2017.3 release webinars

These webinars were focused on functionality included in the 2017.3 release.

The 2017.3 release is currently available to test in Preview; the 2017.3 release will be available in the Production environment in November, 2017.

To view more detailed information about the functionality covered in the webinars, see the 2017.3 release activity overview page.

The following webinar recordings are available:

2017.3 Release Webinar 2017-3-release-webinar

The Workfront 2017.3 Release Webinar was presented by the Workfront Product team on Oct 11.

For convenience, the webinar is divided into the following topics:

Workfront 2017.3 September Preview Releases workfront-2017-3-september-preview-releases

The Workfront 2017.3 September Preview Releases Webinar was presented by the Workfront Release Readiness team on September 26, 2017 at 9:00 AM MT. This webinar focuses on the new functionality that has been made available in Preview during the month of September.

Workfront 2017.3 Beta 1 and Beta 2 Webinar workfront-2017-3-beta-1-and-beta-2-webinar

The 2017.3 Beta 1 and Beta 2 Release Webinar was presented by the Workfront Release Readiness team on August 23, 2017. This webinar focuses on the new functionality that has been made available in Preview during the month of August.

August Mobile Release Webinar august-mobile-release-webinar
