Any items you add to the workstream are added to the card list as unplanned cards.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 17, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Add custom fields to cards on a board

You can now include custom fields on Adobe Workfront Boards. The field must already be created in Workfront. You can't design and create new custom fields within a board.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 17, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Add tasks and issues from lists and reports to a Workfront board

You can now add existing tasks or issues to a Workfront board directly from a list or report view. Any items you add to the board will become connected cards.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 2, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Log hours on connected cards on a board

You can now log hours on connected cards, the same way you would on a task or issue. You must have the correct permissions to the task or issue to log the time.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 23, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: March 2, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.2 release

Customize display of fields on a card

Customization is now available to configure which fields are displayed on a card, both in the the full view when the card is open, and in the condensed card view on the board. When you disable a field is is not displayed in either view. You can also enable a field in the full view and hide it from the condensed view.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 16, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: February 23, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.2 release

Define a default status for cards moved into a board column

You can now set a default status to apply to cards moved into a specific column, by selecting a custom status and a system status in the column policies. When you move a card into the column, Workfront first tries to apply the custom status (for example, Awaiting Feedback). If the custom status is not available for that card, Workfront will apply the system status instead (for example, On Hold). Also, if the status on the connected task or issue is changed to the custom or system status set in the column policy, the card is automatically moved to the column.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 16, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: February 23, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.2 release

Collections now available in Adobe Workfront Boards

You can now create collections on the boards dashboard. A collection is a group of boards for collaborating on work. Once you have named the collection, you can add boards to the collection using a set of templates that offer predefined settings such as column names.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 16, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: February 23, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.2 release

Estimation field on connected cards maps to Story Points field on Workfront objects

The Estimation field on connected cards in Workfront Boards now maps to the Story Points field for the associated Workfront object.

The new Story Points field is an editable, free form field that you can add to a view in a list or report for tasks or issues. It is not tied to planned hours or team assignments.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: January 26, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: This feature was delayed and is releasing February 9. This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.2 release

Preview card in intake column

You can now click on a connected card in the intake column to see a view-only version of its contents. You can't edit the card contents until the card is moved out of the intake column to another column on the board.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: January 26, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: February 2, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.2 release

Project management enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

New experience when editing projects in bulk

As part of updating the look and feel of the Workfront experience, we have redesigned the Edit Projects box, when editing several projects at the same time, In bulk. You can access the new Edit Projects box when selecting several projects at the same time in a list of projects.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 9, 2023

  • Production release: Starting March 23, this will release to production in a phased rollout that will complete after May 11, 2023

Enhanced filter experience generally available in Adobe Workfront

The enhanced filter experience will be generally available and become the standard filter builder in Preview on March 2, 2023. A phased rollout in Production will also begin on March 2, with availability for all customers in the 23.2 release.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 2, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Copy Budgeted Hours when copying a project

Now, you have the option to copy the hours budgeted in the Resource Budgeting area of the Business Case or the Resource Planner when you copy a project. Prior to this enhancement, the hours budgeted for the project were not transferred to the copied project.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 16, 2023

  • Production release: March 2, 2023 (Off-cycle)

Resource management enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Introducing the Work Time field to accurately calculate user capacity

To allow resource managers to accurately calculate the availability of their users and account for the time users devote to actual, project-related work, we are introducing the Work Time concept to Adobe Workfront.

You can define the value of the Work Time field for every user, when you create or edit their profile.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 16, 2023

  • Production release: March 2, 2023 (Off-cycle)

Reports and Dashboards enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Canvas Dashboards

Canvas Dashboards has been added as a work-in-progress feature for Dashboards that can be enabled in layout templates. Canvas Dashboards will allow Reporting Canvas visualizations to be combined with existing reports in addition to new layout options. Currently only list reports are supported, but more options will be added as development continues.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release:N/A

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Mobile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Biometric login and Boards collections in the mobile app

Biometric login is now an option for faster login to the mobile app! Once biometric verification has been set up after an initial login, users will be able to use fingerprint or facial recognition to quickly re-login to the app with only occasional password reverification. Additionally, there will be a number of look-and-feel improvements to the general login experience arriving in a later update.

Boards collections are also now supported in the mobile app, allowing mobile users to view any collections they have access to in the desktop version from their mobile Boards list.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: Available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store March 13, 2023

Other enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

New to the Workfront for Creative Cloud plugins

We've added the following changes to the Workfront for Creative Cloud plugins:

  • The plugin now notifies you when a task has a predecessor
  • Korean is now a supported language

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: March 23, 2023

New commenting experience for issues Beta

An update to the commenting experience in Adobe Workfront is currently in development. This update includes a new interface, new features, and improved performance in the Updates section of some objects.

This new experience will eventually unify commenting across Adobe Workfront and beyond, throughout the Adobe Experience Cloud.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 20, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.2 release

Net new customers to be onboarded to Adobe Unified Experience

The Adobe Unified Experience includes:

  • A single login for all Adobe applications through Adobe Experience Cloud
  • An "organization switcher" to move between Workfront organizations and environments
  • Navigation with options for Workfront pages, Adobe Experience Cloud preferences, and your Workfront profile

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: Mid-to-late March 2023

The proofing viewer opens in a new tab for users on the Unified Experience

The proofing viewer now opens in a new tab for users on the Unified Experience.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: Mid-to-late March 2023

Export artboards as single PDF or multiple PDF files in Adobe Workfront for XD

In the Adobe Workfront for XD plugin, you can now choose to export your artboards as a single PDF file or multiple PDF files.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: February 6, 2023

Look-and-feel updates during the 23.2 release timeframe

Minor updates to the look and feel of various areas of the Adobe Workfront application are being made within the 23.2 release timeframe. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment a minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: Throughout the 23.2 release timeframe

  • Production release: A minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview (unless otherwise specified)


Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 23.2 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

There are no Scenario Planner updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Proof enhancements

There are no Workfront Proof updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Goals enhancements

New features coming to Workfront Goals release with the 23.2 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Goals with the 23.2 release.

API version 16

API version 16 will be released with the 22.3 release. For API version 16, we’ve modified some resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 16.

For information on API versions, see API versioning and support schedule.

Workfront Maintenance Updates

For information about the maintenance updates made during the 23.2 release, see Workfront Maintenance Updates.

Training updates

Explore the latest updates made to learning programs, learning paths, videos, and guides for each Adobe Workfront product release. For more information, see the “What’s New” section of the Workfront Tutorials page.

Functionality soon to be removed from Workfront

The following functionality is soon to be removed from Workfront:

Dashboard external pages no longer support dashboard URLs

To improve dashboard stability and load times, external pages in dashboards will no longer be able to reference dashboard URLs. System administrators for accounts that contain any external pages referencing dashboards will receive an in-app notification to alert them of this change. For more information, see Embed an external page in a dashboard.

Changes to the Workfront Default API

To ensure that API calls can take advantage of the most up-to-date Workfront API functionality, we’re updating the Default API. When an API call does not specify a version of the API, the call is made to the Default API.

Now, the Default API will reflect the most recent version of the API. Moving forward, we will update the Default API each time a new API version is released, so that calls to the Default API will always use the most recent version of the API.

Previously, the Default API used Workfront API version 2.0, which has been deprecated.

If your organization is currently using the deprecated Default API, your Workfront administrator has received an Announcement Center message with further instructions regarding the Default API.

For more information, see Update integrations that use default API versioning.

Previous pageLook and feel updates during the 23.3 release time frame
Next page23.2 Administrator enhancements


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