Agile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Scrum planning for Workfront Boards Coming soon!

The new Scrum planning features in Adobe Workfront Boards offer flexible options to manage your agile processes. Using these tools, you can:

  • Track work in iterations or sprints
  • Use velocity to guide team commitments
  • Track burndown and rate of completion

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: TBD

  • Production release for all customers: Fast follow after the 23.1 release

Due dates on cards map to planned completion date on Workfront object

Due dates on connected cards in Workfront Boards now map to the planned completion date on the associated Workfront object. If you update the due date on a card, the planned completion date is updated on the task or issue. Changing the planned completion date also changes the due date on the card.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: December 1, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: Unavailable

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Board checklist items and Workfront subtasks are now linked

When you add a connected card to a board for a Workfront task, any subtasks are imported as checklist items on the card. Also, when you create a checklist item on a connected card, a subtask is added to the Workfront task. Checklist items on issues are not connected to any Workfront objects.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: December 1, 2022
    This feature has been removed from Preview and will not be released with 23.1.

  • Production release for early opt-in: Unavailable

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Card counter on board columns

A new configuration setting is available to turn on a card counter for all of the columns on a board. If you are using the WIP limit on a column, a separate card counter is not added.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: November 17, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: December 1, 2022 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Search and sort on the boards dashboard

You can now sort the boards dashboard by board name or date, and search for a specific board in the list.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: November 10, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: November 17, 2022 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Status displays on card

If a card on a board is assigned a status, the status now displays on the card so that you do not have to open the card to see the status. This enhancement applies to both ad hoc and connected cards.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: November 10, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: November 17, 2022 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Linkable cards now available on boards

You can now send a link to a specific card to another boards user. The person must have access to view the board before they can open the link.

You can copy the full URL and send it to someone else. They will go directly to the open card when they access the link.

Previously, links were available to boards but not specific cards.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: November 10, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: November 17, 2022 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Filter by connection on boards

The list of filters on a board now includes the option to filter by connection, which shows you all of the connected cards for a specific project. You can also filter by cards that are not connected.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: October 27, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: November 3, 2022 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Archive cards from a board on a schedule

You can configure a board so that cards are archived, or "fall off" the board, on a schedule. Options are available to set cards in a particular column to archive in a certain number of days or weeks. For example, you could define the falloff so that cards in a Complete column are archived after they are in the column for two weeks.

If you want to display the cards again after they fall off the board, you can set the board filter to display archived cards.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: October 27, 2022

  • Production release for early opt-in: November 3, 2022 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.1 release

Mobile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Boards is now available in the mobile app Coming soon!

Adobe Workfront Boards are now available in the mobile app! You can access Boards directly from the home screen and see all of the boards you have access to in the desktop version of Workfront. In a specific board, you can view and edit all of its columns and cards. Card details include name, description, column, assignees, status, due date, estimation, tags, and checklist items. Both ad hoc and connected cards are visible on the board.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release:N/A

  • Production release: Available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in mid-to-late January 2023

Other enhancements

FeatureRelease dates

Introducing the addition of Illustrator to the Adobe Workfront for design and video plugin New in Production!

We're excited to announce the expansion of our Adobe Workfront for InDesign plugin to include Adobe Illustrator.

The updated plugin, Adobe Workfront for design and video, will now support Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and After Effects.

This plugin allows you to access work item details, collaborate with coworkers in the Updates area, and log time–all without leaving your favorite Creative Cloud application.

Administrators can also create a package with the plugins from the Admin Console and deploy to users either in a managed or self-managed manner.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: December 12, 2022

Enhanced filter experience generally available in Adobe Workfront

An upgrade to the filter experience was released to public beta on project, task, and issue lists in August 2022. Most lists now offer the enhanced filters.

As a "fast follow" to the 23.1 release, the enhanced filter experience will be generally available and become the standard filter builder in the February/March 2023 timeframe.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February/March 2023

  • Production release: February/March 2023

New list control functionality in Filters, Views, and Groupings pages in the Setup area.

We've added list control functionality to the Filters, Views, and Groupings pages in the Setup area. There, you can enable or disable filters, views, and groupings for the Layout Template.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: December 1, 2022

  • Production release: With the 23.1 release

Introducing Adobe Workfront for design and video

We're excited to announce the expansion of our Adobe Workfront for InDesign plugin to include Adobe Premiere Pro, and After Effects. The plugin will be renamed to Adobe Workfront for design and video.

The updated plugin, Adobe Workfront for design and video, will now support InDesign, Premiere Pro, and After Effects—with Illustrator soon to follow.

This plugin allows you to access work item details, collaborate with coworkers in the Updates area, and log time–all without leaving your favorite Creative Cloud application.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release:N/A

  • Production release: November 17, 2022

Look-and-feel updates during the 23.1 release timeframe

Minor updates to the look and feel of various areas of the Adobe Workfront application are being made within the 23.1 release timeframe. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment a minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: Throughout the 23.1 release timeframe

  • Production release: A minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview (unless otherwise specified)

How to access Workfront help, for customers on the Adobe Unified Experience

If your organization has been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console and the Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront, the Workfront navigation bar no longer includes a link for "Help."

You can access Workfront help on Adobe Experience League either from the Main Menu on the left of the Workfront navigation bar or by the question mark icon in the top navigation area.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: October 27, 2022

  • Production release: November 3, 2022 This feature only applies to customers who are onboarded to the Adobe Unified Experience for Workfront.

Rename pins and a new experience when deleting pins

The following updates are now available for pins:

  • Rename existing pins
  • An improved experience when deleting a pin

The options to rename a pin and remove a pin appear in a drop-down menu when you hover over the pin.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: October 13, 2022

  • Production release: October 27, 2022 (off-cycle)


Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 23.1 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

WorkfrontScenario Planner enhancements

There are no Scenario Planner updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Proof enhancements

There are no Workfront Proof updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Goals enhancements

New features coming to Workfront Goals release with the 23.1 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Goals with the 23.1 release.

API version 15

For API version 15, we’ve modified some resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 15.

For information on API versions, see API versioning and support schedule.

Workfront Maintenance Updates

For information about the maintenance updates made during the 22.3 release, see Workfront Maintenance Updates.

Training updates

Explore the latest updates made to learning programs, learning paths, videos, and guides for each Adobe Workfront product release. For more information, see the “What’s New” section of the Workfront Tutorials page.

Functionality soon to be removed from Workfront

The following functionality is soon to be removed from Workfront:

Deprecation and removal of the Campaigns (Beta) area from the Preview environment

We are removing the Campaigns (Beta) area from the Preview environment on January 9, 2023. Our Product team is going to review this functionality and include it in a future product release.

At this time, we are making the following changes:

  • Remove the Campaigns (Beta) area from the Main Menu and from the Layout templates in the Preview environment.
  • Remove the Campaigns (Beta) area from the Main Menu and from the Layout Templates in the Production environment for those customers who had it enabled by request.

Additionally, all articles describing this functionality will also be removed.

List Controls (from the Interface area in Setup)

List Controls in Setup > Interface will be removed with the 23.1 release.

Some list control functionality is moving to the Setup > Interface > Filters/Views/Grouping areas. For more information, see Create, edit, and share default filters, views, and groupings.

Workfront extension for Illustrator and InDesign

We are replacing the Workfront extension for Illustrator and InDesign with updated Creative Cloud plugins. Starting late 2022, this extension will no longer be available to install in the Adobe Exchange.

The functionality in this extension, along with several enhancements, is available in the updated Adobe Workfront for Creative Cloud Plugins:

Resource Scheduler

The Resource Scheduler was removed from the Preview environment on October 20. It will be removed from the Production environment with the 23.1 release in January 2023.

As part of the deprecation of the Resource Scheduling tools, we have removed the following areas:

  • The Scheduling section in Resourcing area of the Main Menu

  • The Schedule section of a team’s page

  • The Scheduling section of a project’s page

The Workload Balancer is replacing the Resource Scheduler.

The SHARE event type in the Event Subscriptions API.

This feature has been deprecated when creating new subscriptions and will be removed in January 2023.

This event type allowed customers to watch when permissions for objects were updated.

For more information about Event Subscriptions, as well as other event types that will continue to be supported, see Event Subscription API

Previous pageLook and feel updates during the 23.2 release time frame
Next page23.1 Project and Resource Management enhancements


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