Copy template tasks

You can copy a single template task or you can copy several template tasks in bulk.

  1. Go to the template that contains the template task or template tasks that you want to copy.

  2. Click Template Tasks in the left panel.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click the name of a template task to open it.
    • Select one or several template tasks in the list.
  4. (Conditional) Click the More menu at the top of the template task list or to the right of the template task name if you opened the task, then click Copy to or Copy, depending where you are accessing the Copy option from.
    The Copy Template Task box opens.

  5. (Optional) Rename the template task in the Template Task Name field.

    This field is dimmed and not editable when selecting to copy multiple template tasks in a list. You can hover over the Template Task Name field and a list of all selected template tasks displays.
  6. Start typing the name of the Destination Template where you want to copy the template task in the Select Destination Template field, then select it when it displays in the list.

    The current template name displays by default. If you want to copy the template task within the same template, leave this field unchanged.

    You can also start typing the Reference Number or enter the ID of the template. This might help you distinguish between templates with identical names.
  7. (Conditional) Click request access to request access to the destination template, if you don’t have access to the selected template.

  8. (Conditional) Continue to copy the template task to the selected destination template without requesting access if you have access to add template tasks to one of the template tasks on the destination template.

  9. Click Options in the left panel, then deselect the template task attributes that you do not want to copy with the template task. All options are selected by default.

    Deselecting Select all deselects all the options.

    Deselect from the following options to not transfer them to the copied template task. The following table describes what happens when the options are deselected:

    Select allDeselect this option to remove all information from the template task when copying it to its new location.

    The template task constraint is set to As Soon As Possible or As Late As Possible based on the template Schedule Mode setting.

    When selected, the current constraint of the template task transfers to the copied template task.


    When copying a template task with date-specific constraints to another template and the constraint dates of the template task are outside the dates of the new template, either the template task Constraint changes to As Soon as Possible or As Late as Possible or the Planned Start or Planned Completion dates of the templates are adjusted.

    The following are examples of date-specific constraints:

    • Must Start On
    • Must Finish On
    • Start No Earlier Than
    • Start No Later Than
    AssignmentsAll the assignments are removed from the template task.
    Approval ProcessAll approval processes are removed from the template task.
    All Predecessors

    This means that the dependencies will not carry over to the copied template tasks.

    When selected, the predecessors within the group of copied template tasks are preserved, others are deleted.

    Custom Data

    The values for the custom fields are cleared and the custom forms are transferred to the copied template task.

    When selected, both the forms and the values for the custom fields transfer to the copied template task.

    Financial InformationThe financial information of the copied template task is removed and the Workfront updates the template task Cost Type to No Cost and the template task Revenue Type as Not Billable.

    The documents attached to the template task are not transferred to the copied template task. This includes versions, proofs, and linked documents.


    This does not include document approvals. Document approvals can never be copied when a template task is copied.

    Reminder NotificationsThe template task reminders do not transfer to the copied template task.
    ExpensesThe expenses logged on the template task do not transfer to the copied template task.
  10. (Optional) Click Select Parent in the left panel, then select the template task in the destination template that you want to become the parent of the copied template task.

    When selecting to copy multiple template tasks in a list, all selected template tasks become the children of the selected parent and are added after the existing children tasks.

    Select a parent by doing one of the following:

    • In the template task list, select one of the parents in the template plan.
    • Click the search icon Search icon and search for a parent template task by name.

    The template task should appear in the list.

  11. Select the radio button for the parent, after you have found it.

    If you do not select a parent template task, the template tasks are copied as main template tasks rather than subtasks and they are placed at the end of the template task list on the destination template.

  12. Click Copy Template Task.

    The copied template tasks are now on the specified template and are either subtasks to the selected parent template task, or the last template tasks on the template.

Move template tasks

You can move a template task either to another template task in the same template or to another template. You can move one template task or multiple template tasks, in bulk.

  1. Go to the template that contains the template task or template tasks that you want to move.

  2. Click Template Tasks in the left panel.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click the name of a template task to open it.
    • Select one or several template tasks in the list.
  4. (Conditional) Click the More menu at the top of the template task list or to the right of the template task name if you opened the task, then click Move to or Move, depending where you are accessing the Move option from.
    The Move Template Task box opens.

  5. (Optional) Rename the template task in the Template Task Name field.

    This field is dimmed and not editable when selecting to move multiple template tasks in a list. You can hover over the template task Name field and a list of all selected template tasks displays.
  6. Start typing the name of the Destination Template where you want to move the template task in the Select Destination Template field, then select it when it displays in the list.

    You can also start typing the Reference Number or enter the ID of the template. This might help you distinguish between templates with identical names.
  7. (Conditional) Click request access to request access to the template, if you don’t have access to the destination template.

  8. (Conditional) Continue to move the template task to the selected destination template without requesting access if you have access to add template tasks to one of the template tasks on the destination template.

  9. Click Options in the left panel, then deselect the template task attributes that you do not want to copy with the template task. All options are selected by default.

    • The Options section is available only after you have selected a destination template.
    • Deselecting Select all deselects all the options.

    Deselect from the following options to not transfer the information to the moved template task. The following table describes what happens when the options are deselected:

    Select allDeselect this option to remove all information from the template task when moving it to its new location.

    The template task constraint is set to As Soon As Possible or As Late As Possible based on the template Schedule Mode setting.

    When selected, the current constraint of the template task transfers to the moved template task.


    When moving a template task with date-specific constraints to another template and the constraint dates of the template task are outside the dates of the new template, either the template task Constraint changes to As Soon as Possible or As Late as Possible or the Planned Start or Planned Completion dates of the templates are adjusted.

    The following are examples of date-specific constraints:

    • Start On
    • Must Finish On
    • Start No Earlier Than
    • Start No Later Than
    AssignmentsAll the assignments are removed from the template task.
    Approval ProcessAll approval processes are removed from the template task.
    All Predecessors

    This means that the dependencies will not carry over with the moved template tasks.

    When selected, the predecessors within the group of moved template tasks are preserved, others are deleted.

    Custom Data

    The values for the custom fields are cleared and the custom forms are transferred with the moved template task.

    When selected, both the forms and the values for the custom fields transfer with the moved template task.

    Financial InformationThe financial information of the moved template task is removed and the Workfront updates the template task Cost Type to No Cost and the template task Revenue Type as Not Billable.

    The documents attached to the template task are not transferred with the moved template task. This includes versions, proofs, and linked documents.


    • This does not include document approvals. Document approvals can never be moved when a template task is moved.

    • If you opt to not have the documents moved with the template task, the documents are deleted and placed in the Recycle Bin for 30 days. An administrator can restore them and they will be restored on the moved template task.

      If the template task is deleted after it’s moved, the restored documents will be placed in the Documents area of the user page of the administrator who restores them.

    Reminder NotificationsThe template task reminders do not transfer to the moved template task.
    ExpensesThe expenses logged on the template task do not transfer with the moved template task.
  10. (Optional) Click Select Parent in the left panel, then select the template task in the destination template that you want to become the parent of the moved template task.

    When selecting to move multiple template tasks in a list, all selected template tasks become the children of the selected parent and are added after the existing children tasks.

    Select a parent by doing one of the following:

    • In the template task list, select one of the parents in the template plan.
    • Click the search icon Search icon and search for a parent template task by name.

    The template task should appear in the list.

  11. Select the radio button for the parent, after you have found it.

    If you do not select a parent template task, the template tasks are moved as main template tasks rather than subtasks and they are placed at the end of the template task list on the destination template.

  12. Click Move Template Task.

    The moved template tasks are now on the specified template and are either subtasks to the selected parent template task, or the last template tasks on the template.

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