22.4 Agile enhancements

This page describes all Agile enhancements made with the 22.4 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available the week of October 3, 2022.

For a list of all changes available with the 22.4 release, see 22.4 Release overview.

Intake column available on boards

NOTE: This feature is available only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

You can now add an intake column to a board. This column automatically pulls in tasks and issues to the board as they are added in Workfront, based on filters that you define.

The intake column can serve as a backlog column for a Kanban team, an intake location for a support team to see issues as they are added to a request queue, or any other purpose you need.

Only one intake column is permitted on a board.

For more information, see Add an intake column to a board

View a video demonstration of this feature

Updated filter panel in boards

NOTE: This feature is available only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

The filter and search icons on a board have been moved to the left of the screen. When you click the filter icon, a panel opens on the left to display all of the filter options. Previously, the filters were displayed in a drop-down on the right side of the board.

For more information, see Filter and search in a board.

View a video demonstration of this feature

Use groups on a board to create swimlanes

You can now group cards on a board by assignee or by tag. When you select an option to group by, the cards appear in a swimlane format. Unassigned cards or cards without tags appear in their own swimlane.

You can also define what happens when a card is moved from one group to another. The assignee or tag in the group the card is moved to can be added to the existing assignees/tags, or override the other assignees/tags on the card.

Any cards in the intake column are not included in a group.

For more information, see Use groups on a board.

View a video demonstration of this feature.

Enhancements to checklist items on boards

This feature is only available through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

Opening a checklist item on a card now allows you to add more detailed information about the item, including a description, due date, assignees, and estimation. You can also copy a checklist item, which was not available previously.

For more information, see Manage checklist items on cards.

Add a team to a board or a card

This feature is only available through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

You can now add a team as a member of the board. The individual team members are no longer added when you add a team to the board, though all of the team members have access to the board.

After you add the team to the board, you can assign the team to cards. On connected cards, only one team assignment is allowed. On ad hoc cards, you can assign more than one team.

For more information, see Add or remove members from a board.

View a video demonstration of this feature.

Work In Progress limit now available on board columns

This feature is available only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

You can now set a Work In Progress (WIP) limit for any column on a board. When you enable a WIP limit, a counter appears on the column with the current number of cards and the limit. The counter turns red if the column contains more cards than the limit. This is simply a visual warning and you are not stopped from adding more cards than the limit.

For more information, see Manage board columns.

View a video demonstration of this feature.

Estimation field added to cards

This feature is only available through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

A new Estimation field on both ad hoc and connected cards allows you to enter the estimated number of hours for the card to be completed. This is a manual entry, not a calculated value, and the value can’t be more than 99. The estimate is displayed on the card on the board as well as in the card details.

View a video demonstration of this feature.
