Assignment (ASSGN)

An assignment object represents the connection between a work item and the user, team, or group that is assigned to work on it.

Direct fields
  • workPerDate

    This field has been added, and shows the number of minutes of work per day that you need to do. It has the format YYYY-MM-DD: (number of minutes), and takes timezone into account.

  • isContoured

    This field has been added, and is a boolean that reflects whether the assignment is contoured. If the assignment's minutes per day has been edited in the Workload Balancer, then the assignment has been contoured.

CustomEnum (CSTEM)

The CustomEnum object aids with converting status codes into human-readable text.

  • getDefaultProjectStatusEnumForGroup

CustomerPreferences (CUSTPR)

A CustomerPreferences object represents the set of preferences that a customer has set for their instance of Workfront.

Direct fields
  • name

    Added the following possible values:

    • customer:config.general.autoupgradedisabled
  • getIsAutoUpgradeDisabled

    This action returns a boolean that describes whether the customer has disabled the option to auto-upgrade Contributor license holders.

ExternalSection (EXTSEC)

An ExternalSection object is an external web page that is embedded in a Workfront report.

  • calculateIframeURL

    This was added, and calculates the URL of an iFrame embedded in a report.

  • calculateIframeURLS

    This was added, and calculates the URLs of iFrames embedded in a report.

Hour (HOUR)

An Hour object represents an hour logged by a user on a timesheet.

Direct fields
  • timesheetHourIdentifier

    Added. This parameter is used to identify the hours created with batchSave.

Note (NOTE)

A Note object is a comment or update made on a Workfront object.

Collection fields
  • attachedDocuments

    This field was added, and represents a list of documents attached to the comment.

OpTask / Issue (OPTASK)

An OpTask object is commonly known as an Issue. An issue is a work item that usually indicates that there is a problem preventing the completion of a task or project. An Issue can also be a Help Desk request. Change Orders, Requests, and Bugs are also Issues.

Direct fields
  • workPerDate

    This field has been added, and shows the number of minutes of work per day that you need to do. It has the format YYYY-MM-DD: (number of minutes), and takes timezone into account.

  • assignMultiple

    This action added the field teamIDs to support the functionality of assigning multiple teams to a task or issue.

Project (PROJ)

Projects are work items within Workfront, and are a main building block in the way Workfront helps people to do work. A Project object represents a group of tasks with a common, specific goal.

Direct fields
  • resourcePlannerBudgetedHours

    This field was added, and represents the sum of all Budgeted Hours on the project.

Rate (RATE)

A Rate object represents a billing rate in Workfront.

Direct fields
  • costPerHour




    These parameters have been moved to the Rate object from the Role object, so that Role and User objects can have multiple values (for separate date ranges).

  • objID


    These parameters represent the ID and the object code of the object that the Rate is attached to.

  • setRateForObject

    This action has been added, and attaches Rate objects to the given Object. This endpoint works for all Rate Attachable objects.

RichTextNote (RHNOTE)

A RichTextNote object is a comment or update made on a Workfront object, that includes rich text such as bold or italicized text.

The RichTextNote object removed the flag REPORTABLE.

Role / Job Role (ROLE)

A Role object (job role) represents a functional capacity or a skill set a user might fill, such as Designer or Product Manager.

Collection fields
  • rates

    This has been added, and represents the Rate objects attached to this role.

Task (TASK)

A Task object represents a work item that must be performed as a step toward achieving a final goal (completing a Project).

Direct fields
  • workPerDate

    This field has been added, and shows the number of minutes of work per day that you need to do. It has the format YYYY-MM-DD: (number of minutes), and takes timezone into account.

  • assignMultiple

    This action added the field teamIDs to support the functionality of assigning multiple teams to a task or issue.

Timesheet (TSHET)

A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.

Direct Fields
  • availableActions

    This parameter removed the flag READ_ONLY.

  • isEditable

    This parameter removed the flag READ_ONLY.

  • totalDays

    This parameter was added, and stores the timesheets duration in days regardless of changes to "Equivalent Hours for Full Workday." For example, if Equivalent Hours is set to 6, and one day is logged, then Equivalent Hours is changed to 8 hours, totalDays still has a value of 1.

UIFilter / Filter (UIFT)

  • addJoinForNullableFields

    This action was added, and takes a filter query map and adds the allowingnull join for nullable fields.

  • disableSystemWideVisibility


    These actions support the ability to share filters, views, and groupings system-wide.

    For more information, see Make filters, views, or groupings available to all users.

UIGroupBy / Grouping (UIGB)


UIView / View (UIVW)

Direct fields
  • layoutType

    Added the following possible value:

    • WLIST

User (USER)

A User object represents a person with an account in Workfront that can log in and interact with the system.

Collection fields
  • rates

    This has been added, and represents the Rate objects attached to this user.

UserNote (USRNOT)

A UserNote object is a notification.

  • myAllObjectTypesUnreadNotifications

    Added the following possible value:

    • includeAll

Work (WORK)

A Work object is a common interface that both Task and OpTask inherit, and shares common code between the two.

Direct fields
  • workPerDate

    This field has been added, and shows the number of minutes of work per day that you need to do. It has the format YYYY-MM-DD: (number of minutes), and takes timezone into account.

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