Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe WorkfrontAny
Adobe Workfront license

New: Contributor or higher


Current: Request or higher

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Create an intake column using simple filters

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Boards.

  2. Access a board. For information, see Create or edit a board.

  3. Click Configure on the right of the board to open the Configure panel.

  4. Expand Board.

  5. Turn on Dynamically intake items to board.

    Intake column simple filter options

    The intake column is added on the left of the board. It remains blank until you apply filters to it.

  6. (Optional) Search for and select Workfront Projects.

  7. (Optional) Search for and select user or team Assignments.

  8. Select Include completed work to display tasks and issues with a Complete status in the intake column.

    If this option is not selected, when cards in other statuses are marked complete, they will “fall off” the board and no longer be displayed.
  9. Click Apply.

    All objects appear in the board intake column as connected cards.

    Intake column

Create an intake column using advanced filters

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Boards.

  2. Access a board. For information, see Create or edit a board.

  3. Click Configure on the right of the board to open the Configure panel.

  4. Expand Board.

  5. Turn on Dynamically intake items to board.

    The intake column is added on the left of the board. It remains blank until you apply filters to it.

  6. Click Use advanced filters.

  7. Click Add filter sources and select Tasks or Issues.

    Intake column advanced filter options

    You can filter the intake column to include both tasks and issues, but you must set up the filters separately for each object type.
    Also, saved filters and system default filters are available for you to select.
  8. On the filter panel, click New filter to get started.

    Click New filter

  9. Build your filter and click Save as new.

    Filter builder

    This example shows a filter for tasks from a specific project that are in the status of New or In Progress.

    It is recommended to not use the “Me” (logged in user) wildcard on a board filter, because it is not guaranteed to always display tasks or issues for the logged in user. After the board is set up with the correct tasks and issues, you can filter the board to show items for a specific assignee. For more information, see Filter and search in a board.

    For more details about building a filter, see the section “Create or edit a filter in the standard builder” in the article Create or edit filters in Adobe Workfront.

  10. Name the filter and click Save.

    Type a name for the filter

    Giving the filter a unique name allows you to search for it later.

  11. The filter appears in your list of saved filters, and it is automatically applied to the intake column. Click the X at the top of the filter panel to close it.

    Saved filter

  12. (Optional) To share the filter with others, hover over the saved filter, click the More menu More menu icon , and select Share. Choose the users or teams to share with in the Filter sharing box. For more information, see Share a filter, view, or grouping.

  13. (Optional) To include both tasks and issues on the intake column, click Filter sources and select the other object to create another filter.

  14. When you are finished adding filters, review the intake column to verify that the correct tasks and issues appear.

    Intake column

    You can update the filters at any time by opening the Configure panel, clicking Filter sources, and selecting Tasks or Issues.

Use the intake column

Cards in the intake column are not editable until you move them into other board columns. You can click on the card to open it in a read-only view, or click Open task or issue to open the task or issue in a new browser tab.

You can manually re-order the items on the intake column.

The icons on the top right of the intake column show you how many cards are currently in the column, and how many filters are applied.

  1. (Optional) To search for an item in the intake column, click Search icon on the column.

  2. (Optional) To move a card from the intake column into another column, drag and drop the card into the position you want it to appear.


    Click the More menu More menu icon on the card, and select Move. Then, on the Move Item box, choose another column and select Move.

  3. (Optional) To delete the intake column, click the More menu More menu icon and select Delete.

Previous pageManage the work in progress (WIP) limit on a board
Next pageUse groups on a board


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