Export a list of groups

When you are viewing groups that you manage, you can export a list of those groups.

If there are any groups above the group you manage, their administrators can also do this for your group. The same is true for Workfront administrators (for any group).

Access requirements

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*


You must be a group administrator of the group or a Workfront administrator. For more information, see Group administrators and Grant a user full administrative access.

*If you need to find out what plan or license type you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, then click Setup .

  2. In the left panel, click Groups .

    In the list that displays, you can see the groups you manage, along with any subgroups they have. Adobe Workfront administrators can see all groups.

  3. If you want to export the entire group of groups that you manage, click the Export icon .


    To export some of the groups you manage, select those groups, then click the Export icon .

  4. Select the file format you want for the exported list.
