Enhanced filter experience generally available in Adobe Workfront

An upgrade to the filter experience was released to public beta on project, task, and issue lists in August 2022. Most lists now offer the enhanced filters. (To review all of these lists, see the 23.1 look-and-feel updates release note.) The enhanced filter experience will be generally available and become the standard filter builder in Preview on March 2, 2023. A phased rollout in Production will also begin on March 2, with availability for all customers in the 23.2 release.

You can still access the legacy filters on lists by enabling them in the filter panel. Legacy filters will be deprecated from lists in the future, but they will remain available in reports because the standard filter builder is not available in reports.

For details about the enhanced filters and a video demonstration, see the filters public beta release note.

For more information, see Create or edit filters in Adobe Workfront.

Copy Budgeted Hours when copying a project

Preview release: February 16, 2023; Planned Production release: March 2, 2023

Now, you have the option to copy the hours budgeted in the Resource Budgeting area of the Business Case or the Resource Planner when you copy a project. Prior to this enhancement, the hours budgeted for the project were not transferred to the copied project.

For information, see Copy a project.

View a video demonstration of this feature

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